"It is not enough to know that there is a shadow government pulling the strings of the visible government- we must also act to expose it, and defeat it!"-Mark Matheny
Chicago's swift elimination as 2016 Olympics host is political blow to Obama

Montana AG launches probe of jail deal

ALERT-ALERT !! Beginning of the End for FREEDOM On Internet ! as we know it.
Yesterday in the Investor's Business Daily 10/1/09 on page A-5(top left) the headline reads "U.S. Loosens Control Over The Internet's Global Traffic Cop" That's right you read correctly,the Obama administration has agreed to release absolute authority from Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (I.C.A.N.N.) due to GLOBALIST pressure from world government bodies and an ever increasing European element.
China at this time is not a member of G,A,C, which is ICANN's Governmental Advisory Committee,however the Obama administration and ICANN have signed a new agreement that interestingly has no expiration date!They have called this a pact of "Affirmation of Commitments".What commitments ? Why no time limit? Why surrender our internet Freedom to a world body of socialist,fascist,communist and other freedom hating regimes! This action of the Obama administration / ICANN is indicative and symptomatic of a growing and threatening "communications pattern" that is hostile and problematic to freedom of speech and expression.
Recently we witnessed congressman Joe Wilson express himself exclaiming to the president "You Lie" while the president was giving a deceptive speech falsely declaring that tax money would not be used to give illegals free health care.We all know that Joe Wilson's comment was accurate,timely and courageous as even Rush Limbaugh and many others have stated or implied! However the mere fact that he was told to apologise by his own party represents and displays a more important condition that exist in America today and that is "rhetorical cowardice".Even so called "conservatives" or republicans who are supposed to be champions of free speech have fallen prey to the "political correct speech police" If you have not heard them yet,I would encourage you to tune in to the radio or the web @WTVN.com in Columbus,Ohio on a Clear Channel station called WTVN at 610 on the A.M. dial.
This particular radio station has a program director named Mike Elliott who has appointed himself to be the speech police of the "Electronic Town Hall meeting" that occurs every Saturday morning in Columbus,Ohio from 6a.m. until 10a.m. This open phone talk radio show has been on the air in Columbus since around the late 80's. The forum is supposedly open to all,that is until recently program director- Mike Elliott declared that "everyone's welcome except "Michael". Who is MICHAEL the crowd asks? I am the Michael Mr. Elliott refers to and has banned from participating in the "electronic Town Hall meeting on 610- WTVN radio in Columbus,Ohio.
This action was dictated by Mr. Mike Elliott even though no crime was committed,no slander was spoken,vulgarities were not made,defamation did not occur and no other action or reason was given except the accusation that I disrespected and offended the host-period.That's right,Mike Elliott said I offended or disrespected his host! And I say you and your host Mike Elliot are in the wrong business if your so easily offended! Since that time I immediately requested by e-mail for him to give me the time,date and evidence of my action,and he has not responded yet. In addition to this outrageous and glaring example of rhetorical cowardice you can tune in just about every Saturday morning between 6am and 10 am on the same radio show on WTVN or the web at WTVN.com (listen live) and hear several counterfeit conservative,R.I.N.O."village idiots" crying about how other callers attack them and their ideas personally.
Two of these callers are Robert Wagner who calls himself "Bob from west side" - "internet sceptic" -"bumpy" who is also a former congressional candidate from the of 15th district of Ohio and the other caller is his former campaign manager George Momirov who calls himself "Tomato Man" or George from northwest" being an Upper Arlington suburb of Columbus,Ohio.Both of these callers demonstrate this threat to freedom of speech when they cry in the name of "civility" that certain callers should be banned from the "electronic Town Hall meeting" because" they were too mean " cried both of them several weeks ago in July and August of 2009.(see audio archives at WTVN.com.)More importantly this guy Robert Wagner wants to be a congressman in Ohio's 15th district and he can't even handle a little citizen critic like me-Michael on the southside !!
I say grow up first then make your attempt at politics.Both of these men have applauded the tyrannical actions of program director-Mike Elliott to ban talk radio callers simply on the opinion that certain callers are allegedly offensive or disrespectful. The question is this, was Joe Wilson disrespectful of the president? Yes he was, but the presidents speech and rhetoric was not worthy of respect by Joe Wilson or any American who demands honest government So let us consider this fact that our house(country) America is on fire,Ok so are we going to just quietly and politely say to the inhabitants" get out! " or will we be courageous like Joe Wilson and shout the hard truth in a timely,sharp and pointed manner "GET OUT NOW" The truth is this,there is something smelly and fishy today on the" rhetorical theatre stage" of politics and current events and that smell and illustration can be found by three specific men on WTVN-610 A.M. radio dial in Columbus,Ohio (test market U.S.A.) the "heart of it all" on "Saturday morning open phones" at 6am until 10am and their names are - MIKE ELLIOTT program director WTVN/CEAR CHANNEL RADIO-, -talk show caller ROBERT WAGNER who calls himself "Bob from westside" on radio,he's also former Ohio congressional candidate from 15th District, then there's -GEORGE MOMIROV from the northwest calls himself "Tomato man" on radio, former campaign manager of ROBERT M. WAGNER's bid for 15th District. Mr. Wagner also is a staunch defender of the FEDERAL RESERVE which is by the way,not federal and has no reserves.!!!!A bankster Monopoly that is un-American,socialistic,fascist,fraudulent and unconstitutional!!!!!!!
Tune in to a citizen "Electronic Town Hall" meeting in the heart of it all Columbus,Ohio every Saturday morning in test market U.S.A. and make your voice heard in defense of freedom,liberty and the American Way! I am sincerely MICHAELONTHESOUTHSIDE@gmail.com also visit - WAROFINFO.com P.S.- In conclusion wouldn't it be nice to have a local media outlet to help facilitate and protect your political aspirations like Mike Elliott of Clear Channel Communications from bad ole critics like "Michael on the southside" a citizen who simply demands honest government.
AMERICAN POLICE FORCE-The Beginning of Obama's Private Military Security Force For America?

With the economic turmoil still looming, and Obama's ever slipping popularity, we could be seeing the escalation of a Gestapo-like force that will begin to crush the resistance of the Obama Administration, and usher in a Police State along with filling the Detention facilities talked about in "Camp Fema" the Documentary recently released (available at Infowars.com). We are seeing children in our public schools being brainwashed to sing allegiance to Obama in ways reminiscent to the days of the Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany when a reign of terror was unleashed by a Butcher called Adolf Hitler.
Every Patriotic American needs to spread this information to everyone they know. We must also voice outrage that our government would even think of allowing such a violation of our security and liberty!
Mark Matheny
Check out these links as well : http://www.americanpolicegroup.com/special.html http://www.infowars.com/exposed-american-police-force-is-a-blackwater-front-group/
World Bank President Says Financial Crisis is Shifting Balance of Power

Ohio Senate Affirms State Sovereignty
CDC Drafts “Isolation Order” for H1N1
Obama Dreams of a G-20 New World Order

Mercola.com Posted by: Dr. Mercola December 05 2009 22,565 views Jordan McFarland, a 14-year-old boy from Virginia, is weak and s...
SSTNews Mark Matheny Every Year the World Economic Forum releases what is called a "Global Risks Report" What is interesting is ...
SSTNews Mark Matheny Every Year the World Economic Forum releases what is called a "Global Risks Report" What is interesting is...