March 30, 2012
SchiffReport on Mar 27, 2012
A take on Trayvon you won't see anywhere else.
The Peter Schiff Show
The Peter Schiff Show
"It is not enough to know that there is a shadow government pulling the strings of the visible government- we must also act to expose it, and defeat it!"-Mark Matheny
It only stands to reason that where there’s sacrifice, there’s someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there’s service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master. - Ayn Rand
Comrades! The insurrection of five kulak districts should be pitilessly suppressed. …1. Hang (and make sure that the hanging takes place in full view of the people) no fewer than one hundred known landlords, rich men, bloodsuckers.2. Publish their names.3. Seize all their grain from them.4. Designate hostages in accordance with yesterday’s telegram.Do it in such a fashion that for hundreds of kilometres around the people might see, tremble, know, shout: “they are strangling, and will strangle to death, the bloodsucking kulaks”.Telegraph receipt and implementation.Yours, Lenin.
- The economy is not improving (nor will it before the election).
- Government stimulus is increasingly seen as political favoritism and a waste of taxpayer money.
- Government continues to spend money that it doesn’t have, leading the nation closer to bankruptcy.
- Voters understand that this spending has mortgaged the future of their children and grandchildren and may destroy the country.
- The centerpiece of Obama’s economic program, green energy initiatives, produced no new energy and a track record of failing companies. It was nothing more than political payoffs to Democrat supporters.
- Gas prices are at record levels and expected to soar upward from here while Obama plays politics with an important pipeline.
- President Obama’s Democrat-controlled Senate refused to pass his requested tax hikes on oil companies.
- The Supreme Court has exposed Obama’s crowning domestic achievement, ObamaCare, for its legal absurdities (which does not mean they will overrule it). The CBO estimates have more than doubled, casting doubt on the integrity of the President’s cost estimates.
- President Obama’s proposed budget did not garner one Democrat vote in the House.
“All Americans — citizens of every race, creed, religion and color — should reject the Democrat Party and its vicious marketing of racial hatred.”
That our President and members of his party have not only allowed the racial demagoguery to continue, but have in fact participated in it (and intend to extend its rhetorical reach), should be a chilling reminder that — even in the most sophisticated societies, under the stewardship of the most enlightened laws — the controls we place on government are, in the end, merely words. Once an anti-foundationalist ideological movement like the progressive left has decided it no longer has to abide by legal restraints should the context arise where they are “morally bound” to “resist” laws — that is, once they declare that law is man-made and thus contingent and not binding in particular contexts of their choosing — there is nothing left but force and the will to power, which become the de facto ruling conditions of society (albeit, these will be disguised and qualified with propaganda attempts to hide their baser imulses under the rubric of “social justice” and “civil disobedience, ” etc.).In a society truly governed by the rule of law, Congressmen and Justice Department officials would be calling for a respect of due process and reinforcing the integrity of states and local law enforcement. Instead, we have members of Congress — and members of the media, like MSNBC race pimp and host Al Sharpton — essentially trying to lead a lynch mob based around public pressure, scapegoating, rank racialist politics, and the kind of bullying typical of identity politics reinforced by the social taboos long set in place by adepts of political correctness.
What we are witnessing is truly outrageous. And it is disgusting. And it has been cheerily manufactured by those who presume to rule over us by promoting various forms of tribalism to keep as at each others’ throats.
We either fight back or we don’t. But the days of sitting quiet and hoping it all blows over are no longer a legitimate option. Because that maneuver has led to a kind of tacit complicity, and we have, as a nation, reached the tipping point where, if we don’t push back now, we will find ourselves living in democratic despotism — without the recourse of a stable set of laws to save us from the will of a political consensus born of propaganda, misinformation, intellectual laziness, and the deconstruction of every last tenet of classical liberalism institutionalized at our founding and framing.
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Timothy Geithner |
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All revolutionary movements, all popular wars have been nourished by such propaganda of agitation. -Propaganda:The formation of men's attitudes |
As race-hatred profiteers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson whip up a frenzy of hysteria over a hypothetical racial element to the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin in Florida last month, the Obama administration’s Justice Department is reportedly investigating whether or not shooter George Zimmerman can be federally prosecuted for a “hate crime.” And experts fear the situation is spiraling quickly out of control.Even though more recent developments in the case have revealed that Zimmerman may be in fact justified in his action of defending himself from an assault by Trayvon, it seems this event will be used by the liberals, and the administration to carry out another tool of the tyrant called 'propaganda of agitation'.
Propaganda of agitation... generally attracts all the attention. It is most often subversive propaganda and has the stamp of opposition. It is led by a party seeking to destroy the government or the established order. It seeks rebellion or war. It has always had a place in the course of history. All revolutionary movements, all popular wars have been nourished by such propaganda of agitation. [1]Governments can use this form of propaganda to rally the masses' approval in illegal wars that would otherwise be abhorant to the people and otherwise unacceptable to a congress that would normally frown upon the cost of such an undertaking.
For example, when a government wants to galvanize energies to mobilize the entire nation for war, it will use a propaganda of agitation. At that moment the subversion is aimed at the enemy, whose strength must be destroyed by psychological as well as physical means, and whose force must be overcome by the vigor of one's own nation. [1]
Governments also employ this propaganda of agitation when, after having been installed in power, they want to pursue a revolutionary course of action. Thus Lenin, having installed the Soviets, organized the agitprops and developed the long campaign of agitation in Russia to conquer resistance and crush the Kulaks. In such a case , subversion aims at the resistance of a segment or a class, and an internal enemy is chosen for attack.
Similarly, most of Hitler's propaganda was propaganda of agitation. Hitler could work his sweeping social and economic transformations only by constant agitation, by overexcitement, by straining energies to the utmost. Nazism grew by successive waves of feverish enthusiasm and thus attained its revolutionary objectives.
Finally, the great campaigns in China were precisely propaganda of agitation. Only such propaganda could produce those "great leaps forward" The system of the communes was accepted only because of propaganda of agitation which unleashed simultaneously physical action by the population and a change in their behavior, by subverting habits, customs, and beliefs that were obstacles to the "great leaps forward".. [1]
On the current administration's table of 'Change' are things such as U.S. Nuclear stock pile reduction which can put our country in a dangerous position against other countries, the health care takeover, a coming election wherein we could have Obama again for another four years, the NDAA, and executive orders that give the President powers to arrest, torture and even murder American citizens here and abroad. We have a debt ceiling that could again be reached before the elections, and a housing market that is still in shambles, as well as high unemployment stats (regardless of the spin being sold on tv) and record amounts of foodstamp recipients. If this isn't a reason for Obama and his administration to foment the fires of agitation via propaganda I don't know what is!