September 20, 2014
This Week with Reports from Rev. Edward Pinkney in Benton Harbor, Michigan; US Senate Candidate Dan Buhrdorf in Nebraska; California 5 House Candidate James Hinton in Napa; And Massachusetts 7 House Candidate Jason Lowenthal in Cambridge
Listen to the Radio Report Here

John McCain meeting illegally in a rebel safe house with the heads of the “Free Syrian Army” in Idlib, Syria in April, 2013. In the left foreground, top al Qaeda terrorist leader Ibrahim al-Badri (aka Al-Baghdadi of ISIS, aka Caliph Ibrahim of the recently founded Islamic Empire) with whom the Senator is talking. Behind Badri is visible Brigadier General Salim Idris (with glasses), the former military chief of the FSA, who has since fled to the Gulf states after the collapse of any semblance of the FSA. (Courtesy

U.S. Senator John McCain meeting illegally in 2013 with chiefs of the Free Syrian Army (i.e. ISIS)