Mark Matheny
Founder of the controversial Website "Wikileaks",Julian Assange, appears to be a wanted man by the U.S. Military.
The reason? Because "Wikileaks" is an an amorphous, international organization, originally Sweden-based, that publishes anonymous submissions and leaks of sensitive documents from governments and other organizations, while preserving the anonymity of their sources. These documents often paint government agencies like the CIA, U.S. Military, etc- in a bad light. Take for example the recently leaked Pentagon video of an airstrike in Iraq in 2007 where two Reuters Journalists were killed, along with Iraqi civilians.
The Pentagon has already detained a U.S. soldier Bradley Manning in connection with the Iraq airstrike video.He is currently being held in Kuwait, although no charges have been filed yet. The Pentagon fears that "Wikileaks" founder may be planning to release more classified documents from the State Dept.
It is alleged by the Pentagon that Manning downloaded 260,000 classified diplomatic cables and reports relating to leaders and governments in the Middle East. The State Department is currently studying the hard drives from the computers Manning stored the information on.
Apparently Julian Assange is however, such an elusive person that he has so far not been found by the Feds or the military for that matter. A 39year old Australian journalist and apparently a computer hacker, Julian reportedly has no home, but instead lives out of a backpack. The creators of Wikileaks were unidentified as of January 2007, although it has been represented in public since January 2007 by non-anonymous speakers such as Julian Assange, who had described himself as a member of Wikileaks' advisory board and was later referred to as the "founder of Wikileaks". His weapon of choice is a laptop from which he exposes the secret goings-on by governments, organizations like the CIA, our military Industrial complex, Bilderberg, and others. Since he often goes from country to country, it seems it is not currently known where he is, not even by our State Department! He often resides in countries such as Iceland and Sweden among others.
Wikileaks has contested the allegation that it is currently in posession of 260,000 classified cables saying on a Twitter posting " as far as we can tell, [this is] incorrect." And further stated "Any signs of unacceptable behaviour by the Pentagon or its agents towards this press will be viewed dimly."
One U.S. official stated concerning the State Department's interest in Julian Assange, "We'd like to know where he is; we'd like his cooperation in this," however, it is not known if officials currently know his whereabouts.
Mark Matheny is Administrator and editor of SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!!!. He is a Veteran and has worked as an Operation Manager in Private security covering both private and government contracts. He is proficient in several forms of martial arts, including Aikido, Karate and Kungfu. He currently works in management for a major super retail company. He is married with 6 children and 1 nephew, and enjoys reading the Bible and studying biblical prophecy.
"It is not enough to know that there is a shadow government pulling the strings of the visible government- we must also act to expose it, and defeat it!"-Mark Matheny
Ahmadinejad Calls U.N. Nuke Sanctions 'Worthless Paper'
June 11: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attends a flag raising ceremony during his visit to the Shanghai World Expo in Shanghai, China.
SHANGHAI -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Friday dismissed new sanctions aimed at punishing his country for failing to halt part of its nuclear program, calling the latest U.N. resolution "a worthless paper."
During a visit to China's financial hub of Shanghai, Ahmadinejad also accused the United States of hypocrisy for leading the drive to censure Iran and accused President Barack Obama of pursuing the same "bullying" tactics of his predecessor, George W. Bush.
The resolution adopted by the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday "is a piece of paper. A worthless paper," Ahmadinejad said at a news conference while visiting the World Expo in Shanghai.
Rather than impeding Iran's development, the resolution "may have an impact on our country by expediting the pace of our development," he said.
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Saudis clear Israel to bomb Iran?
Riyadh opens air space for run on nuke facilities, paper says staff and news service reports
LONDON - Saudi Arabia will allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran's nuclear facilities, the London Times reported on Saturday.
Quoting unnamed U.S. defense sources, the newspaper said Riyadh conducted tests to be sure its own jets would not be scrambled and missile defenses not be activated so Israeli bombers could pass by without problems.
The path would shorten Israel's bomb run, The Times said.
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85% Say Freedom of the Press More Important Than Helping Newspaper Industry
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Americans continues to oppose government-driven solutions for the newspaper industry’s problems in large part because of their concern that they threaten the press’ independence.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 85% of Adults believe that maintaining freedom of the press is more important than supporting the newspaper industry. Only six percent (6%) put supporting the newspaper business first.
Just 19% think the government should get actively involved in steps to save the newspaper industry and other forms of traditional journalism. Sixty percent (60%) oppose government involvement in such activities. Twenty-one percent (21%) aren’t sure if it’s a good idea or not.
Read the entire report
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Americans continues to oppose government-driven solutions for the newspaper industry’s problems in large part because of their concern that they threaten the press’ independence.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 85% of Adults believe that maintaining freedom of the press is more important than supporting the newspaper industry. Only six percent (6%) put supporting the newspaper business first.
Just 19% think the government should get actively involved in steps to save the newspaper industry and other forms of traditional journalism. Sixty percent (60%) oppose government involvement in such activities. Twenty-one percent (21%) aren’t sure if it’s a good idea or not.
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Sick 9/11 first responders to get additional $125 million in compensation
BY Samuel Goldsmith and Scott Shifrel
Sept. 11 first responders and cleanup workers will receive more cash on a revamped deal
A beefed-up settlement for 9/11 rescue and cleanup workers was unveiled Thursday, with more cash for the sick and less money for the lawyers.
The pact must be approved by 95% of the plaintiffs - but it already has the blessing of the federal judge who rejected the last offering as too paltry.
"This is a very good deal," Manhattan Federal Judge Alvin Hellerstein said, announcing details hashed out over three months.
"It's not a perfect settlement. There is no better deal. This is the deal on the table."
The Daily News has long campaigned for better treatment of the 10,000 workers who toiled at Ground Zero after the terror attacks. They could split an extra $125 million.
Key points of the deal include:
Several workers said they were surprised by the announcement - and were on the fence.
"They're adding $125 million. You know what $125 million is for 10,000 plaintiffs? That's only $12,000 each. Do you think that's good enough money for people sick and dying?" said retired Firefighter Keith Delmar, 35, who has asthma and other illnesses.
Workers have until Sept. 30 to approve the deal.
The settlement uses a point system based on severity and the type of medical problem, time spent working at the site and past health and smoking history.
Those who simply fear getting sick because of their work would get $3,250, while those with crippling respiratory illnesses could get $1 million. There would be a $1.5 million death benefit.
Kenneth Feinberg, former special master for the fund for those killed Sept. 11, 2001, will oversee the claims. He said this deal has quicker payouts and guaranteed minimums. "You've waited long enough," Feinberg said. "This is a real settlement, for real money."
BY Samuel Goldsmith and Scott Shifrel
Originally Published:Thursday, June 10th 2010, 12:26 PM
Updated: Friday, June 11th 2010, 2:26 AM
Sept. 11 first responders and cleanup workers will receive more cash on a revamped deal
A beefed-up settlement for 9/11 rescue and cleanup workers was unveiled Thursday, with more cash for the sick and less money for the lawyers.
The pact must be approved by 95% of the plaintiffs - but it already has the blessing of the federal judge who rejected the last offering as too paltry.
"This is a very good deal," Manhattan Federal Judge Alvin Hellerstein said, announcing details hashed out over three months.
"It's not a perfect settlement. There is no better deal. This is the deal on the table."
The Daily News has long campaigned for better treatment of the 10,000 workers who toiled at Ground Zero after the terror attacks. They could split an extra $125 million.
Key points of the deal include:
- A total maximum payout of $712.5 million, up from $657 million in the last offer.
- Lawyers cut their fees from 33% to 25%, a difference of about $50 million.
- More money for the sickest, up to $2 million for tumors.
- It's unclear if taking this money would make workers ineligible for a proposed federal fund.
Several workers said they were surprised by the announcement - and were on the fence.
"They're adding $125 million. You know what $125 million is for 10,000 plaintiffs? That's only $12,000 each. Do you think that's good enough money for people sick and dying?" said retired Firefighter Keith Delmar, 35, who has asthma and other illnesses.
Workers have until Sept. 30 to approve the deal.
The settlement uses a point system based on severity and the type of medical problem, time spent working at the site and past health and smoking history.
Those who simply fear getting sick because of their work would get $3,250, while those with crippling respiratory illnesses could get $1 million. There would be a $1.5 million death benefit.
Kenneth Feinberg, former special master for the fund for those killed Sept. 11, 2001, will oversee the claims. He said this deal has quicker payouts and guaranteed minimums. "You've waited long enough," Feinberg said. "This is a real settlement, for real money."
Obama Administration Prolonging Gulf oil Crisis by Denying Oil Cleanup Technology
Mark Matheny
The Dylan Ratigan Show, June 9, 2010:
Francois Vorster of Super Suck International talks about his plan to clean up the oil disaster: Attach a giant vacuum to one of the supertankers and suck up the oil from the surface.
Why is the Obama Administration not using this excellent technology, when it is apparently available with little problem? Are they prolonging this "crisis" to bolster the call to "green " technologies at the next United Nations Sustainable Developement Summit? This seems to be the case. It seems there is no limit to the desparation that the Elites will go to in order to bring about their Carbon Taxes, and control of the oceans.
Mark Matheny
The Dylan Ratigan Show, June 9, 2010:
Francois Vorster of Super Suck International talks about his plan to clean up the oil disaster: Attach a giant vacuum to one of the supertankers and suck up the oil from the surface.
Why is the Obama Administration not using this excellent technology, when it is apparently available with little problem? Are they prolonging this "crisis" to bolster the call to "green " technologies at the next United Nations Sustainable Developement Summit? This seems to be the case. It seems there is no limit to the desparation that the Elites will go to in order to bring about their Carbon Taxes, and control of the oceans.
Bankruptcy filings reflect a weak economy – 9 percent jump in bankruptcy filing in last month of data. Bankruptcy map shows Nevada and South have highest filing rates per capita. $79,000 income and $11 million in debt?
Without a job or adequate income, most will simply default whether it is in bankruptcy or through foreclosure.
Bankruptcies are still plaguing this country and show deeper strain in the fabric of the economy. Average Americans are still very much dealing with the challenges of a deep and profound recession. Filing for bankruptcy is usually the end of the financial line for many Americans. Yet in the last month of data for March of 2010 we saw the highest number of bankruptcy filings in the entire fiscal year. Instead of the rate dropping it has actually increased. Keep in mind that these filings are coming at a time when bankruptcy laws have become tougher and stricter on most Americans. Yet there is only so much you can squeeze out of someone who has entered the last stage of their financial options. This is why even programs that focus on mortgage adjustments don’t help because they don’t drill deep enough into the core of what is happening in our economy. Without a job or adequate income, most will simply default whether it is in bankruptcy or through foreclosure.
Read the entire report
Obama Warns Oil Spill Will Substantially Impact Economy
President Barack Obama meets with members of his Cabinet at the White House to discuss the response to BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 07 Jun 2010
07 June 2010
Dan Robinson
The White House
President Barack Obama Obama has met with Cabinet and other officials dealing with the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The president says it is clear there will be substantial ongoing economic effects from the spill.
The president spoke after meeting with Cabinet and other officials directly involved in the response to the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history.
If containment efforts are successful, he said, it will take at least two more months for relief wells to be completed. Even after that, the president said Americans should be prepared for a substantial and ongoing economic impact.
"This will be contained. It may take some time and it is going to take a whole lot of effort," he said "There is going to be damage done to the Gulf coast, and there is going to be economic damage that we have got to make sure BP is responsible for and compensates people for," said the president.
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Evidence Points To BP Oil Spill False Flag
- Sales of shares and stocks in days and weeks beforehand
- Halliburton link, acquisition of cleanup company days before explosion
- BP report cites undocumented tampering with well sealing equipment
- Government uses disaster to push for Carbon Tax, Nationalization talk
Troubling evidence surrounding the Deepwater Horizon explosion on April 20th suggests that the incident could have been manufactured.
On April 12th, just over one week before the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, Halliburton, the world’s second largest oilfield services corporation, surprised some by acquiring Boots & Coots, a relatively small but vastly experienced oil well control companies.
The company deals with fires and blowouts on oil rigs and oil wells. It was responsible for putting out roughly one third of the more than 700 oil well fires set in Kuwait by retreating Iraqi soldiers during the Gulf War.
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Tuesday, Jun 8th, 2010
- Sales of shares and stocks in days and weeks beforehand
- Halliburton link, acquisition of cleanup company days before explosion
- BP report cites undocumented tampering with well sealing equipment
- Government uses disaster to push for Carbon Tax, Nationalization talk
Troubling evidence surrounding the Deepwater Horizon explosion on April 20th suggests that the incident could have been manufactured.
On April 12th, just over one week before the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, Halliburton, the world’s second largest oilfield services corporation, surprised some by acquiring Boots & Coots, a relatively small but vastly experienced oil well control companies.
The company deals with fires and blowouts on oil rigs and oil wells. It was responsible for putting out roughly one third of the more than 700 oil well fires set in Kuwait by retreating Iraqi soldiers during the Gulf War.
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Border Patrol Agent Teen Death (VIDEO) Mexico Border Shooting
The Post Chronicle
by Mitch Marconi
According to reports, the U.S. and Mexican authorities are trying to figure out if a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Texas is to blame or acted correctly.
A video at the border showed four Mexican law enforcers crossing the border to grab an undetermined item and return to Mexico.
Soon after, there were Mexicans who were throwing rocks at the U.S. border patrol. One of the Patrol officers in the U.S. allegedly shot down a 15-year-old Mexico boy in Ciudad Juarez on Monday night.
Border patrol officers claim that the illegal immigrants tried to lead a sneak rock attack on U.S. border patrol officers on bicycles. Officers said it was unknown how many people were throwing rocks. The agent who discharged his firearm is currently on administrative leave.
Read the entire story
by Mitch Marconi
According to reports, the U.S. and Mexican authorities are trying to figure out if a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Texas is to blame or acted correctly.
A video at the border showed four Mexican law enforcers crossing the border to grab an undetermined item and return to Mexico.
Soon after, there were Mexicans who were throwing rocks at the U.S. border patrol. One of the Patrol officers in the U.S. allegedly shot down a 15-year-old Mexico boy in Ciudad Juarez on Monday night.
Border patrol officers claim that the illegal immigrants tried to lead a sneak rock attack on U.S. border patrol officers on bicycles. Officers said it was unknown how many people were throwing rocks. The agent who discharged his firearm is currently on administrative leave.
Read the entire story
Uncle Sam : In Recovery or Relapse?

Mark Matheny
On 6/04/10 President Obama confidently spoke in a press conference after the release of the BLS employment report saying " the ecomomy is getting better every day". However, from the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, to the increasing Wallstreet and Government corruption, endless bailouts, and the ever-printing Federal Reserve Note in our present time, it seems Uncle Sam's "Recovery" is starting to look more like a "relapse" back into what will be worse than the initial recession we've recently experienced (and still are experiencing). Take for example that:
In 1913, our Gross Domestic Product was at $39.1 Billion, while our Gross Public (Fed) Debt as a percentage of GDP was at 7.49%.[1] (Our National Debt being at $ 2,916,204,913.66 - or just under 3 Billion.) [2] This was the year that the Federal reserve was established in order to "stablize the banking system":
"It sprang from the panic of 1907,with its alarming epidemic of bank failures: the country was fed up once and for all with the anarchy of unstable private banking" [3]
But that's just what the establishment Bankers of the day had us believing in order to create what is known as the Federal Reserve today. The real reason (in a nut shell) is so the banking Cartels can essentially print money, lending it to the Treasury at interest, all while making risky investments with the Wall Street Gangs, and having the American citizen fit the bill for any failures that might (will) take place along the road.
(This is extremely simplified, but gives you the idea.)
When the FDIC guarentees that every insurance deposit will be paid regardless of the financial condition of the bank, this gives the Banksters a "license" to make risky investments and to lend out credit at amounts several times that of real assets on hand. These expenses are then passed on to us in higher service fees, and if the bank becomes insolvent (due to fraud usually), then Uncle Sam gives the banksters a bailout! ('Bail' being the focus - as in a criminal that gets 'bailed' out after being caught in a crime). And of course "We The People" are the national pocketbook from which Uncle Sam (the government) pilfrages to pay the banksters for their "economic troubles" which is blamed on out of control capitalism.
But wait! Wasn't the Federal Reserve established the keep us safe from the "anarchy of unstable private banking"? That's what the government, Wall Street, and the Fed themselves would have us to so blindly believe, however
Even the most naive student must sense a grave contradiction between this cherished view and the [Federal Reverve] System's actual performance. Since its inception, it has presided over the crashes of 1921 and 1929; the Great Depression of '29 to '39; recessions in '53, '57, '69, '75, and '81; a stock market "Black Monday" in '87; and a 1000% inflation which has destroyed 90% of the dollar's purchasing power." [4]
Now in 2010, our Gross Domestic Product is at $14623.9 Trillion, while our Gross Public (Fed) Debt as a percentage of GDP is at *94.27% ! [5] (Our National Debt being at $ 13,057,170,899,201 - or just over 13 trillion.) [6]
And yet with these alarming stats, Washington keeps spending, thinking that somehow it will fix everything. I think Uncle Sam's sober years of fiscal responsibility have relapsed into a wild binge of intoxicating debt-only this time I'm afraid there will not be any remedy for what ails him.
3. Paul A. Samuelson, Economics,8th Ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill,1970),p.272.
4."The Creature From Jekyl Island"By G. Edward Griffin, Pg 20.
* budgeted estimate in US fy11 budget.
"Obama's 2011 budget will include phantom cap-and-trade revenue" WashingtonExaminer:
Mark Matheny is Administrator and editor of SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!!!. He is a Veteran and has worked as an Operation Manager in Private security covering both private and government contracts. He is proficient in several forms of martial arts, including Aikido, Karate and Kungfu. He currently works in management for a major super retail company. He is married with 6 children and 1 nephew, and enjoys reading the Bible and studying biblical prophecy.
FDIC massive problems ahead with smaller bank failures. 105 banks hold 77 percent of all banking assets. $10 trillion held in too big to fail while 775 banks appear on the FDIC problem list.
Posted: 05 Jun 2010 10:05 AM PDT
The FDIC went ahead and closed another handful of banks this Friday. It really is a rare day to see 400,000+ jobs added and the market retreat so significantly. A large part of the gains came from temporary Census hiring which peaked last month. If the economy were really recovering banks wouldn’t be failing on a continual basis. Part of the issue the FDIC has is the concentration of troubled assets in too big to fail banks. 105 banks hold 77 percent of all banking assets. The impression we have is the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury will do anything including destroying the U.S. dollar to keep these banks propped up. On the other hand, you have banks that are dealing with massive amounts of bad loans including commercial real estate loans and the FDIC deposit insurance fund is running in the negative.
Notice that tiny piece of the pie? Those are the too big to fail. Only 105 institutions but they eat up 77 percent of all the banking assets. The real issue for the FDIC will come from the other institutions on the list that are clearly failing with no preferential treatment from the government. 4,474 banks have between $100 million and $1 billion in assets. Another 2,778 banks have less than $100 million in assets. If these are tiny regional players with large amounts of commercial real estate they will be going bust in the next year or two.
Here is the breakdown of U.S. banking assets:
The more the government bails out the banking system, the less the above will be worth. Ultimately this is seen through a hidden inflation tax. Currently we are dealing more with a case of deflationary prices in autos, homes, and other financed items. This however is coming more from global problems as other countries with similar problems don’t have the credibility of the U.S. so global markets are rushing to the U.S. dollar and propping it up. But this can only go on for so long. The Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury are capitalizing on this imbalance for the moment.
The FDIC is left to deal with the other mess that is at hand with the vast majority of banks in sheer number. The larger banks are now wards of the country even though the people clearly voted against this. Our government for the past decade has not been serving the interest of our people when it comes to protecting the financial system they depend on.
Even though the FDIC has an insured maximum limit of $250,000 most Americans are nowhere close to this amount. In fact, one out of three Americans has no savings at all. So this implied guarantee is really geared to the few but what most Americans need today is a stable employment market. Without that, we will see more small bank failures as local businesses are unable to service their loans. With that, the FDIC will be busy.
Posted: 05 Jun 2010 10:05 AM PDT
The FDIC went ahead and closed another handful of banks this Friday. It really is a rare day to see 400,000+ jobs added and the market retreat so significantly. A large part of the gains came from temporary Census hiring which peaked last month. If the economy were really recovering banks wouldn’t be failing on a continual basis. Part of the issue the FDIC has is the concentration of troubled assets in too big to fail banks. 105 banks hold 77 percent of all banking assets. The impression we have is the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury will do anything including destroying the U.S. dollar to keep these banks propped up. On the other hand, you have banks that are dealing with massive amounts of bad loans including commercial real estate loans and the FDIC deposit insurance fund is running in the negative.
First let us breakdown the U.S. banking system:
What is troubling is the massive concentration of banking wealth in a few hands. If we slice the 105 institutions further, we’ll find that roughly five banks have over half of all U.S. banking assets. When we talked about over 1,000 banks failing by the end of this economic crisis the number seems probably more shocking than the actual four figures would appear. Yet one too big to fail bank going under would wipe out the same amount as all these banks combined. The FDIC is simply cleaning house with the smaller banks yet the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury have practically promised unlimited access to the bigger banks to do as they see fit. There isn’t anything special about these banks. They have horrible balance sheets just like smaller banks:
3.42 percent of all assets at too big to fail banks are non-current. How much is this?
- $10.383 trillion x .0342 = $355 billion in non-current assets
The too big to fail currently have $355 billion in non-current assets yet somehow are turning out profits? When we see things like this we know something is inherently dysfunctional with the system. As the economy supposedly recovers FDIC troubled banks keep growing:
How can it be that banking problems are still growing while we are in a supposed economic recovery? What should be apparent is that the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury are working directly for the profit and success of the too big to fail banks. The banking system has done very little to help the real economy recover and why would they? It is their irresponsible years of lending that led us into this quagmire to begin with so expecting them to carry the flag forward is laughable.
Yet the too big to fail banks have the implicit guarantee from the Federal Reserve. Have you looked at a dollar bill recently? These are Federal Reserve Notes and this is the institutions shoveling money to the banking giants with horrible balance sheets:
As things get tough, people are now dipping into their savings funds to get by:
New Challenge to Arizona Immigration Law
June 5, 2010 - 3:10 PM
by: Lee Ross
FOX News
The timetable for federal court action on Arizona's controversial new immigration law picked up considerably Friday as opponents of the measure are now asking a federal judge to issue an injunction stopping the law from taking effect as scheduled.
Arizona officials are supposed to begin enforcing the law July 29 but the new court filing argues the law's start date should be delayed until the underlying legal challenge attacking the "Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act" is resolved.
The injunction request comes from the ACLU and a handful of civil rights groups who are also challenging the law. Their filing means a federal judge will be required to make a legal assessment on the controversial law this summer.
In their 44 page filing, the plaintiffs call the law an "unprecedented attempt by a single state to regulate immigration" and "a brazen and improper usurpation of the federal government's constitutional role in immigration regulation." Of greater importance to their injunction request, the groups argue the law, if it takes effect on July 29, will cause irreparable harm and will immediately cause their members to change their lives "out of fear that they will be subject to unlawful questioning, arrest, or detention."
The judge will have to determine the veracity of these claims and conclude that the law will cause immediate and irrevocable harm. An injunction order, rare but not unprecedented, would also likely include analysis that the plaintiffs are likely to prevail on their underlying lawsuit.
There was no immediate response from Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's office to the new legal action.
by: Lee Ross
FOX News
The timetable for federal court action on Arizona's controversial new immigration law picked up considerably Friday as opponents of the measure are now asking a federal judge to issue an injunction stopping the law from taking effect as scheduled.
Arizona officials are supposed to begin enforcing the law July 29 but the new court filing argues the law's start date should be delayed until the underlying legal challenge attacking the "Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act" is resolved.
The injunction request comes from the ACLU and a handful of civil rights groups who are also challenging the law. Their filing means a federal judge will be required to make a legal assessment on the controversial law this summer.
In their 44 page filing, the plaintiffs call the law an "unprecedented attempt by a single state to regulate immigration" and "a brazen and improper usurpation of the federal government's constitutional role in immigration regulation." Of greater importance to their injunction request, the groups argue the law, if it takes effect on July 29, will cause irreparable harm and will immediately cause their members to change their lives "out of fear that they will be subject to unlawful questioning, arrest, or detention."
The judge will have to determine the veracity of these claims and conclude that the law will cause immediate and irrevocable harm. An injunction order, rare but not unprecedented, would also likely include analysis that the plaintiffs are likely to prevail on their underlying lawsuit.
There was no immediate response from Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's office to the new legal action.
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SSTNews Mark Matheny Every Year the World Economic Forum releases what is called a "Global Risks Report" What is interesting is ...
SSTNews Mark Matheny Every Year the World Economic Forum releases what is called a "Global Risks Report" What is interesting is...