Shocking video published online by extremist Yemeni group Ansar al-Shariah shows a man being crucified on a utility pole as a spy for his alleged U.S. sympathies. The man, along with two others, was executed for supposedly attempting to aid U.S. forces in carrying out drone strikes.

According to the Times of Israel, a sign above the crucified man’s head reads verse 5:33 from the Koran: “The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off from opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter.”
A translated Lebanon Today reportexplains the jihadist group took over Yemen’s Azzan region, imposing Islamic Shariah law and subsequently crucifying three men. According to WND, an Ansar al-Shariah leader claimed the men were put to death for “putting sensors on cars that belong to al-Qaeda leaders to be targeted by the drones.” One of the men was reportedly crucified at the entrance of Abyan province’s Jaar for three days in accordance with Shariah law so he could be witnessed by passersby coming and going from the city.
Seemingly no American mainstream media outlets are reporting on this horrific development. Because of the graphic nature of this video, we will not post it here but it can be viewed at this link.
In addition, a few weeks earlier Arabic Sky News relayed that Muslim Brotherhood members were also crucifying Christian dissidents to Egypt’s first Islamic President Muhammed Mursi by hanging them naked from trees in front of his palace. Images have also recently surfaced of NATO-backed rebels mockingly dressing in religious garb and desecrating and destroying Christian churches across Syria.
Although WND has reported previously on these instances of modern crucifixion in the Middle East, other media outlets have challenged the reports, including Jonathan Kay of Canada’s National Post who claimed assertions of recent crucifixion were nothing more than a “hoax” and an “instant Internet myth.” and Prison have provided ample evidence that Al-Qaeda is nothing more than a U.S. government-created front used to serve the military-industrial complex’s purposes when needed, first helping to put the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt, and most recently in a plot to overthrow Syria‘s President Bashar al-Assad. Yemen has been the target of U.S. drone attacks for years as part of an ongoing covert war.
As the Middle East is continuously and purposely destabilized under the guise of the Arab Spring, and increased radicalism is funded and fueled, it is obvious conditions are only getting worse by design. This latest gruesome development serves to highlight the fact that there is nothing “humanitarian” about the U.S. and NATO’s humanitarian interventions or regime changes.