By Thomas R. Horn
February 22, 2013
Petrus Romanus, PROJECT LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior. You only think you know what's coming...
[NOTE: Due to the resignation of Pope Benedict (as Tom Horn predicted on radio 3-weeks before it happened), events are accelerating around the world and we have been forced to jump forward in this series to the final half-dozen or so entries. We are working hard to get the investigative book "Exo-
Vaticana" out as fast as possible -- hopefully by mid-march -- right when conclave will be in session to elect Petrus Romanus -- the final Pope.]

From the very beginning of this arduous investigation, we knew we were facing a daunting task. To breach that labyrinthine monument to religion, the Roman Catholic Church, and to ascertain subterranean secrets concealed beneath its layers of classified documentation had been tried and failed by thousands before us. The Vatican is impenetrable, we were warned, the very inventor of the term “above top secret.” As the world’s oldest-running bureaucracy, it is an amalgamation of secrets, vaults, and esoteric traditions dating back to the Dark Ages. Steeped in complexity and guarded by a procession of popes, cardinals, and multileveled priests, it is obsessed with maintaining “the need to know.” When spokesmen for the Church do tantalize the outside world with commentary, it often turns out to be duplicity designed to keep researchers running in circles and in the wrong direction. And yet, of late, we had heard enough consistency from Jesuit astronomers to wonder now if, for some reason, Rome was intentionally moving the religious world toward accepting a definite revelation, a period in time coupled with a momentous disclosure that somehow required specific public comments and the development of theological arguments concerning extraterrestrial intelligence that ultimately will, they believe, impact the religion of Christianity.
On this, we will be providing: 1) first-person testimonies by high-ranking authorities that agree with the assessment above; 2) documents and newly drafted scholarly papers by Vatican academics that substantiate our conclusions; and 3) the threshold of what is called in the court system “a presumption of fact.” When reading Exo-Vaticana, readers will find the number of documents and the amount of commentary evidence on the part of Rome’s astronomers and the Vatican’s emerging theology as conveyed therein to be conclusive beyond reasonable doubt that the Vatican has intentionally positioned itself to be the religious authority on, and ecclesiastical benefactor of, Official Disclosure: the imminent and authorized public admission by world governments of advanced extraterrestrial intelligence.
Why the Vatican has taken this carefully designed and deliberate course over
the last few years is the greater mystery, but implies knowledge on their part of facts yet hidden to most of the world that may hold far-reaching and historic implications. It also illustrates how Rome has wittingly or unwittingly set itself up to become the agent of mass end-times deception regarding “salvation from above.” That’s because, historically, there exists a clear pattern wherein man’s psychological need of a savior is displayed during times of distress—a time like today—when people look skyward for divine intervention. As Ted Peters, professor of systematic theology at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, wrote, “With the constant threat of thermonuclear destruction in the post-World War II era leaving our planet in a state of insecurity and anxiety, it is no wonder many have begun to hope for a messiah to save us. The holiness of the sky and the need for a salvation converge and blend when the bright clean powerful UFO zooms up onto the horizon. Could it be our celestial savior?”[i] Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno must think so, as he assured us that if highly advanced ET saviors from outer space touch down on planet Earth soon, it will not mean what Catholics believe is wrong, but rather, “We’re going to find out that everything is truer in ways we couldn’t even yet have imagined.”[ii]

In truth, Consolmagno’s advice for the religious faithful could be leading mankind into a gigantic setup, as many religions have at least one apocalyptic myth describing the end of the world accompanied by a redeemer who appears in the sky at the last minute to rescue the chosen from annihilation or wrath. Mayans, Assyrians, Egyptians, and Greeks held similar beliefs, while the Hopi Indians foresee times of great hardship when they will be preserved by the “power” of a blue star, far off and invisible, that suddenly makes its appearance in the heavens. Today, even factions of the New Age look for a techno-savior to arrive in the atmosphere in the nick of time to save mankind. Although Jesus, Himself, is prophesied to appear in the clouds during an era of great earthly trials (1 Thessalonians 4:16–18), predominant among prophecy scholars is the idea that coupled with any heavenly appearing and concurrent salvation of believers from chaos will first be the materialization of a false Christ or “man of sin.” Where Hopi see a blue star and Vatican astronomers see their “space brothers” en route to guide us into the light, evangelical Christians understand the Antichrist will initially assume the role of a fabricated end-times messiah who mimics the return of Christ with a false second coming that also happens to be attended by heavenly “signs and lying wonders” (2 Thessalonians 2:8–9). Could these deceptive “wonders” be: 1) the discovery of artificial structures on another world; 2) a “contact” scenario, or; 3) maybe even something more dramatic, like a flying saucer armada piloted by creatures who appear to be advanced humanoids but who are in fact evil supernaturalism on a quest to mislead and destroy the human race? Even secular ufologists suspect demonic activity in the interaction between humans and “aliens.” Whitley Streiber, author of Communion and other books on the subject, once wrote: “There are worse things than death, I suspected. And I was beginning to get the distinct impression that one of them had taken an interest in me. So far the word demon had never been spoken among the scientists and doctors who were working with me. And why should it have been? We were beyond such things. We were a group of atheists and agnostics, far too sophisticated to be concerned with such archaic ideas as demons and angels” (emphasis added).[iii]
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