Thursday, June 30, 2011
ALIPAC is calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama
For National Release
June 28, 2011
Contact: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
(866) 703-0864 /
The Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama for his involvement in the Operation Gunrunner scandal, as well as his recent edict instructing federal employees to establish a form of amnesty for illegal aliens in defiance of the Congress, existing federal laws, and the US Constitution.
Obama's ICE Director John Morton issued a memo on June 17th to all ICE Field Office Directors, Special Agents-in-Charge, and all Chief Counsel, authorizing them to decline to remove illegal aliens who meet the qualifications for amnesty under the DREAM Act Amnesty which Congress has rejected many times.
Congressional investigations have determined that Obama's ATF and Justice Department have been supplying assault weapons to the drug cartels that import most of America's cocaine, methamphetamine, and illegal immigrants.
"President Obama is no longer the legitimate President of the United States," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "By arming drug and human smugglers with assault weapons that have been used to kill American and Mexican citizens and police forces, and by ordering Amnesty for illegal aliens which has been rejected by both the Congress and the American public more than eight times, Obama has committed a form of Treason against the United States and must be removed from office by Congress."
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is a national organization founded on 9/11 of 2004. ALIPAC has over 40,000 supporters, comprised of Americans of every race, party, religion, and walk of life, who represent the over 80% who want America's existing immigration laws enforced.
ALIPAC is sending letters to the 137 current members of Congress whom the group endorsed and supported in the 2010 elections requesting the impeachment process to begin immediately in the interest of public safety and civil stability.
"Obama just made it clear to the American public that he does not care what they think, what the current federal laws are, what the US Constitution says, or what Congress has ratified," said William Gheen. "Congress must take immediate action to stop Obama or the American Republic will fall. What use are elections, candidates, or the Congress, if the Executive Branch rules by decree?"
All ALIPAC supporters and like-minded Americans who oppose Amnesty and illegal immigration are called upon to immediately call and write their members of Congress demanding the impeachment of President Barack Obama for crimes against the people of the United States.
If Congress does not respond by July 15, ALIPAC will move to call for public protests across the nation calling for the ouster of this authoritarian regime which feels it can arm rebel groups invading America with their illegal cargo while forcing an Amnesty on the public.
The self-governance of American citizens and the health of the American Republic must be guarded against this form of Treason.
The Congress will be given an opportunity to act before members of the public take things into their own hands and call for a day of nationwide protests.
For more information, to schedule interviews or to show your support for the impeachment of President Obama, please visit ALIPAC at
"It is not enough to know that there is a shadow government pulling the strings of the visible government- we must also act to expose it, and defeat it!"-Mark Matheny
Strauss-Kahn Free From House Arrest After Questions Raised Over Sex Assault Accuser's Credibility
Fox News
July 1 , 2011
Editor's Note: Was I right or what? At least in the fact that he has been freed from house arrest...
Former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn walked out of court free on bail Friday after prosecutors said an extensive background investigation of the hotel housekeeper accusing him of sexual assault gave them pause.
Strauss-Kahn had been free on $6 million in cash and bond but under house arrest for weeks in a ritzy Manhattan loft. The charges, which include attempted rape, have not been reduced, but the move signals that prosecutors do not believe the accusations are as ironclad as they once seemed.
Case Against Strauss-Kahn Full of "Major Holes" Declare Law Officials
Dominique Strauss-Kahn |
Mark Matheny
July 1, 2011
I reported the arrest of IMF head Dominique Strauss-kahn back on May 15, 2011, where a hotel housekeeper alleged that she had been attacked and sexually assaulted in his hotel room. I reported that I believed this was a possible set up of some sort to keep Strauss-Kahn from running for President of France in 2012.
In the same report I also stated that:
"I don't believe Dominique Strauss-Kahn will go to jail, I believe what will happen is, behind the scenes the insiders will probably make a deal with him, and say 'hey we'll help to throw this stuff under the rug, so that you .. are not prosecuted for this, but in exchange for that, we want you to either lose the presidential candidacy race, or just drop out and don't even run altogether' so that Sarkosy can remain president"..There have been other reports such as the Infowars article by Paul Craig Roberts, that showed how Dominique was more of a rebel compared to previous "traditional IMF leaders" :
Strauss-Kahn was the first IMF director in my lifetime, if memory serves, who disavowed the traditional IMF policy of imposing on the poor and ordinary people the cost of bailing out Wall Street and the Western banks. Strauss-Kahn said that regulation had to be reimposed on the greed-driven, fraud-prone financial sector, which, unregulated, destroyed the lives of ordinary people. Strauss-Kahn listened to Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz, one of a handful of economists who has a social conscience.Now that he has had some time in the "klink" to think about these flaws in his character (and an offer by the insiders I'm sure,) it may be that he is ready to follow orders again.
And so it appears that my prediction may be taking shape at this time. According to a CBS news report, Law enforcement officials are now claiming that the case may fall apart due to "major holes in the credibility of the housekeeper" who filed the charges against Strauss-Kahn.
According to the same CBS News report, the woman accuser may have ties to drug dealing and money laundering uncovered by investigators.
CBS News legal analyst Jack Ford had this to say on "The Early Show" concerning the turn of events in the case:
"There are a couple of things that the prosecution can be questioning here,....They could be questioning whether the facts that she's given them are in fact true. Or they could be questioning just whether her background is so questionable that it would be difficult for them to put her on the stand and expect the jurors to believe them ...Defense attorneys have the ability to question an alleged victim about a lot of things, not just what happened then, and one of the things defense attorneys always try to do, to stress if somebody is unreliable. You could anticipate if this ever went to trial defense attorneys would be focusing on all these other things to get jurors to believe she's not telling the truth....So we don't know exactly what's going on here,....but it is a big deal for them to be questioning the integrity of their own witness."
If I am correct, we will be seeing Strauss-Kahn free as a bird possibly in the near future, and back in a high position with the other globalists - only this time I believe he will be more willing to play by their rules.
President Obama Executive Order 13575 Creates Rural Councils
You Tube
June 30, 2011
On June 9, 2011, President Obama issued a sweeping executive order for a White House Rural Council that purports to exert broad municipal powers over the food, fiber, and energy production of rural America. Where’s the Line, America to how much power the president can amass by executive order? Notice the talking head that keeps bashing “conspiracy theorists” who don’t want federal control over local lands.
June 30, 2011
On June 9, 2011, President Obama issued a sweeping executive order for a White House Rural Council that purports to exert broad municipal powers over the food, fiber, and energy production of rural America. Where’s the Line, America to how much power the president can amass by executive order? Notice the talking head that keeps bashing “conspiracy theorists” who don’t want federal control over local lands.
Global Hypocrisy: France Arming Libyan Rebels
France admits to violating UNSC r.1973 by arming Al-Qaeda rebels in Libya
Tony Cartalucci
June 30, 2011
Brazenly violating a UN resolution it itself had help push through the Security Council, France has now admitted to arming Libya’s rebels with machine guns, anti-tank weapons, and RPGs. UNSC r.1973 supposedly allowed only for NATO forces to “protect” Libya’s civilian populations and specifically prohibited the supplying of weapons to either side.
Since the resolution’s passing on March 17, 2011, NATO has incrementally exceeded the parameters set by the already illegitimate resolution by first systematically destroying Libya’s military, then carrying out targeted assassinations, to then bombing civilian infrastructure, and now talking about a full-scale military invasion. Compounding the moral bankruptcy of the “international community,” is the fact that the brazen violation is not only being brushed aside, but is being used to question whether NATO should do more to “hasten the downfall” of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi.

Photo: French puppet-President Nicolas Sarkozy shakes hands with the globalist-inspired rebel leader Mahmoud Gibril Elwarfally. According to US-educated Mahmoud Gibril Elwarfally, interim prime minister of the contrived “Libyan Transitional National Council” in a May 12, 2011 talk before the Brookings Institution, “what’s taking place [in Libya] is a natural product of the globalizational process.”
For more on Libya, please visit the Libyan archives.
Tony Cartalucci
June 30, 2011
Brazenly violating a UN resolution it itself had help push through the Security Council, France has now admitted to arming Libya’s rebels with machine guns, anti-tank weapons, and RPGs. UNSC r.1973 supposedly allowed only for NATO forces to “protect” Libya’s civilian populations and specifically prohibited the supplying of weapons to either side.
Since the resolution’s passing on March 17, 2011, NATO has incrementally exceeded the parameters set by the already illegitimate resolution by first systematically destroying Libya’s military, then carrying out targeted assassinations, to then bombing civilian infrastructure, and now talking about a full-scale military invasion. Compounding the moral bankruptcy of the “international community,” is the fact that the brazen violation is not only being brushed aside, but is being used to question whether NATO should do more to “hasten the downfall” of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi.

Photo: French puppet-President Nicolas Sarkozy shakes hands with the globalist-inspired rebel leader Mahmoud Gibril Elwarfally. According to US-educated Mahmoud Gibril Elwarfally, interim prime minister of the contrived “Libyan Transitional National Council” in a May 12, 2011 talk before the Brookings Institution, “what’s taking place [in Libya] is a natural product of the globalizational process.”
UNSC r.1973 was passed after tenuous accusations were made against Qaddafi claiming he was intentionally targeting civilian populations during the opening salvos of the rebels’ insurrection. Since then, many of these accusations have been verified as lies, and many of the very accusations made against Qaddafi have been documented first-hand amongst the rebels themselves. Casting the NATO operation in a further dubious light is that the rebels themselves are in fact affiliates of Al-Qaeda, many of their veteran fighters having just returned from Iraq and Afghanistan after battling US troops. With that in mind, the original UN resolution was unwarranted and illegitimate to begin with, not to mention recent attempts to expand upon it.For more on Libya, please visit the Libyan archives.
French woman sues Opus Dei, claims brainwashing
June 29, 2011
A French woman claiming to have been brainwashed by the secretive Catholic society Opus Dei is suing it for allegedly keeping her illegally as a domestic servant, she told AFP Tuesday.
Catherine T., who asked not to be identified by her family name, said she joined a hoteliers' school in northeastern France in 1985, aged 14, which she later discovered was run by associates of Opus Dei.
She said she was forced to take vows and made to work as a domestic servant for virtually no pay.
Opus Dei responded in a statement that it was "not involved in the charges being brought" and had "nothing to be guilty about."
It will be the first ever trial targeting the organisation, branded a sect by some, which came to wide attention after featuring in the blockbuster novel and film "The Da Vinci Code".
"They assigned me a 'tutor' who was actually a kind of conscience instructor," Catherine told AFP. "I entered into the system.... You were forbidden to talk about it to your parents."
Read the entire article
June 29, 2011
A French woman claiming to have been brainwashed by the secretive Catholic society Opus Dei is suing it for allegedly keeping her illegally as a domestic servant, she told AFP Tuesday.
Catherine T., who asked not to be identified by her family name, said she joined a hoteliers' school in northeastern France in 1985, aged 14, which she later discovered was run by associates of Opus Dei.
She said she was forced to take vows and made to work as a domestic servant for virtually no pay.
It will be the first ever trial targeting the organisation, branded a sect by some, which came to wide attention after featuring in the blockbuster novel and film "The Da Vinci Code".
"They assigned me a 'tutor' who was actually a kind of conscience instructor," Catherine told AFP. "I entered into the system.... You were forbidden to talk about it to your parents."
Read the entire article
Iran secretly tested 'nuclear-capable missiles'
Drudge Report
June 29, 2011
LONDON — Iran has carried out secret tests of ballistic missiles capable of delivering a nuclear payload in breach of UN resolutions, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Wednesday.
Hague's comments came a day after Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards said they had fired 14 missiles in an exercise, one of them a medium-range weapon capable of striking Israel or US targets in the Gulf.
In a statement to lawmakers, Hague said: "Iran has also been carrying out covert ballistic missile tests and rocket launches, including testing missiles capable of delivering a nuclear payload in contravention of UN resolution 1929."
He said Iran had also announced plans to triple its capacity to produce 20 percent enriched uranium, adding: "These are enrichment levels far greater than is needed for peaceful nuclear energy.
"We will maintain and continue to increase pressure on Iran to negotiate an agreement on their nuclear programme," including sanctions, he said.
There was no immediate reaction from Tehran, which denies Western claims that it is pursuing nuclear weapons under the guise of its civil atomic programme.
On Tuesday Iranian state media said the Revolutionary Guards fired nine Zelzal missiles, two Shahab-1s, two Shahab-2s and a single medium-range Ghadr on the second day of their Great Prophet-6 exercise.
On the first day of the exercise on Monday, the Guards unveiled an "underground missile silo" which they said was designed for launching their medium-range missiles, state television reported.
The Guards' aerospace commander Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh insisted Iran's missile programme posed no threat to European nations but was intended to provide defence against "US targets in the region and the Zionist regime."
Iran has said that its latest exercise is not aimed at any country but carries "a message of peace and friendship."
On Tuesday US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Iran was "bragging" about its assets, but did not specify whether Washington thought the tested missiles were nuclear-capable.
Iran's missile programme, which is under the control of the powerful Guards along with its space projects, has been a mounting source of concern in the West.
Western governments fear Tehran is seeking to develop a ballistic capability to enable it to launch atomic warheads under cover of its civil nuclear programme.
Hague meanwhile reiterated accusations that Iran was backing the violent suppression of pro-democracy protests in neighbouring Syria.
Earlier this month the British envoy in Tehran was summoned to the foreign ministry over the claims.
"Iran continues to connive in the suppression of legitimate protest in Syria and to suppress protests at home," Hague said.
June 29, 2011
LONDON — Iran has carried out secret tests of ballistic missiles capable of delivering a nuclear payload in breach of UN resolutions, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Wednesday.
Hague's comments came a day after Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards said they had fired 14 missiles in an exercise, one of them a medium-range weapon capable of striking Israel or US targets in the Gulf.
In a statement to lawmakers, Hague said: "Iran has also been carrying out covert ballistic missile tests and rocket launches, including testing missiles capable of delivering a nuclear payload in contravention of UN resolution 1929."
He said Iran had also announced plans to triple its capacity to produce 20 percent enriched uranium, adding: "These are enrichment levels far greater than is needed for peaceful nuclear energy.
"We will maintain and continue to increase pressure on Iran to negotiate an agreement on their nuclear programme," including sanctions, he said.
There was no immediate reaction from Tehran, which denies Western claims that it is pursuing nuclear weapons under the guise of its civil atomic programme.
On Tuesday Iranian state media said the Revolutionary Guards fired nine Zelzal missiles, two Shahab-1s, two Shahab-2s and a single medium-range Ghadr on the second day of their Great Prophet-6 exercise.
On the first day of the exercise on Monday, the Guards unveiled an "underground missile silo" which they said was designed for launching their medium-range missiles, state television reported.
The Guards' aerospace commander Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh insisted Iran's missile programme posed no threat to European nations but was intended to provide defence against "US targets in the region and the Zionist regime."
Iran has said that its latest exercise is not aimed at any country but carries "a message of peace and friendship."
On Tuesday US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Iran was "bragging" about its assets, but did not specify whether Washington thought the tested missiles were nuclear-capable.
Iran's missile programme, which is under the control of the powerful Guards along with its space projects, has been a mounting source of concern in the West.
Western governments fear Tehran is seeking to develop a ballistic capability to enable it to launch atomic warheads under cover of its civil nuclear programme.
Hague meanwhile reiterated accusations that Iran was backing the violent suppression of pro-democracy protests in neighbouring Syria.
Earlier this month the British envoy in Tehran was summoned to the foreign ministry over the claims.
"Iran continues to connive in the suppression of legitimate protest in Syria and to suppress protests at home," Hague said.
Ron Paul: People Are Finally Waking Up To The Tyranny
The Alex Jones Channel
June 29, 2011
Alex talks with Texas congressman Ron Paul about the TSA and the unconstitutional war on Libya.
June 29, 2011
Alex talks with Texas congressman Ron Paul about the TSA and the unconstitutional war on Libya.
Who’s afraid of the middle class? As housing values reach new lows the stock market is up 100 percent from the 2009 trough. Too bad over 30 percent of Americans have $0 in savings.
June 29, 2011
The methodical shrinking of the American middle class is difficult to witness. What is even more troubling is this outcome was set in motion over a decade ago and little attention has been shed on what used to be a cornerstone of America’s success. Systematic robbery is now part of the financial fabric of our country. The fact that trillions of dollars in bailout money have flowed into the banking system yet little net effect has been reflected for the middle class is a testament to this deep capture. If you would only watch the mainstream press you would think everything is okay. Then again, we are talking about the megaphone of the financial system that failed to alert the country to the biggest credit bubble in our history. Why would they call any attention to a system they developed and exploited and ultimately exited with a taxpayer golden parachute? The really unsettling aspect of this financial crisis is that the trajectory is only accelerating in terms of stripping the middle class bare.
The control of wealth

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June 29, 2011
The methodical shrinking of the American middle class is difficult to witness. What is even more troubling is this outcome was set in motion over a decade ago and little attention has been shed on what used to be a cornerstone of America’s success. Systematic robbery is now part of the financial fabric of our country. The fact that trillions of dollars in bailout money have flowed into the banking system yet little net effect has been reflected for the middle class is a testament to this deep capture. If you would only watch the mainstream press you would think everything is okay. Then again, we are talking about the megaphone of the financial system that failed to alert the country to the biggest credit bubble in our history. Why would they call any attention to a system they developed and exploited and ultimately exited with a taxpayer golden parachute? The really unsettling aspect of this financial crisis is that the trajectory is only accelerating in terms of stripping the middle class bare.
The control of wealth

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Say No To GMOs
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Want to Learn more on what GMO's are doing to You and the Environment? Click on --MORE INFO--
Tell Congress to Support Labeling and Safety Testing of GE Foods! It takes less than 1 min,
GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health
GMOs are killing the Bees
Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure
Union Of Concerned Scientists have some excellent reports and resources:
Failure to Yield: their investigation into the biotechnology industry's claims that GM will produce higher yields
Gone to Seed: investigation into contamination of traditional seeds by Genetically Engineered crops:
Institute on Responsible Technology- have consumer guides to avoiding GMOs, lists of ingredients that have a high likelihood of genetic modification.
Non GMO Shopping Guide
Patent for a Pig-
Killing off our farmers:
We appreciate every ones support so very much! THANK YOU ALL! We can't express how thankful and appreciative we are of all of your help in spreading this.
Want to Learn more on what GMO's are doing to You and the Environment? Click on --MORE INFO--
Tell Congress to Support Labeling and Safety Testing of GE Foods! It takes less than 1 min,
GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health
GMOs are killing the Bees
Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure
Union Of Concerned Scientists have some excellent reports and resources:
Failure to Yield: their investigation into the biotechnology industry's claims that GM will produce higher yields
Gone to Seed: investigation into contamination of traditional seeds by Genetically Engineered crops:
Institute on Responsible Technology- have consumer guides to avoiding GMOs, lists of ingredients that have a high likelihood of genetic modification.
Non GMO Shopping Guide
Patent for a Pig-
Killing off our farmers:
We appreciate every ones support so very much! THANK YOU ALL! We can't express how thankful and appreciative we are of all of your help in spreading this.
U.S. Veteran Faces Legal Action for Flying American Flag
June 26, 2011
A retired U.S. Army chaplain is being threatened with legal action for flying the American flag in his front yard, the Daily Mail reports.
Fred Quigley, 77, of Macedonia, Ohio, a minister who served active duty during the Vietnam War, has been told by the homeowners’ association that his flag violates the property rules.
The association has offered to fly the flag at the entrance of the building development, but Quigley refused the offer.
“If they can dictate to me that I cannot fly an American flag in America, then, to me, the country is lost,” Mr. Quigley told the paper.
Quigley's lawyer Gerald Patronite said the association has no right to stop his client.
According to the Mail, Joseph Migliorini, the representative for the homeowners’ association and former mayor of Macedonia, which is between Cleveland and Akron, said he plans to take Quigley to court if the flagpole is not removed.
Migliorini said: “We just want the rules and regulations followed. “
Members of the local American Legion post joined Quigley last week in a flag-raising ceremony in protest at the association's policy.
Quigley said that he's been given until Monday to remove the flag, or legal action will be taken by the association.
"As a minister and a chaplain, I have fought for people," Quigley said. "Now I fight for myself."
Why is there a Media Blackout on Nuclear Incident at Fort Calhoun in Nebraska?
Global Research
June 23, 2011
Since flooding began on June 6th, there has been a disturbingly low level of media attention given to the crisis at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Facility near Omaha, Nebraska. But evidence strongly suggests that something very serious has in fact happened there.
June 23, 2011
Since flooding began on June 6th, there has been a disturbingly low level of media attention given to the crisis at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Facility near Omaha, Nebraska. But evidence strongly suggests that something very serious has in fact happened there.
On June 7th, there was a fire reported at Fort Calhoun. The official story is that the fire was in an electrical switchgear room at the plant. The apparently facility lost power to a pump that cools the spent fuel rod pool, allegedly for a duration of approximately 90 minutes.
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