"It is not enough to know that there is a shadow government pulling the strings of the visible government- we must also act to expose it, and defeat it!"-Mark Matheny
NewsBud October 21, 2017 An investigative journalist has been interrogated by government national security forces and fired from her job for documenting and exposing covert CIA-NATO operations directly arming ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists- a covert operation involving NATO, CIA, U.S.-based Mega Arms Trafficker(s), a shady U.S. organization ran by well-known Deep State Players, and much more.
Trump is amassing warships in the region, including aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, amid fears Kim may test another nuclear weapon or ballistic missile.
President John F. Kennedy before his assassination in 1963.CreditJim Altgens/Associated Press
WASHINGTON — President Trump has decided to release a final batch of thousands of classified government documents related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Mr. Trump announced in a tweet on Saturday morning.
“Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened,” Mr. Trump said on Twitter.
The release of the information being held in secret at the National Archives — including several thousand never-before-seen documents — was mandated to occur by Oct. 26 under a 1992 law that sought to quell conspiracy theories about the assassination.
Mr. Trump has the power to block the release of the documents, and intelligence agencies have pressured him to do so for at least some of them. The agencies are concerned that information contained in some of the documents could damage national security interests.
In a statement to reporters, the White House left open the possibility that Mr. Trump might halt the release of some documents.
A journalist who released numerous exposés from the Panama Papers died Monday after an explosive detonated inside her vehicle.
Daphne Caruana Galizia, who covered the leak of millions of documents concerning the offshore dealings of powerful politicians and businessmen, was killed in northern Malta while traveling near the village of Bidnija.
Local media reports that Galizia had alerted police just two weeks prior after she began receiving numerous death threats.
The car bomb, which detonated near the journalist’s home, sent the 53-year-old’s Peugeot 108 several meters into a nearby field.
Galizia, recently described as a “one-woman WikiLeaks,” drew the ire of countless powerful figures in Malta with her regular blog posts detailing corruption.
The journalist’s last story accused Malta’s prime minister, Joseph Muscat, of ties to offshore companies accused of selling Maltese passports and receiving payments from the government of Azerbaijan.
“Everyone knows Ms Caruana Galizia was a harsh critic of mine both politically and personally, but nobody can justify this barbaric act in any way,” Muscat said.
Adrian Delia, the Nationalist party leader, bluntly pointed the finger at Galizia’s political journalism for the reason behind the attack.
“A political murder took place today,” said Delia, also a target of Galizia’s reporting. “What happened today is not an ordinary killing. It is a consequence of the total collapse of the rule of law which has been going on for the past four years.”
Galizia’s family is currently petitioning the government to replace Consuelo Scerri Herrera as the incident’s head investigator. Scerri was mentioned numerous times in Galizia’s blog.
In a statement the family argued Scerri could not “conduct a magisterial inquiry through the seriousness and impartiality that is needed in the search for truth.”
No one thus far has taken responsibility for the attack. Galizia’s reporting targeted a wide range of entities including banks accused of money laundering and the Mafia.
Bloomberg Market October 19, 2017 Filings for unemployment benefits plunged last week to the lowest level since 1973 as workers affected by hurricanes Harvey and Irma continued to return to their jobs, Labor Department figures showed Thursday.
The larger-than-projected decrease in claims probably reflected difficulty adjusting for the Columbus Day holiday. At the same time, the report showed further declines in claims in hurricane- affected states. The storms initially led to a spike in applications in Texas and the southeastern U.S. in late August and early September.
The latest period also encompasses the reporting week that the Labor Department surveys for its October employment figures. Claims are at the lowest level in more than four decades, indicating employers have little desire to cut staffing levels amid a shortage of qualified workers.
Other Details
Prior week’s reading was revised to 244,000 from 243,000
Unemployment rate among people eligible for benefits fell to 1.3 percent from 1.4 percent
Applications slumped in Florida, Texas, Georgia and Michigan
Claims were estimated only for the Virgin Islands last week, according to the Labor Department
As he prepared to collect a $500,000 payday in Moscow in 2010, Bill Clinton sought clearance from the State Department to meet with a key board director of the Russian nuclear energy firm Rosatom — which at the time needed the Obama administration’s approval for a controversial uranium deal, government records show.
Arkady Dvorkovich, a top aide to then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and one of the highest-ranking government officials to serve on Rosatom’s board of supervisors, was listed on a May 14, 2010, email as one of 15 Russians the former president wanted to meet during a late June 2010 trip, the documents show.
“In the context of a possible trip to Russia at the end of June, WJC is being asked to see the business/government folks below. Would State have concerns about WJC seeing any of these folks,” Clinton Foundation foreign policy adviser Amitabh Desai wrote the State Department on May 14, 2010, using the former president’s initials and forwarding the list of names to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s team.
The email went to two of Hillary Clinton’s most senior advisers, Jake Sullivan and Cheryl Mills.
The approval question, however, sat inside State for nearly two weeks without an answer, prompting Desai to make multiple pleas for a decision.
“Dear Jake, we urgently need feedback on this. Thanks, Ami,” the former president’s aide wrote in early June.
Sullivan finally responded on June 7, 2010, asking a fellow State official “What’s the deal w this?”
The documents don’t indicate what decision the State Department finally made. But current and former aides to both Clintons told The Hill on Thursday the request to meet the various Russians came from other people, and the ex-president’s aides and State decided in the end not to hold any of the meetings with the Russians on the list.
Bill Clinton instead got together with Vladimir Putin at the Russian leader’s private homestead.
“Requests of this type were run by the State Department as a matter of course. This was yet another one of those instances. Ultimately, President Clinton did not meet with these people,” Angel Urena, the official spokesperson for the former president, told The Hill.
Aides to the ex-president, Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation said Bill Clinton did not have any conversations about Rosatom or the Uranium One deal while in Russia, and that no one connected to the deal was involved in the trip.
A spokesman for Secretary Clinton said Thursday the continued focus on the Uranium One deal smacked of partisan politics aimed at benefiting Donald Trump.
“At every turn this storyline has been debunked on the merits. Its roots are with a project shepherded by Steve Bannon, which should tell you all you need to know,” said Nick Merrill. “This latest iteration is simply more of the right doing Trump’s bidding for him to distract from his own Russia problems, which are real and a grave threat to our national security.”
Current and former Clinton aides told The Hill that the list of proposed business executives the former president planned to meet raised some sensitivities after Bill Clinton’s speaker bureau got the invite for the lucrative speech.
Hillary Clinton had just returned from Moscow and there were concerns about the appearance of her husband meeting with officials so soon after.
In addition, two of the Russians on the former president’s list had pending business that would be intersecting with State.
Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com October 16, 2017
A U.S. Special Forces “decapitation” team is on board a a nuclear-powered submarine just off the coast of North Korea.
Buried in a Yonhap report about a joint US-South Korean Navy war drill is the revelation that, “A unit of U.S. special forces tasked with carrying out “decapitation” operations is aboard a nuclear-powered submarine in the group.”
Speculation is rife that the deployment could be what President Trump was referring to when he mentioned “the calm before the storm” in front of confused reporters two weeks ago.
Back in June it was reported that the U.S. and South Korea were training their special forces to track down and assassinate Kim Jong-un in the event of war as part of a joint operation.
North Korea has warned that it could respond to the training exercise with another ballistic missile launch to coincide with the Chinese 19th Party Congress on October 18.
Part of the wargame revolves around practicing the evacuation of noncombatant Americans out of South Korea in the event of war and other emergencies.
Assets mobilized for the joint drill include the U.S. 7th Fleet’s aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) and two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers – the USS Stethem (DDG-63) and the USS Mustin (DDG-89).
North Korea intensified its bellicose rhetoric against the United States on Sunday night, accusing Trump of being a “war merchant and strangler of peace.”
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says Trump has instructed him to continue with diplomatic efforts, although Tillerson ominously added that this would be prolonged only “until the first bomb drops”.
Julian Assange may release evidence showing Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia during the presidential election as well as the real extent of her crimes, says an anonymous source on 4Chan who has so proved to be far more credible than the mainstream media.
The evidence apparently stems from a file dump taken by the NYPD from Huma Abedin’s laptop that convicted sexual predator Anthony Weiner had access to.
“This dump will be broad,” says the source. “It will probably be the biggest file dump Wikileaks has ever published in size and when it’s out there, it’s going to leave NO DOUBT on things like, WHO colluded with Russia, WHY it was done, WHAT crimes Hillary (as Secretary of State AND as a presidential candidate) and the elite DNC/GOP/Obama administration, like Lynch, Comey, etc. actually committed.”
“Again, when it’s done you will have zero doubt as to who is actually guilty of crimes and election rigging.”
Assange is reportedly waiting until Oct. 21st to give special prosecutor Robert Mueller – and Deep State elements within the FBI – the opportunity to back off the probe against President Trump because, so far, the known evidence actually implicates Hillary Clinton, and the data dump will only implicate her even more.
“Trump knows it’s better for the people if Mueller does what’s right,” he continued. “It will restore people’s faith in justice and our departments.”
“If Assange gets it done himself as I expect, then like I said, Trump will have no choice but to address the downfall of TWO of the three letter agencies/departments I mentioned last week… FBI and CIA.”
“Mueller and team have until the 21st, assuming Assange keeps his promise and/or no one gets to him first. Assange dropped his hash yesterday. They all know what’s coming, regardless of who makes it public first,” he added.
As Infowars reported on Oct. 17, Fox News’ Sean Hannity hinted that Wikileaks may drop something that relates to Hillary Clinton and the Russian collusion narrative.
Two days before, Assange released a hash key on Twitter that Hannity responded to in a series of tweets which were later deleted.
The Wikileaks founder is known to release the hash keys to his media publishers around a week before the data dump goes public.
“It bodes better for Trump and the administration, if the ‘special prosecutor’ America demanded, costing taxpayers more than $1 million/day investigating what Trump and Mueller both know is factual bullshit, looks better if Mueller breaks [the revelations] himself,” the source added. “Assange and Hannity are playing this like a f*cking pressure cooker against Mueller and everyone else guilty and involved, right now.”
“There are VERY FEW options left for them and in this environment with so many people paying such CLOSE attention to EVERY F*CKING DETAIL released about everything and anything (like the Vegas ‘investigation’ sh*t show of ‘evidence’ and ‘reporting’), they all know their old, standard, bag of once successful tricks, won’t work.”
And as Infowars reported on July 25, Mueller’s staff is stacked with experts in organized crime rings and terrorism – not foreign relations and election fraud – which suggests that the probe could easily pivot toward investigating Hillary.
The predicted data dump may prove, once and for all, that last summer’s DNC email leak wasn’t a hack job by Russia, but rather an internal breach somehow involving murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich – who was apparently a Bernie Sanders supporter – and former congressional IT staffer Imran Awan, who quickly fled the country after leading police to a laptop linked to former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
With all of the focus on the alleged (yet never demonstrated, much less proved) connections between President Trump and Russia over the past year, the liberal mainstream media have bent over backwards to keep the attention off of the demonstrable (and likely soon to be proved) connections between Hillary Clinton and Russia. New reports may make it impossible to continue that ruse.
Hillary Clinton got quite a bit of political play out of calling Trump “Putin’s puppet” during debates and throughout the election cycle. In the end, though, her attacks missed their mark and she missed the necessary votes to secure the White House and the advent of a Clinton 2.0 presidency — an administration that would certainly have continued (and escalated) the corruption of the Clinton 1.0 presidency.
Newly released information confirms that it is Hillary Clinton — as secretary of state — and not Trump who can be shown to be “Putin’s puppet. The Hill, Fox News, Newsweek, and others are reporting that a deal between Clinton’s State Department and Russian interests that transferred 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russian control involved bribery, collusion, and coverup. And Clinton’s fingerprints are all over it.
This confirms reports published by The New American even as the failed Clinton campaign and its accomplices in the liberal mainstream media continued to beat the stillborn horse of Trump/Russia collusion. In an article originally published in our print magazine and later published online, this writer addressed the evidence of “unethical, illegal, and corrupt behavior” revealed in the leaked Clinton campaign and DNC e-mails and documents published by WikiLeaks:
Those e-mails and documents serve as a box full of smoking guns against the DNC and Clinton campaign. A quick look at just a few of those smoking guns — any of which alone would be damning — illustrates why Clinton (with the help of the liberal media) wanted to keep the attention on the supposed source of the leak, rather than on what the e-mails show about Clinton and her comrades in the DNC....
As secretary of state, Clinton “reset” relations with Putin’s Russia, which helped the Clinton Foundation and its donors make millions of dollars off a deal that sold the mining company Uranium One (and 25 percent of our strategic uranium production) to Russia.
That report by The New American — in February — was published months before The Hill “broke” this story.