Mr. Brown needs a class in elementary Constitution 101 regarding our
Constitution and form of government.
Carolyn Lanham
Sherrod Brown portrays himself as Progressive a rather high sounding
word---that he fights for the common man for healthcare, educational
opportunity for jobs to keep them in the middle class and that conservatives
appeal to fear to protect the priviledged and to preserve the status quo---
Mr. Brown needs a class in elementary Constitution 101 regarding our
Constitution and form of government. According to the Consitution our
Government was not intended to be Big Daddy or Big Nanny as a means
of handouts or a means to transfer wealth. Al Capone and Robin Hood
at least were more honest AS THEY DID NOT USE GOVERNMENT
Brown states that progressives have moved the country forward but
conveniently didn’t state the goal—Yes. Forward to more big government,
controls, and the fearful resultant goal of less freedom for all----Brown
believes everything and every program should be moved into and under the cloak
of government domain—Take a look at other countries that have conned
the populace into this trap--------something to be feared for sure!!!!!
Anyone or any group (according to Brown,) such as the John Birch Society opposing
this unconstitutional approach to big government, Brown chooses to label extremist
or special interest---Yes. We do have a special interest in adhering to the
Constitution and our heritage and our form of limited government. Being consistant
and in the battle for the preservation of liberty against big government
encroachment hardly feeds Wall Street and insurance companies but look
who bailed them out Mr. Brown-----who are the Brownie porkies?????
Yes we hold to the popular idea that we need to gut the Federal Government
and any monstrous programs where no Constitutional authority allows them
to exist and let the free enterprise system nourish—this goes for any
politicians be they republican or democrat as well ---
I lift my teacup in the midst of Sherrod’s anger and intolerance toward Robert
is right and popular and endorsed by the Ohio Tea Party.
Carolyn Lanham
2750 LaRosa Drive
Grove City Ohio 43123