Friday, Jun 18th, 2010
The mainstream media is running a 24 hour news cycle focusing purely on the BP oil spill, a disaster, as we have shown, that is being intentionally hyped in order to sell cap and trade legislation and moves to nationalize big business.
In the wake of this, big important news stories are being overlooked. Here are just some of the stories, in no particular order, that you should be hearing on the nightly news, but of course, are not.
Read the entire article
"It is not enough to know that there is a shadow government pulling the strings of the visible government- we must also act to expose it, and defeat it!"-Mark Matheny
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to be Held In Cancun Mexico
Mark Matheny
A press release was issued from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change setretariat on June 11, 2010, after a two week meeting in Bonn Germany which claims to have tied up the loose ends that had not been settled during the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in 2009.
The results of this "regime" (their words- not mine) are to be presented at the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancún (COP 16) at the end of this year.
Isn't it convenient that progress is taking place for this UN body (UNFCCC), while the President of the United States is campaigning for a climate bill to be passed here in the Senate? And just look where the UN Climate Change Conference will be taking place later this year - Cancun MEXICO!
President Obama said in his address to the nation recently that he was not going to take no for an answer when it comes to passing this bill. Is that why his book had a title with the word "audacity" in it?
I also wonder - is this why we have allowed El Presidente' Calderon to stand in front of Congress and condemn our country for not taking illegals into ours? Is this why the President is threatening to sue Arizona over the bill that would only be in line with the constitution?
In the press release, Yvo de Boer stated
"A big step forward is now possible at Cancún, in the form of a full package of operational measures that will allow countries to take faster, stronger action across all areas of climate change."
Isn't it also convenient that the Gulf oil Spill (gusher,disaster, or whatever you call it) took place right around the time of these preliminary meetings? Was it perhaps to "shore up" (no pun intended) the deal so that the coming conference in Cancun, and the Kerry-Lieberman bill would then have the full backing of the UNFCCC and a "crisis" to boot?
I have an idea, maybe the president could take all the illegals to Cancun with him!
Just some things to think about.
Gear up for another lost decade in real estate. Housing will remain stagnate from 2010 to 2020. Demographic shifts, higher mortgage rates, and shifting consumer taste in real estate.
The dynamics for housing moving forward point to a very bleak future and a potential lost decade yet again from 2010 to 2020. Housing has a treacherous path moving forward and deep down demographic shifts will keep a lid on any significant housing appreciation moving forward. The economy is in the process of deleveraging from a market highly dependent on real estate. Wall Street and the government are doing everything they can to bring back the economy of yesterday but have had little success. This recession has shrunk the middle class so those looking to buy homes have declined simply because many can no longer afford to purchase a home even at today’s lower prices. Focusing on housing first was a big expensive policy mistake where we should have focused on creating sustainable jobs. The market is slowly shifting to a new housing paradigm. Family growth rates, employment trends, baby boomers, and wages will all keep a lid on housing prices moving forward.
Read the entire report
The dynamics for housing moving forward point to a very bleak future and a potential lost decade yet again from 2010 to 2020. Housing has a treacherous path moving forward and deep down demographic shifts will keep a lid on any significant housing appreciation moving forward. The economy is in the process of deleveraging from a market highly dependent on real estate. Wall Street and the government are doing everything they can to bring back the economy of yesterday but have had little success. This recession has shrunk the middle class so those looking to buy homes have declined simply because many can no longer afford to purchase a home even at today’s lower prices. Focusing on housing first was a big expensive policy mistake where we should have focused on creating sustainable jobs. The market is slowly shifting to a new housing paradigm. Family growth rates, employment trends, baby boomers, and wages will all keep a lid on housing prices moving forward.
Read the entire report
The Hidden Wealth of the Catholic Church
By Anna Catherin Loll and Peter Wensierski
The Catholic Church in Germany, already struggling to cope with the sex abuse scandal, has been hit by revelations of theft, opaque accounting and extravagance. While the grassroots faithful are being forced to make cutbacks, some bishops enjoy the trappings of the church's considerable hidden wealth.
Shortly before Pentecost, Pastor S. received an unexpected early morning visit, not from the Holy Ghost, but from the police.
For the authorities, the words of the Gospel of Luke came true on that morning: He who seeks finds. More than €131,000 ($158,000) were hidden in various places in the rooms of the Catholic priest, tucked in between his laundry or attached to the bottom of drawers. The reverend was arrested on the spot. After several weeks in custody, Hans S., 76, is now back at the monastery, waiting for his trial.
And lo and behold, the proliferation of cash may have been even more miraculous than initially assumed. The public prosecutor's office in the southern city of Würzburg now estimates that S. may have embezzled up to €1.5 million from collections and other church funds. The members of his flock in a wine-growing village in the northern Bavarian region of Franconia are stunned. They had blindly trusted their shepherd, who always seemed so humble and modest.
The Catholic Church is currently being shaken by a number of financial scandals, not only in Franconia but also in Augsburg, another Bavarian city, where Bishop Walter Mixa's dip into funds from a foundation that runs children's homes recently made headlines.
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Feds plan lawsuit against Ariz. immigration law
NYT: Government hopes to block measure, scheduled to take effect July 29
By Randal C. Archibold and Mark Landler
New York Times
updated 6:34 p.m. CT, Fri., June 18, 2010
WASHINGTON - The Obama administration has decided to file suit to block a new Arizona law aimed at deporting illegal immigrants, thrusting itself into the fierce national debate over how the United States enforces immigration policies.
The move is a rare instance of the federal government forcefully intervening in a state’s affairs, and it carries significant political risks. With immigration continuing to be a hot-button issue in political campaigns across the country, the Arizona law, which gives local police greater power to check the legal status of people they stop, has become a rallying point for the Tea Party and other conservative groups.
The decision to intervene, though widely anticipated, was confirmed by an unexpected source: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who answered a question about it from an Ecuadorian TV journalist in an interview on June 8 that went all but unnoticed until this week.
Read the entire story
By Randal C. Archibold and Mark Landler
New York Times
updated 6:34 p.m. CT, Fri., June 18, 2010
WASHINGTON - The Obama administration has decided to file suit to block a new Arizona law aimed at deporting illegal immigrants, thrusting itself into the fierce national debate over how the United States enforces immigration policies.
The move is a rare instance of the federal government forcefully intervening in a state’s affairs, and it carries significant political risks. With immigration continuing to be a hot-button issue in political campaigns across the country, the Arizona law, which gives local police greater power to check the legal status of people they stop, has become a rallying point for the Tea Party and other conservative groups.
The decision to intervene, though widely anticipated, was confirmed by an unexpected source: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who answered a question about it from an Ecuadorian TV journalist in an interview on June 8 that went all but unnoticed until this week.
Read the entire story
CFR's Trilateral Commission Connection - Reality Report's Patrick Wood
The August Review
lonelantern — June 08, 2010 — Check out this latest installment with Patrick Wood, founder of the August Review, as he discusses the connection between the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Let us know what you think at Feedback@Freedom.TV!
lonelantern — June 08, 2010 — Check out this latest installment with Patrick Wood, founder of the August Review, as he discusses the connection between the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Let us know what you think at Feedback@Freedom.TV!
Mark Matheny
Today at 11:00 am I will be hosting the first broadcast of "WE'RE HIT!!! RADIO". I will be discussing the most recent steps the Obama administration is seeking to implement in order to further bring America into a One World Government, or into an "international order" as Obama put it recently.
The show is at and I hope to have many who are interested in freedom tuning in this morning. There will also be a chat room located at my radio site for live instant messaging.
Listen Here (Show will begin at 11:00am in Ohio area)
You can also check out Video News at WE'RE HIT!!! TELEVISION
Mark Matheny
Today at 11:00 am I will be hosting the first broadcast of "WE'RE HIT!!! RADIO". I will be discussing the most recent steps the Obama administration is seeking to implement in order to further bring America into a One World Government, or into an "international order" as Obama put it recently.
The show is at and I hope to have many who are interested in freedom tuning in this morning. There will also be a chat room located at my radio site for live instant messaging.
Listen Here (Show will begin at 11:00am in Ohio area)
You can also check out Video News at WE'RE HIT!!! TELEVISION
Bank profits rise, but so do bad loans
Check the health of your institution with BankTracker
By Wendell Cochran
Investigative Reporting Workshop, American University
updated 6:55 p.m. CT, Mon., June 14, 2010
The nation's banks keep looking for signs that they've turned the proverbial corner toward prosperity, and there may have been a few faint indicators in the first quarter that the worst days are behind them.
But after more than two years of stress, it's probably still too early for many to relax, according to quarterly financial reports compiled by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and analyzed by the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University in Washington.
Even though profits increased sharply, troubled assets continued to grow. According to the Workshop's analysis, 411 banks have a "troubled asset ratio" of more than 100, up from 389 banks at the end of December. In other words, they had more problem loans and foreclosed properties on their books than capital and loan loss reserves.
While not an official FDIC statistic, the troubled asset ratio has proven to be a strong indicator of bank stress. Of the 81 banks that have failed so far this year, nearly all had trouble asset ratios above 100, according to their latest FDIC reports.
Read the entire article
By Wendell Cochran
Investigative Reporting Workshop, American University
updated 6:55 p.m. CT, Mon., June 14, 2010
The nation's banks keep looking for signs that they've turned the proverbial corner toward prosperity, and there may have been a few faint indicators in the first quarter that the worst days are behind them.
But after more than two years of stress, it's probably still too early for many to relax, according to quarterly financial reports compiled by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and analyzed by the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University in Washington.
Even though profits increased sharply, troubled assets continued to grow. According to the Workshop's analysis, 411 banks have a "troubled asset ratio" of more than 100, up from 389 banks at the end of December. In other words, they had more problem loans and foreclosed properties on their books than capital and loan loss reserves.
While not an official FDIC statistic, the troubled asset ratio has proven to be a strong indicator of bank stress. Of the 81 banks that have failed so far this year, nearly all had trouble asset ratios above 100, according to their latest FDIC reports.
Read the entire article
New jobless claims take surprise jump
Claims rise to highest level in a month, showing hiring remains spotty
By Alan Zibel
WASHINGTON - The number of people filing new claims for jobless benefits jumped last week after three straight declines, another sign that the pace of layoffs has not slowed.
Initial claims for jobless benefits rose by 12,000 to a seasonally adjusted 472,000, the Labor Department said Thursday. It was the highest level in a month and overshadowed a report that showed consumer prices remain essentially flat.
A rise in first-time jobless claims, combined with this week's report that said new home construction plunged in May after government incentives expired, highlighted fears about the strength of the economic rebound.
Read the entire story
Setting the News Straight via Another View
Editor's Note: This article is written in response to two recent articles posted at, (FREEDOM MOVEMENT FACES DIRE THREATS FROM WITHIN and MSNBC / Alex Jones to discredit Tea Party Movement
Carolyn Lanham
Denying the possiblility that there are those elements within
our own government, media and institutions hell bent on destroying
our freedoms is naïve as well as a ridiculous theory that denies history.
Sinister men and their forces are not just spawned in evil Russia or
hatched on other foreign soils. To deny evil human nature of those
within our own borders who seek power and control provides
a diversion from those culprits who steal our freedoms and
build a police state of total government here.
George Washington warned us about this kind of government
regarding it as a Fearful Master and Lincoln told us our
enemies would spring up from within.
In order for a free society to flourish- choices, alternatives,
and free thinking should be reverenced. Today and for some time,
the citizenry has been living under the illusion of being free but
are fast awakening to the phony left right paradigm ----certain
groups and individuals are controlling both sides, and have their roots
traveling back to the source of the same sap sucking tree.
The New World Order wrestling match is a perfect example
where actors strut the mat for the "behind the scenes"
promoters and controllers who rake in the big bucks. How stupid
to think that this same tactic wouldn’t be used in politics and the
media as well.
News With Views has carried articles by two authors –one of which
claims that Alex Jones is destroying the Tea Party movement---
another claims that the freedom tea party is being destroyed from within—
both fall short of exposing the real truth, perhaps because they and their
groups are part of the controlled phony opposition. Operate within
certain perimeters and you prosper, but be a truther exposing the
whole agenda and expect the wrath and smears of guilt by
association, and the name calling begins-
Kellogh Nelson has written an excellent article appearing also
at News With Views exposing the Council for National Policy
entitled “Saving the Republic”, an excellent example of
forces who raise up groups and finance both sides of the so-called
opposition and their role in the solidifying of tyranny they supposedly
preach to oppose.
The same happens within the media and those who follow Fox
News should know it is run by Rupert Murdoch of the globalist
Council on Foreign Relations the same group that has members
in big business, media, and own many politicians- and we think
we have a choice in the elections and in seeking out alternatives
for fair and balanced news. They put Russia Today to shame
for their deception yet some of these same writers would break
their necks if offered a ‘show’ or interview on Fox News.
Does jealousy and envy play a part?
I would agree-the real voice of the tea Party has been infiltrated -
but not by Jones- it has been hijacked and taken over by the likes
of Beck and his cult of Peckers—real Constitutionalist have been
squeezed out and labled fringe kooks, the phoney neocon-pro Palin
(Kissinger of the globalist CFR had a lenghtly meeting with her prior
to the election-) why is nothing said about this Mr. Kincaid and Mr. Deweese?????
Rockefeller, "Moonie money" talks but it doth control the pen as well-----
Shake the trees-------before you send money------
Carolyn Lanham
Editor's Note: This article is written in response to two recent articles posted at, (FREEDOM MOVEMENT FACES DIRE THREATS FROM WITHIN and MSNBC / Alex Jones to discredit Tea Party Movement
Carolyn Lanham
Denying the possiblility that there are those elements within
our own government, media and institutions hell bent on destroying
our freedoms is naïve as well as a ridiculous theory that denies history.
Sinister men and their forces are not just spawned in evil Russia or
hatched on other foreign soils. To deny evil human nature of those
within our own borders who seek power and control provides
a diversion from those culprits who steal our freedoms and
build a police state of total government here.
George Washington warned us about this kind of government
regarding it as a Fearful Master and Lincoln told us our
enemies would spring up from within.
In order for a free society to flourish- choices, alternatives,
and free thinking should be reverenced. Today and for some time,
the citizenry has been living under the illusion of being free but
are fast awakening to the phony left right paradigm ----certain
groups and individuals are controlling both sides, and have their roots
traveling back to the source of the same sap sucking tree.
The New World Order wrestling match is a perfect example
where actors strut the mat for the "behind the scenes"
promoters and controllers who rake in the big bucks. How stupid
to think that this same tactic wouldn’t be used in politics and the
media as well.
News With Views has carried articles by two authors –one of which
claims that Alex Jones is destroying the Tea Party movement---
another claims that the freedom tea party is being destroyed from within—
both fall short of exposing the real truth, perhaps because they and their
groups are part of the controlled phony opposition. Operate within
certain perimeters and you prosper, but be a truther exposing the
whole agenda and expect the wrath and smears of guilt by
association, and the name calling begins-
Kellogh Nelson has written an excellent article appearing also
at News With Views exposing the Council for National Policy
entitled “Saving the Republic”, an excellent example of
forces who raise up groups and finance both sides of the so-called
opposition and their role in the solidifying of tyranny they supposedly
preach to oppose.
The same happens within the media and those who follow Fox
News should know it is run by Rupert Murdoch of the globalist
Council on Foreign Relations the same group that has members
in big business, media, and own many politicians- and we think
we have a choice in the elections and in seeking out alternatives
for fair and balanced news. They put Russia Today to shame
for their deception yet some of these same writers would break
their necks if offered a ‘show’ or interview on Fox News.
Does jealousy and envy play a part?
I would agree-the real voice of the tea Party has been infiltrated -
but not by Jones- it has been hijacked and taken over by the likes
of Beck and his cult of Peckers—real Constitutionalist have been
squeezed out and labled fringe kooks, the phoney neocon-pro Palin
(Kissinger of the globalist CFR had a lenghtly meeting with her prior
to the election-) why is nothing said about this Mr. Kincaid and Mr. Deweese?????
Rockefeller, "Moonie money" talks but it doth control the pen as well-----
Shake the trees-------before you send money------
Carolyn Lanham
National Guard Training For Riot Control, Mass Detentions
In a previous story we noted that Reports Surfacing of Multi-State National Guard Mobilizations.
Further information made available after our report, much of which was published in the comment section by contributors who scoured the web for more information on the subject, suggests that the report was true and that national guard units had indeed been called up for training and possible deployment for domestic emergencies.
With the BP oil leak heating up (literally), there is a distinct possibility of noxious fumes and toxic hurricanes hitting our coasts over the coming months. Because there is minimal research on the subject available to the public, it is difficult to establish what is or is not a threat. Nonetheless, we advise those of our readers on or near the coast to remain aware of any developments regarding the possibility of emergencies or evacuations in their areas.
For those who may think we are overreacting to the possibility that the federal government would respond to an emergency, specifically mandatory evacuations on the gulf coast with the use of National Guard troops, we direct you to the article below, brought to our attention by Worldwide Wake Up Now and originally published at Public Intelligence.
In the event of a mass evacuation event, be it on the Gulf coast or as a result of an earthquake, chemical attack, biological attack, or other national emergency, we fully expect National Guard troops to be deployed. There will be mass chaos, violence, rioting, and looting, and local law enforcement simply will not have the capability to handle such a disaster.
The National Guard trains specifically for this, as depicted in the following article.
Vigilant Guard 2010 Riot Control, Detention Drills
By Public Intelligence
In jail for being in debt
CHRIS SERRES and GLENN HOWATT, Star Tribune staff writers
As a sheriff's deputy dumped the contents of Joy Uhlmeyer's purse into a sealed bag, she begged to know why she had just been arrested while driving home to Richfield after an Easter visit with her elderly mother.
No one had an answer. Uhlmeyer spent a sleepless night in a frigid Anoka County holding cell, her hands tucked under her armpits for warmth. Then, handcuffed in a squad car, she was taken to downtown Minneapolis for booking. Finally, after 16 hours in limbo, jail officials fingerprinted Uhlmeyer and explained her offense -- missing a court hearing over an unpaid debt. "They have no right to do this to me," said the 57-year-old patient care advocate, her voice as soft as a whisper. "Not for a stupid credit card."
It's not a crime to owe money, and debtors' prisons were abolished in the United States in the 19th century. But people are routinely being thrown in jail for failing to pay debts. In Minnesota, which has some of the most creditor-friendly laws in the country, the use of arrest warrants against debtors has jumped 60 percent over the past four years, with 845 cases in 2009, a Star Tribune analysis of state court data has found.
Not every warrant results in an arrest, but in Minnesota many debtors spend up to 48 hours in cells with criminals. Consumer attorneys say such arrests are increasing in many states, including Arkansas, Arizona and Washington, driven by a bad economy, high consumer debt and a growing industry that buys bad debts and employs every means available to collect.
Whether a debtor is locked up depends largely on where the person lives, because enforcement is inconsistent from state to state, and even county to county.
In Illinois and southwest Indiana, some judges jail debtors for missing court-ordered debt payments. In extreme cases, people stay in jail until they raise a minimum payment. In January, a judge sentenced a Kenney, Ill., man "to indefinite incarceration" until he came up with $300 toward a lumber yard debt.
"The law enforcement system has unwittingly become a tool of the debt collectors," said Michael Kinkley, an attorney in Spokane, Wash., who has represented arrested debtors. "The debt collectors are abusing the system and intimidating people, and law enforcement is going along with it."
How often are debtors arrested across the country? No one can say. No national statistics are kept, and the practice is largely unnoticed outside legal circles. "My suspicion is the debt collection industry does not want the world to know these arrests are happening, because the practice would be widely condemned," said Robert Hobbs, deputy director of the National Consumer Law Center in Boston.
Debt collectors defend the practice, saying phone calls, letters and legal actions aren't always enough to get people to pay.
"Admittedly, it's a harsh sanction," said Steven Rosso, a partner in the Como Law Firm of St. Paul, which does collections work. "But sometimes, it's the only sanction we have."
Taxpayers foot the bill for arresting and jailing debtors. In many cases, Minnesota judges set bail at the amount owed.
In Minnesota, judges have issued arrest warrants for people who owe as little as $85 -- less than half the cost of housing an inmate overnight. Debtors targeted for arrest owed a median of $3,512 in 2009, up from $2,201 five years ago.
Those jailed for debts may be the least able to pay.
"It's just one more blow for people who are already struggling," said Beverly Yang, a Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation staff attorney who has represented three Illinois debtors arrested in the past two months. "They don't like being in court. They don't have cars. And if they had money to pay these collectors, they would."
The collection machine
The laws allowing for the arrest of someone for an unpaid debt are not new.
What is new is the rise of well-funded, aggressive and centralized collection firms, in many cases run by attorneys, that buy up unpaid debt and use the courts to collect.
Three debt buyers -- Unifund CCR Partners, Portfolio Recovery Associates Inc. and Debt Equities LLC -- accounted for 15 percent of all debt-related arrest warrants issued in Minnesota since 2005, court data show. The debt buyers also file tens of thousands of other collection actions in the state, seeking court orders to make people pay.
The debts -- often five or six years old -- are purchased from companies like cellphone providers and credit card issuers, and cost a few cents on the dollar. Using automated dialing equipment and teams of lawyers, the debt-buyer firms try to collect the debt, plus interest and fees. A firm aims to collect at least twice what it paid for the debt to cover costs. Anything beyond that is profit.
Portfolio Recovery Associates of Norfolk, Va., a publicly traded debt buyer with the biggest profits and market capitalization, earned $44 million last year on $281 million in revenue -- a 16 percent net margin. Encore Capital Group, another large debt buyer based in San Diego, had a margin last year of 10 percent. By comparison, Wal-Mart's profit margin was 3.5 percent.
Todd Lansky, chief operating officer at Resurgence Financial LLC, a Northbrook, Ill.-based debt buyer, said firms like his operate within the law, which says people who ignore court orders can be arrested for contempt. By the time a warrant is issued, a debtor may have been contacted up to 12 times, he said.
"This is a last-ditch effort to say, 'Look, just show up in court,'" he said.
Go to court -- or jail
At 9:30 a.m. on a recent weekday morning, about a dozen people stood in line at the Hennepin County Government Center in Minneapolis.
Nearly all of them had received court judgments for not paying a delinquent debt. One by one, they stepped forward to fill out a two-page financial disclosure form that gives creditors the information they need to garnish money from their paychecks or bank accounts.
This process happens several times a week in Hennepin County. Those who fail to appear can be held in contempt and an arrest warrant is issued if a collector seeks one. Arrested debtors aren't officially charged with a crime, but their cases are heard in the same courtroom as drug users.
Greg Williams, who is unemployed and living on state benefits, said he made the trip downtown on the advice of his girlfriend who knew someone who had been arrested for missing such a hearing.
"I was surprised that the police would waste time on my petty debts," said Williams, 45, of Minneapolis, who had a $5,773 judgment from a credit card debt. "Don't they have real criminals to catch?"
Few debtors realize they can land in jail simply for ignoring debt-collection legal matters. Debtors also may not recognize the names of companies seeking to collect old debts. Some people are contacted by three or four firms as delinquent debts are bought and sold multiple times after the original creditor writes off the account.
"They may think it's a mistake. They may think it's a scam. They may not realize how important it is to respond," said Mary Spector, a law professor at Southern Methodist University's Dedman School of Law in Dallas.
A year ago, Legal Aid attorneys proposed a change in state law that would have required law enforcement officials to let debtors fill out financial disclosure forms when they are apprehended rather than book them into jail. No legislator introduced the measure.
Joy Uhlmeyer, who was arrested on her way home from spending Easter with her mother, said she defaulted on a $6,200 Chase credit card after a costly divorce in 2006. The firm seeking payment was Resurgence Financial, the Illinois debt buyer. Uhlmeyer said she didn't recognize the name and ignored the notices.
Uhlmeyer walked free after her nephew posted $2,500 bail. It took another $187 to retrieve her car from the city impound lot. Her 86-year-old mother later asked why she didn't call home after leaving Duluth. Not wanting to tell the truth, Uhlmeyer said her car broke down and her cell phone died.
"The really maddening part of the whole experience was the complete lack of information," she said. "I kept thinking, 'If there was a warrant out for my arrest, then why in the world wasn't I told about it?'"
Jailed for $250
One afternoon last spring, Deborah Poplawski, 38, of Minneapolis was digging in her purse for coins to feed a downtown parking meter when she saw the flashing lights of a Minneapolis police squad car behind her. Poplawski, a restaurant cook, assumed she had parked illegally. Instead, she was headed to jail over a $250 credit card debt.
Less than a month earlier, she learned by chance from an employment counselor that she had an outstanding warrant. Debt Equities, a Golden Valley debt buyer, had sued her, but she says nobody served her with court documents. Thanks to interest and fees, Poplawski was now on the hook for $1,138.
Though she knew of the warrant and unpaid debt, "I wasn't equating the warrant with going to jail, because there wasn't criminal activity associated with it," she said. "I just thought it was a civil thing."
She spent nearly 25 hours at the Hennepin County jail.
A year later, she still gets angry recounting the experience. A male inmate groped her behind in a crowded elevator, she said. Poplawski also was ordered to change into the standard jail uniform -- gray-white underwear and orange pants, shirt and socks -- in a cubicle the size of a telephone booth. She slept in a room with 12 to 16 women and a toilet with no privacy. One woman offered her drugs, she said.
The next day, Poplawski appeared before a Hennepin County district judge. He told her to fill out the form listing her assets and bank account, and released her. Several weeks later, Debt Equities used this information to seize funds from her bank account. The firm didn't return repeated calls seeking a comment.
"We hear every day about how there's no money for public services," Poplawski said. "But it seems like the collectors have found a way to get the police to do their work."
Threat depends on location
A lot depends on where a debtor lives or is arrested, as Jamie Rodriguez, 41, a bartender from Brooklyn Park, discovered two years ago.
Deputies showed up at his house one evening while he was playing with his 5-year-old daughter, Nicole. They live in Hennepin County, where the Sheriff's Office has enough staff to seek out people with warrants for civil violations.
If Rodriquez lived in neighboring Wright County, he could have simply handed the officers a check or cash for the amount owed. If he lived in Dakota County, it's likely no deputy would have shown up because the Sheriff's Office there says it lacks the staff to pursue civil debt cases.
Knowing that his daughter and wife were watching from the window, Rodriguez politely asked the deputies to drive him around the block, out of sight of his family, before they handcuffed him. The deputies agreed.
"No little girl should have to see her daddy arrested," said Rodriguez, who spent a night in jail.
"If you talk to 15 different counties, you'll find 15 different approaches to handling civil warrants," said Sgt. Robert Shingledecker of the Dakota County Sheriff's Office. "Everything is based on manpower."
Local police also can enforce debt-related warrants, but small towns and some suburbs often don't have enough officers.
The Star Tribune's comparison of warrant and booking data suggests that at least 1 in 6 Minnesota debtors at risk for arrest actually lands in jail, typically for eight hours. The exact number of such arrests isn't known because the government doesn't consistently track what happens to debtor warrants.
"There are no standards here," said Gail Hillebrand, a senior attorney with the Consumers Union in San Francisco. "A borrower who lives on one side of the river can be arrested while another one goes free. It breeds disrespect for the law."
Haekyung Nielsen, 27, of Bloomington, said police showed up at her house on a civil warrant two weeks after she gave birth through Caesarean section. A debt buyer had sent her court papers for an old credit-card debt while she was in the hospital; Nielsen said she did not have time to respond.
Her baby boy, Tyler, lay in the crib as she begged the officer not to take her away.
"Thank God, the police had mercy and left me and my baby alone," said Nielsen, who later paid the debt. "But to send someone to arrest me two weeks after a massive surgery that takes most women eight weeks to recover from was just unbelievable."
The second surprise
Many debtors, like Robert Vee, 36, of Brooklyn Park, get a second surprise after being arrested -- their bail is exactly the amount of money owed.
Hennepin County automatically sets bail at the judgment amount or $2,500, whichever is less. This policy was adopted four years ago in response to the high volume of debtor default cases, say court officials.
Some judges say the practice distorts the purpose of bail, which is to make sure people show up in court.
"It's certainly an efficient way to collect debts, but it's also highly distasteful," said Hennepin County District Judge Jack Nordby. "The amount of bail should have nothing to do with the amount of the debt."
Judge Robert Blaeser, chief of the county court's civil division, said linking bail to debt streamlines the process because judges needn't spend time setting bail.
"It's arbitrary," he conceded. "The bigger question is: Should you be allowed to get an order from a court for someone to be arrested because they owe money? You've got to remember there are people who have the money but just won't pay a single penny."
If friends or family post a debtor's bail, they can expect to kiss the money goodbye, because it often ends up with creditors, who routinely ask judges for the bail payment.
Vee, a highway construction worker, was arrested one afternoon in February while driving his teenage daughter from school to their home in Brooklyn Park. As he was being cuffed, Vee said his daughter, who has severe asthma, started hyperventilating from the stress.
"All I kept thinking about was whether she was all right and if she was using her [asthma] inhaler," he said.
From the Hennepin County jail, he made a collect call to his landlord, who promised to bring the bail. It was $1,875.06, the exact amount of a credit card debt.
Later, Vee was reunited with his distraught daughter at home. "We hugged for a long time, and she was bawling her eyes out," he said.
He still has unpaid medical and credit card bills and owes about $40,000 on an old second mortgage. The sight of a squad car in his rearview mirror is all it takes to set off a fresh wave of anxiety.
"The question always crosses my mind: 'Are the cops going to arrest me again?'" he said. "So long as I've got unpaid bills, the threat is there." • 612-673-4308 • 612-673-7192
As a sheriff's deputy dumped the contents of Joy Uhlmeyer's purse into a sealed bag, she begged to know why she had just been arrested while driving home to Richfield after an Easter visit with her elderly mother.
No one had an answer. Uhlmeyer spent a sleepless night in a frigid Anoka County holding cell, her hands tucked under her armpits for warmth. Then, handcuffed in a squad car, she was taken to downtown Minneapolis for booking. Finally, after 16 hours in limbo, jail officials fingerprinted Uhlmeyer and explained her offense -- missing a court hearing over an unpaid debt. "They have no right to do this to me," said the 57-year-old patient care advocate, her voice as soft as a whisper. "Not for a stupid credit card."
It's not a crime to owe money, and debtors' prisons were abolished in the United States in the 19th century. But people are routinely being thrown in jail for failing to pay debts. In Minnesota, which has some of the most creditor-friendly laws in the country, the use of arrest warrants against debtors has jumped 60 percent over the past four years, with 845 cases in 2009, a Star Tribune analysis of state court data has found.
Not every warrant results in an arrest, but in Minnesota many debtors spend up to 48 hours in cells with criminals. Consumer attorneys say such arrests are increasing in many states, including Arkansas, Arizona and Washington, driven by a bad economy, high consumer debt and a growing industry that buys bad debts and employs every means available to collect.
Whether a debtor is locked up depends largely on where the person lives, because enforcement is inconsistent from state to state, and even county to county.
In Illinois and southwest Indiana, some judges jail debtors for missing court-ordered debt payments. In extreme cases, people stay in jail until they raise a minimum payment. In January, a judge sentenced a Kenney, Ill., man "to indefinite incarceration" until he came up with $300 toward a lumber yard debt.
"The law enforcement system has unwittingly become a tool of the debt collectors," said Michael Kinkley, an attorney in Spokane, Wash., who has represented arrested debtors. "The debt collectors are abusing the system and intimidating people, and law enforcement is going along with it."
How often are debtors arrested across the country? No one can say. No national statistics are kept, and the practice is largely unnoticed outside legal circles. "My suspicion is the debt collection industry does not want the world to know these arrests are happening, because the practice would be widely condemned," said Robert Hobbs, deputy director of the National Consumer Law Center in Boston.
Debt collectors defend the practice, saying phone calls, letters and legal actions aren't always enough to get people to pay.
"Admittedly, it's a harsh sanction," said Steven Rosso, a partner in the Como Law Firm of St. Paul, which does collections work. "But sometimes, it's the only sanction we have."
Taxpayers foot the bill for arresting and jailing debtors. In many cases, Minnesota judges set bail at the amount owed.
In Minnesota, judges have issued arrest warrants for people who owe as little as $85 -- less than half the cost of housing an inmate overnight. Debtors targeted for arrest owed a median of $3,512 in 2009, up from $2,201 five years ago.
Those jailed for debts may be the least able to pay.
"It's just one more blow for people who are already struggling," said Beverly Yang, a Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation staff attorney who has represented three Illinois debtors arrested in the past two months. "They don't like being in court. They don't have cars. And if they had money to pay these collectors, they would."
The collection machine
The laws allowing for the arrest of someone for an unpaid debt are not new.
What is new is the rise of well-funded, aggressive and centralized collection firms, in many cases run by attorneys, that buy up unpaid debt and use the courts to collect.
Three debt buyers -- Unifund CCR Partners, Portfolio Recovery Associates Inc. and Debt Equities LLC -- accounted for 15 percent of all debt-related arrest warrants issued in Minnesota since 2005, court data show. The debt buyers also file tens of thousands of other collection actions in the state, seeking court orders to make people pay.
The debts -- often five or six years old -- are purchased from companies like cellphone providers and credit card issuers, and cost a few cents on the dollar. Using automated dialing equipment and teams of lawyers, the debt-buyer firms try to collect the debt, plus interest and fees. A firm aims to collect at least twice what it paid for the debt to cover costs. Anything beyond that is profit.
Portfolio Recovery Associates of Norfolk, Va., a publicly traded debt buyer with the biggest profits and market capitalization, earned $44 million last year on $281 million in revenue -- a 16 percent net margin. Encore Capital Group, another large debt buyer based in San Diego, had a margin last year of 10 percent. By comparison, Wal-Mart's profit margin was 3.5 percent.
Todd Lansky, chief operating officer at Resurgence Financial LLC, a Northbrook, Ill.-based debt buyer, said firms like his operate within the law, which says people who ignore court orders can be arrested for contempt. By the time a warrant is issued, a debtor may have been contacted up to 12 times, he said.
"This is a last-ditch effort to say, 'Look, just show up in court,'" he said.
Go to court -- or jail
At 9:30 a.m. on a recent weekday morning, about a dozen people stood in line at the Hennepin County Government Center in Minneapolis.
Nearly all of them had received court judgments for not paying a delinquent debt. One by one, they stepped forward to fill out a two-page financial disclosure form that gives creditors the information they need to garnish money from their paychecks or bank accounts.
This process happens several times a week in Hennepin County. Those who fail to appear can be held in contempt and an arrest warrant is issued if a collector seeks one. Arrested debtors aren't officially charged with a crime, but their cases are heard in the same courtroom as drug users.
Greg Williams, who is unemployed and living on state benefits, said he made the trip downtown on the advice of his girlfriend who knew someone who had been arrested for missing such a hearing.
"I was surprised that the police would waste time on my petty debts," said Williams, 45, of Minneapolis, who had a $5,773 judgment from a credit card debt. "Don't they have real criminals to catch?"
Few debtors realize they can land in jail simply for ignoring debt-collection legal matters. Debtors also may not recognize the names of companies seeking to collect old debts. Some people are contacted by three or four firms as delinquent debts are bought and sold multiple times after the original creditor writes off the account.
"They may think it's a mistake. They may think it's a scam. They may not realize how important it is to respond," said Mary Spector, a law professor at Southern Methodist University's Dedman School of Law in Dallas.
A year ago, Legal Aid attorneys proposed a change in state law that would have required law enforcement officials to let debtors fill out financial disclosure forms when they are apprehended rather than book them into jail. No legislator introduced the measure.
Joy Uhlmeyer, who was arrested on her way home from spending Easter with her mother, said she defaulted on a $6,200 Chase credit card after a costly divorce in 2006. The firm seeking payment was Resurgence Financial, the Illinois debt buyer. Uhlmeyer said she didn't recognize the name and ignored the notices.
Uhlmeyer walked free after her nephew posted $2,500 bail. It took another $187 to retrieve her car from the city impound lot. Her 86-year-old mother later asked why she didn't call home after leaving Duluth. Not wanting to tell the truth, Uhlmeyer said her car broke down and her cell phone died.
"The really maddening part of the whole experience was the complete lack of information," she said. "I kept thinking, 'If there was a warrant out for my arrest, then why in the world wasn't I told about it?'"
Jailed for $250
One afternoon last spring, Deborah Poplawski, 38, of Minneapolis was digging in her purse for coins to feed a downtown parking meter when she saw the flashing lights of a Minneapolis police squad car behind her. Poplawski, a restaurant cook, assumed she had parked illegally. Instead, she was headed to jail over a $250 credit card debt.
Less than a month earlier, she learned by chance from an employment counselor that she had an outstanding warrant. Debt Equities, a Golden Valley debt buyer, had sued her, but she says nobody served her with court documents. Thanks to interest and fees, Poplawski was now on the hook for $1,138.
Though she knew of the warrant and unpaid debt, "I wasn't equating the warrant with going to jail, because there wasn't criminal activity associated with it," she said. "I just thought it was a civil thing."
She spent nearly 25 hours at the Hennepin County jail.
A year later, she still gets angry recounting the experience. A male inmate groped her behind in a crowded elevator, she said. Poplawski also was ordered to change into the standard jail uniform -- gray-white underwear and orange pants, shirt and socks -- in a cubicle the size of a telephone booth. She slept in a room with 12 to 16 women and a toilet with no privacy. One woman offered her drugs, she said.
The next day, Poplawski appeared before a Hennepin County district judge. He told her to fill out the form listing her assets and bank account, and released her. Several weeks later, Debt Equities used this information to seize funds from her bank account. The firm didn't return repeated calls seeking a comment.
"We hear every day about how there's no money for public services," Poplawski said. "But it seems like the collectors have found a way to get the police to do their work."
Threat depends on location
A lot depends on where a debtor lives or is arrested, as Jamie Rodriguez, 41, a bartender from Brooklyn Park, discovered two years ago.
Deputies showed up at his house one evening while he was playing with his 5-year-old daughter, Nicole. They live in Hennepin County, where the Sheriff's Office has enough staff to seek out people with warrants for civil violations.
If Rodriquez lived in neighboring Wright County, he could have simply handed the officers a check or cash for the amount owed. If he lived in Dakota County, it's likely no deputy would have shown up because the Sheriff's Office there says it lacks the staff to pursue civil debt cases.
Knowing that his daughter and wife were watching from the window, Rodriguez politely asked the deputies to drive him around the block, out of sight of his family, before they handcuffed him. The deputies agreed.
"No little girl should have to see her daddy arrested," said Rodriguez, who spent a night in jail.
"If you talk to 15 different counties, you'll find 15 different approaches to handling civil warrants," said Sgt. Robert Shingledecker of the Dakota County Sheriff's Office. "Everything is based on manpower."
Local police also can enforce debt-related warrants, but small towns and some suburbs often don't have enough officers.
The Star Tribune's comparison of warrant and booking data suggests that at least 1 in 6 Minnesota debtors at risk for arrest actually lands in jail, typically for eight hours. The exact number of such arrests isn't known because the government doesn't consistently track what happens to debtor warrants.
"There are no standards here," said Gail Hillebrand, a senior attorney with the Consumers Union in San Francisco. "A borrower who lives on one side of the river can be arrested while another one goes free. It breeds disrespect for the law."
Haekyung Nielsen, 27, of Bloomington, said police showed up at her house on a civil warrant two weeks after she gave birth through Caesarean section. A debt buyer had sent her court papers for an old credit-card debt while she was in the hospital; Nielsen said she did not have time to respond.
Her baby boy, Tyler, lay in the crib as she begged the officer not to take her away.
"Thank God, the police had mercy and left me and my baby alone," said Nielsen, who later paid the debt. "But to send someone to arrest me two weeks after a massive surgery that takes most women eight weeks to recover from was just unbelievable."
The second surprise
Many debtors, like Robert Vee, 36, of Brooklyn Park, get a second surprise after being arrested -- their bail is exactly the amount of money owed.
Hennepin County automatically sets bail at the judgment amount or $2,500, whichever is less. This policy was adopted four years ago in response to the high volume of debtor default cases, say court officials.
Some judges say the practice distorts the purpose of bail, which is to make sure people show up in court.
"It's certainly an efficient way to collect debts, but it's also highly distasteful," said Hennepin County District Judge Jack Nordby. "The amount of bail should have nothing to do with the amount of the debt."
Judge Robert Blaeser, chief of the county court's civil division, said linking bail to debt streamlines the process because judges needn't spend time setting bail.
"It's arbitrary," he conceded. "The bigger question is: Should you be allowed to get an order from a court for someone to be arrested because they owe money? You've got to remember there are people who have the money but just won't pay a single penny."
If friends or family post a debtor's bail, they can expect to kiss the money goodbye, because it often ends up with creditors, who routinely ask judges for the bail payment.
Vee, a highway construction worker, was arrested one afternoon in February while driving his teenage daughter from school to their home in Brooklyn Park. As he was being cuffed, Vee said his daughter, who has severe asthma, started hyperventilating from the stress.
"All I kept thinking about was whether she was all right and if she was using her [asthma] inhaler," he said.
From the Hennepin County jail, he made a collect call to his landlord, who promised to bring the bail. It was $1,875.06, the exact amount of a credit card debt.
Later, Vee was reunited with his distraught daughter at home. "We hugged for a long time, and she was bawling her eyes out," he said.
He still has unpaid medical and credit card bills and owes about $40,000 on an old second mortgage. The sight of a squad car in his rearview mirror is all it takes to set off a fresh wave of anxiety.
"The question always crosses my mind: 'Are the cops going to arrest me again?'" he said. "So long as I've got unpaid bills, the threat is there." • 612-673-4308 • 612-673-7192
Emergency ALERT (Must See) Relocation Due To Gulf Oil Crisis?
Mark Matheny
Emergency ALERT (Must See) Relocation ? NWO
Type in this link:
Then paste this coordinate in the search 29.97213,-81.660047
Post and repost!
Editor's Note: This report is presently unconfirmed by "SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!!!", but upon further investigation more news updates will be announced.
Mark Matheny
Emergency ALERT (Must See) Relocation ? NWO
Type in this link:
Then paste this coordinate in the search 29.97213,-81.660047
Post and repost!
Editor's Note: This report is presently unconfirmed by "SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!!!", but upon further investigation more news updates will be announced.
Texas GOP Approves Immigration Checks
Mark Matheny
Now all we need is for all 50 States to pass the same bill!
Mark Matheny
Now all we need is for all 50 States to pass the same bill!
Obama Compares Gulf Oil Spill To 9/11 Tragedy
Mark Matheny
In an interview with Politico News outlet last Friday President Obama compared the recent incident in the Gulf of Mexico to the tragic 9/11 attack of 2001. With the stern conviction of a "world government" advocate, President Obama stated
In the aftermath of 9/11, George Bush signed the Patriot Act into law under the pretense of protecting America against terrorism, and it looks as though Obama is playing the same Problem -Reaction -Solution game in this case as well. Why else would the cleanup efforts be taking so long? Why does the daily news agencies remind us constantly of the number of days it's been since the accident first happened? And why has the White House along with BP rejected cleanup technologies that could have been on sight only days after the spill?
Well, as my school teachers taught me long ago, repitition is what causes us to learn best. By the time the next Climate Change Summit meeting comes around, the mind control media will have etched the oil spill propaganda into the minds of all the Americans, who will then call upon the White House and the global community to impose Carbon Taxes and clean air legislation for our "protection"!
Last year the House of Representatives passed a climate bill with a vote of 219 for, 212 against. Now Obama is hoping for a victory in the Senate. On May 12,Skull and Bonesman Senater John kerry, D-Mass., and Joe. Lieberman, I-Conn., introduced the 987 page "American Power Act" without their GOP colleague, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, whose support was considered crucial for its passage.
Senator Kerry wants us to believe this devastating bill will somehow help to bolster the economy and create jobs saying in a statement on the site:
In the same article Nicolas stated:
President Obama and his Politburo know that the American people are waking up to the "Global Warming/Climate Change" lie fostered by globalists such as Al Gore and Maurice Strong (among others), so now they must resort to more fear tactics and 9/11 "type" images of catastrophic dimension in order to convince the public that carbon dioxide is a pollutant! (Tell that to the plants and see if they are convinced).
The globalists are getting nervous because, as Zbigniew Brzezsinski recently stated in a speech to his CFR cronies,
He also stated that because of a "diversified global leadership" and a "politically awakened" people globally, their plans for a world order are becoming far more difficult to establish.
The truth, however, about the comparisons being made between the attack on September 11, of 2001 and the Gulf Oil Spill of April 20, 2010 is simply this - both of their years have 2's,0's and 1's in them - and that's about their only similarities.
Mark Matheny
In an interview with Politico News outlet last Friday President Obama compared the recent incident in the Gulf of Mexico to the tragic 9/11 attack of 2001. With the stern conviction of a "world government" advocate, President Obama stated
"In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11, I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come."Or so he and many others advocating for Climate Change legislation hope. It seems that the words of Rahm Immanuel are once again in vogue with the administration, as we see an opportunity for our UN -loyal leaders to use this "crisis" to push for a Climate Change Bill in the Senate. And just in case you forgot the classic words of Rahm Immanuel during the economic crisis recently, here is what he said:
"Never let a serious crisis go to waste.. What I mean by that is, it's a good opportunity to do things you couldn't do before".Now whether or not you believe the oil spill in the Gulf was due to negligence, or as some speculate, a contrived event -one thing is clear- and that is our current Dictator in Chief and his cronies will certainly play the "crisis" fiddle for all it's worth.
In the aftermath of 9/11, George Bush signed the Patriot Act into law under the pretense of protecting America against terrorism, and it looks as though Obama is playing the same Problem -Reaction -Solution game in this case as well. Why else would the cleanup efforts be taking so long? Why does the daily news agencies remind us constantly of the number of days it's been since the accident first happened? And why has the White House along with BP rejected cleanup technologies that could have been on sight only days after the spill?
Well, as my school teachers taught me long ago, repitition is what causes us to learn best. By the time the next Climate Change Summit meeting comes around, the mind control media will have etched the oil spill propaganda into the minds of all the Americans, who will then call upon the White House and the global community to impose Carbon Taxes and clean air legislation for our "protection"!
Last year the House of Representatives passed a climate bill with a vote of 219 for, 212 against. Now Obama is hoping for a victory in the Senate. On May 12,Skull and Bonesman Senater John kerry, D-Mass., and Joe. Lieberman, I-Conn., introduced the 987 page "American Power Act" without their GOP colleague, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, whose support was considered crucial for its passage.
Senator Kerry wants us to believe this devastating bill will somehow help to bolster the economy and create jobs saying in a statement on the site:
The tragedy in the Gulf underscores why we need to change America’s energy future - today. We can’t afford to wait. Transitioning to new energy sources will jumpstart our economy, safeguard our national security, and protect our environment. We can reclaim our leadership of the global green economy, and stop sending a billion dollars a day overseas for our oil while we’re at it.But according to Nicolas D. Loris of The Heritage Foundation, this bill will "wreak economic havoc" and "kill jobs". He also argues that the Kerry-Leiberman Bill will protect large corporations at the expense of consumers, with minimal effect on temperatures.
In the same article Nicolas stated:
The purpose of the bill is to drive energy prices high enough to reduce consumption. In effect, consumers would be forced to pay more for less energy. Higher energy costs would spread throughout the economy as producers try to cover their rising production costs by hiking their product prices.
Kerry-Lieberman attempts to shield the economic pain from consumers by passing two-thirds of the revenue it raises back to the consumer through energy discounts or direct rebates. Yet this clearly wouldn't compensate for all of the rising costs that occur throughout the economy, thanks to higher energy prices.
Higher prices lower consumer demand, and the lower demand prevents higher prices from completely offsetting production cost increases. As a result, businesses must cut production, cut jobs - or both.
President Obama and his Politburo know that the American people are waking up to the "Global Warming/Climate Change" lie fostered by globalists such as Al Gore and Maurice Strong (among others), so now they must resort to more fear tactics and 9/11 "type" images of catastrophic dimension in order to convince the public that carbon dioxide is a pollutant! (Tell that to the plants and see if they are convinced).
The globalists are getting nervous because, as Zbigniew Brzezsinski recently stated in a speech to his CFR cronies,
"for the first time, in all of human history, mankind is politically awakened. That's a total new reality ... it has not been so for most of human history until the last one hundred years ... and in the course of the last one hundred years, the whole world has become politically awakened. And no matter where you go, politics is a matter of social engagement, and most people know what is generally going on.."
He also stated that because of a "diversified global leadership" and a "politically awakened" people globally, their plans for a world order are becoming far more difficult to establish.
The truth, however, about the comparisons being made between the attack on September 11, of 2001 and the Gulf Oil Spill of April 20, 2010 is simply this - both of their years have 2's,0's and 1's in them - and that's about their only similarities.
Bob Chapman's Friday 6/11/2010 Economic Report on Alex Jones
TheAlexJonesChannel — June 11, 2010 — Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster checks in with his regular Friday economic news update.
Hispanics Leaving Arizona Thanks To New Law
Department of Homeland Security statistics show about 100,000 illegal immigrants have left Arizona since 2007 when the state passed a law enhancing penalties for business hiring them.
Many Hispanics are choosing to leave Arizona ahead of implementation of the state's new immigration law
, officials and residents say.
The law, which goes into effect July 29, is fueling an exodus from Arizona of Hispanics, who are in the United States both legally and illegally, for other more welcoming states, USA Today reported Wednesday.
Schools in Hispanic areas are reporting significant drops in enrollment, the newspaper said.
Department of Homeland Security statistics show about 100,000 illegal immigrants have left Arizona since 2007 when the state passed a law enhancing penalties for business hiring them.
David Castillo, co-founder of the Latin Association of Arizona, a chamber of commerce for nearly 400 first-generation Hispanic business owners, said: "(Governor Brewer) signed the law, and everything fell apart. It's devastating."
Juan Carlos Cruz, an undocumented nursery worker for 20 years, says he is planning his next move.
"If I were alone, I'd try to stay. But I have a family, and I have to find a place where we can live with more freedom," said Cruz, who hopes to move July 4 to blend in with holiday weekend traffic. "This is getting too hard."
A spokesman for Gov. Jan Brewer says he also heard reports of undocumented Hispanics leaving the state.
"If that means that fewer people are breaking the law, that is absolutely an accomplishment," Paul Senseman said. (c) UPI
Obama Urges Congress to Pass Doc Fix
Published June 13, 2010
Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama is asking Republican lawmakers to approve billions of dollars in new spending to avert a scheduled 21 percent cut in payments to doctors who treat Medicare patients.
If GOP senators don't allow the stalled proposal to pass, some doctors will stop treating Medicare recipients, Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday.
Obama also urged congressional leaders Saturday to approve his proposals to pump more federal money into states where thousands of teachers, firefighters and other public officials face likely layoffs. In a letter, Obama described his plans as "critical and timely ways to further the economic recovery and spur job creation."
Read the entire story
Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama is asking Republican lawmakers to approve billions of dollars in new spending to avert a scheduled 21 percent cut in payments to doctors who treat Medicare patients.
If GOP senators don't allow the stalled proposal to pass, some doctors will stop treating Medicare recipients, Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday.
Obama also urged congressional leaders Saturday to approve his proposals to pump more federal money into states where thousands of teachers, firefighters and other public officials face likely layoffs. In a letter, Obama described his plans as "critical and timely ways to further the economic recovery and spur job creation."
Read the entire story
U.N. Plans More Cash for North Korea's Dictatorial Regime
Editor's Note: According to this article, 28% of this funding is coming from the U.S. - and 90% of that money will most likely be taken by the Dictator Kim and his murderous regime! The UN is good for one thing - taking inefficient dictators, and funding them in order to make them efficient dictators!
By George Russell
Published June 02, 2010
Even as the United States tries to ratchet up sanctions against North Korea for its March 26 sinking of a South Korean warship, the United Nations is preparing to spend more than $170 million on new programs in the xenophobic communist state. More surprisingly, it is doing so with the knowledge and cooperation of the U.S. State Department.
The U.N. aid programs cover everything from health care, like anti-malaria campaigns and tuberculosis vaccinations, to agriculture projects, sanitation and water supply improvements, educational programs and and statistics-gathering to help in delivering "knowledge management products and information services."
According to documents obtained by Fox News, the programs include English-language lessons for North Korean bureaucrats, in order to help increase foreign trade and investment that fell to anemic levels more than a decade ago, and millions more for "advocacy." All are being planned in close cooperation with the North Korean dictatorship of Kim Jong-Il.
Many of the spending plans are well known to the Obama Administration, which recently featured a job search posting on a State Department website for one U.N. agency position, which would monitor some of the health-related program spending from the North Korean capital of Pyongyang.
After Fox News asked questions about the employment notice, it disappeared into an archive. State Department spokesmen did not reply to the questions before this article was published.
Read the entire story
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- Posted by: Dr. Mercola December 05 2009 22,565 views Jordan McFarland, a 14-year-old boy from Virginia, is weak and s...
SSTNews Mark Matheny Every Year the World Economic Forum releases what is called a "Global Risks Report" What is interesting is ...
SSTNews Mark Matheny Every Year the World Economic Forum releases what is called a "Global Risks Report" What is interesting is...