August 2, 2016
Following the receipt of a retraction demand, NBC News has quietly edited the Internet edition of a segment that aired on the highly-rated “Today Show” in which anchor Andrea Mitchell claimed Juanita Broaddrick’s rape accusation against Bill Clinton had been “discredited.”
Following the receipt of a retraction demand, NBC News has quietly edited the Internet edition of a segment that aired on the highly-rated “Today Show” in which anchor Andrea Mitchell claimed Juanita Broaddrick’s rape accusation against Bill Clinton had been “discredited.”
After receiving the legal letter, penned by Broaddrick’s attorney and son, Kevin L. Hickey, NBC removed the word “discredited” from the network’s Internet version of Mitchell’s video report, Broaddrick and Hickey told this reporter. However, NBC did not make any indication of the edit in the video or on the webpage that hosts it.
Nor did NBC fulfill Broaddrick’s request, which she says was communicated in the letter, for an apology from Mitchell on the “Today Show” as well as an acknowledgement on the show and on NBC’s website that there is no information that Broaddrick’s story has been discredited. Instead, a staffer from NBC informed Hickey that the “discredited” statement had been removed, Broaddrick and Hickey said.
“It is incredibly disappointing that NBC and Andrea Mitchell will not publicly apologize for this egregious error, especially considering that NBC has retroactively edited the online version of the story and taken out the word ‘discredited,’” Hickey told Breitbart News.
“Why not now go the extra step, the morally right step, and publicly acknowledge the mistake and publicly apologize?” he said.
“My mom’s credibility was just fine for Lisa Myers and NBC when the story was initially aired. Nothing has changed. Yet NBC apparently thinks it is okay to disparage a victim like this and then do nothing to rectify the situation.”
A spokesperson for NBC News did not return a Breitbart News request for comment.
During the “Today Show” segment in question, which aired live on May 19, Mitchell was
reporting on an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity in which Donald Trump utilized the word “rape” while discussing accusations against Bill Clinton regarding women.