My Dearest Mr. Glenn Beck----
I awakened in the wee hours of the morn unable to sleep,
much as you, out of concern and love for the preservation
of my country and the destruction of our freedoms, the
shredding of our Constitution and the growth of Big
Government Socialism and State Totalitarianism.
One of your recent guests on your TV ‘show’ was the head
of the Communist Party. How brave of you and what a great
service you are performing exposing this evil in our midst
and the grave threat he poses to our freedoms! What a
Great Warrior you are in your newly founded quest---
your “We’ve got them Surrounded” Crusade.
First let me make it quite clear that I am neither a “Bubba”
(a demeaning term you labled Patriots) nor am I a Lemming
who follows a phoney Pied Piper out to sea.
I liked your artful chart work of ‘stick’ the people—excuse me,
stick people—Your inept attempt was somewhat a reminder to
me of dear Ross Perot and his use of charts to explain things
to us un-elites. You remember Ross who attained his great wealth
from Big Government contracts, who threw an election. Others have
followed his pattern; Buchanan now has his cushy job as a media
good ole boy as does sister Bay and no doubt there are more who
will, and have dashed our ‘hope’ at the last minute who spend their
careers feeding at the government trough.
I kinda’ like to doodle myself and found your chart terribly lacking
in encompassing the overall Big Picture. You drew stick people,
Republicans and Democrats on opposite sides of the picture page
with two lines separating them with an area in the middle, as us---
You attributed so much % under the D’s and the R’s and in the middle
was US with a bigger percent---a majority---“there’s more of us
than them”---“we have them surrounded”---------you say-----(don’t
forget to buy $$$$ my T-shirts you lemmings-that’s what capitalism
is all about) kinda brings a tear to the eye----you’re so great at this—
good acting!!!!!
This is my chart drawing I would like to offer to you, Glenn ---my
chart has stick people too----But my stick people –the Dems and
Pubs are both at at the same Left side of the chart and you know
what-----my drawing has lines (strings) swooping downward
to the stick figures from the triangle at the top-----the stick figure
puppet ‘Demopubs’ are controlled at the top by the Council On
Foreign Relations and other Traitorous groups who are not only
in government but the mainstream media as well. Oh, did I just
let the Fox out of the henhouse—Sorry!!! Now isn’t their agenda
for World Government the same as that guest you had on who
heads the Communist Party---should not this artwork or ‘pieces of work’
be included in your chart? Oh, I forgot—maybe your chart is incomplete
or those who helped you draw and create it are one and the same
sly foxes who write out your paychecks $$$$$$$-
Did you know that your boss Ruppert Murdoch, one of the elites in
the top of the triangle or pyramid of my chart, who allows you to
“talk so freely” (ugh) gave the Democrats and Hillary lots of ‘fair
and balanced’ big bucks-$$$$$$--Does that not make your chart
a little tiny weeeeee bit unbalanced to the left?????
Looks like they’ve got your seat, your ‘asp’ and your assigned role
surrounded, along with somebody’s golden mike as well as owning
pretty boy Hannity’s long black curly eye lashes----
Those FEMA camps you’re “investigating”???
They aren’t just being built for Joe American but you brownshirt
media boys as well- Remember history? And don’t forget your
families—you are into family values aren’t you????
You might want to do a search on the web on FEMA camps-
you don’t need a network research team-----let your fingers do
the surfing------or go to Alex Jones website—now there’s a real
‘Bubba’ we patriots can count on-
Well, Glenn—I guess it’s back to the drawing board and your
real agenda------The co-opting and undermining of legitimate
Constitutional Liberty Preservation. Now that’s a real piece
of work as well as you and your comrades–
Phoney global warming ????—wait ‘til you and your ‘agenda
chart designers of the world unite’ and get a taste of some real
heat from the fires of Hell---off the charts----------
Carolyn Lanham