In order for a society to function successfully, people need to be able to trust one another. Unfortunately, we are rapidly getting to the point where it is very difficult to trust anyone and society is breaking down.

Just think about it. Do you trust most politicians? Do you trust most lawyers? Do you trust most bankers? Do you trust the police? As you will read about below, even doctors are going absolutely bonkers these days. So if the “upper crust” of society cannot even be trusted, then what about everyone else? Sadly, the truth is that America has been overrun by psychos. Most people look somewhat “normal” when you meet them, but unfortunately very few people have pure motives these days. You never know when someone is going to stab you in the back (literally or figuratively). These days, most people simply do whatever is right in their own eyes, and that makes society a very unpredictable place. As the economy
continues to fall apart in future years, people are going to become even more desperate, and that is going to cause all of this craziness to get even worse.
Almost everywhere you look, there are signs of societal decay. During an interview last year, trends researcher Gerald Celente
made the following statement….
“Society is breaking down on every level: socially, economically, politically and it’s not just the U.S. It’s worldwide.”
Sadly, he hit the nail right on the head. There is not a single segment of society that the rot of social decay has not touched. A lot of people want to put all of the blame on “the politicians” or “the bankers”, but the truth is that many of us are just as corrupt as they are. Instead of pointing fingers, many of us need to look in the mirror.
You might find some of the examples in the list below to be a bit humorous, but a very serious point is being made here.
America is being fundamentally changed, and not for the better.
The following are 20 signs that society is breaking down and that America has been overrun by psychos….
#1 Cannibalism is alive and well in America apparently. Down
in Miami the other day, police shot a man who was literally eating the face off of another man….
“The guy was, like, tearing him to pieces with his mouth, so I told him, ‘Get off!’” Vega said. “The guy just kept eating the other guy away, like, ripping his skin.”
Vega flagged down a Miami police officer, who he said repeatedly ordered the attacker to get off the victim. The attacker just picked his head up and growled at the officer, Vega said.
As the attack continued, Vega said the officer shot the attacker, who continued chewing the victim’s face. The officer fired again, killing the attacker.
It is being reported that the victim in this crime has lost
about 75% of his face.
#2 Down in Florida recently, a crazed doctor spit a mouthful of blood on state troopers during a DUI arrest. It is quite frightening when even doctors are displaying
this kind of psychotic behavior….
Bird had $40,000 in his pockets and another $14,000 — along with two handguns, some pills and a small vial of liquid — in his BMW, troopers said.
The crazed doc repeatedly smashed his head against a partition until blood began gushing down the front of his face.
“Hey! Blood, blood, blood, blood all over! Take me to the hospital! Take me to the hospital!” Bird raves in the video, as he uses his head to smear blood all over the car.
A 22-year-old pregnant woman survived after being bound, driven to Detroit, set on fire and shot early Saturday morning.
The woman, who was nine-months pregnant, had returned from a movie with her boyfriend and dropped him off at his house in Warren when she was approached from behind, Warren police Sgt. Dave Geffert said.
The woman’s hands, feet and eyes were bound with duct tape. She was then forced into her car and driven to an unknown place in Detroit where she was doused with lighter fluid, set on fire and shot once in the upper back, he said.
Pastor Marvin Winans’ SUV remains missing as of Thursday morning and so do the men who punched, kicked and robbed the famous gospel singer.
Winans was pumping gas Wednesday afternoon at a Detroit Citgo station on the corner of Linwood and Davison when at least two men ambushed him.
#5 Would you like to have your lips stapled shut and then be tortured with a power tool? Well, that is exactly what happened
to one man in Utah recently.
#6 A 26-year-old high school teacher in Minnesota has been charged with sending
naked photos of herself to the phone of a 17-year-old male student. Did she really expect to get away with that?
#7 For some teachers, one student simply is not enough. A 33-year-old art teacher in Arizona was recently charged with having sex
with four of her male students.
#8 Many of our major cities are turning into war zones. According to WGN, a total of
25 people were shot in a single night in Chicago recently.
#9 These days, most people do not seem to care if you are pregnant. Up in Seattle, police tasered a pregnant woman
three times after she refused to sign a ticket for a traffic violation.
#10 Down in Georgia, a police officer recently kicked a woman who was nine months pregnant
directly in the stomach. His superiors in the local police department defended his actions.
#11 After reading how police are behaving these days it is hard to have much confidence in them. For example, just check out what one police officer is charged with doing
in Philadelphia….
A Philadelphia cop was arrested over allegations that he abducted a 14-year-old girl, sexually assaulted her and made her watch him have sex with a prostitute.
Police found Anthony Dattilo, 36, at a motel in the Bensalem area of the city Wednesday while responding to a possible abduction, according to the Bucks County Courier Times.
Dattilo, a 12-year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department, is reportedly in custody at the Bucks County prison on $500,000 bail.
#12 The sexual abuse that happens to children in homes all over America each night is absolutely unspeakable. The following is one recent example
from California….
A Superior Court judge sentenced a man to 40 years and 8 months to life in state prison Friday for sexually assaulting an 8-year-old female relative on Christmas Eve while family members slept in other rooms, calling his conduct “depraved.”Jorge Miguel Gallegos, 38, of Santa Ana, was convicted in April of six felony counts, including sexual assault, lewd acts on a child under 14, and dissuading a witness from reporting a crime.
#13 Everyone knew that sickos and perverts were going to flock to the TSA so that they could legally touch people, but this is ridiculous. It was recently discovered that a Catholic priest that left the ministry because of allegations of sexual abuse has been
hired by the TSA and works as a supervisor at an airport in Philadelphia.
#14 One recent study found that
5.3 percent of all inmates in state prisons have had a sexual encounter with prison staff.
#15 Down in Arizona, authorities recently removed dozens of cats from the home of an elderly woman for the third time. This time, there were
64 cats living with her. In the past, authorities had discovered that the woman would make a “
feline stew concoction” with any of the cats that ended up dying.
Spotsylvania County emergency officials are working to secure drug compartments in ambulances following a recent string of thefts.
Since April, two thefts have occurred at one rescue station and a third at another station. Morphine and other drugs were taken from locked ambulance compartments.
“They went in, they started going everywhere in the store, grabbing things and then they just run out. And I knew that they didn’t buy it because they just run out,” Kendra Mellerson said. “They ran that way and they ran that way. And the guy was trying to come out and stop them but they couldn’t because there was so many.”
After some kids ran away, a store manager blocked the door to keep the rest of the kids from leaving. But those kids got so mad that the door was blocked, they started punching the store manager.
“Yes, they really started hitting that guy and he couldn’t keep getting beat on so he eventually let them out. And then they just ran,” Mellerson said.
#18 It isn’t just people on the street that are behaving like psychos. In fact,
a series of seven scientific studies has found that “upper class people” behave more unethically than “lower class people” do.
#19 As society is breaking down, more Americans than ever are taking pills to dull the pain. In fact, it is being reported that Americans take
80 percent of all the pain pills that are sold in the world each year. Sadly, many of these pain pills are extremely addictive and cause people to want to commit crimes so that they can finance their pain pill habits.
#20 In 2008, a majority of American voters chose to send a radical Marxist con man who endlessly smoked marijuana during his early adult years to the White House. In fact,
according to author David Maraniss, Obama and his friends smoked so much weed that they were known as “the Choom Gang”….
As a member of the Choom Gang, Barry Obama was known for starting a few pot-smoking trends. The first was called “TA,” short for “total absorption.” To place this in the physical and political context of another young man who would grow up to be president, TA was the antithesis of Bill Clinton’s claim that as a Rhodes scholar at Oxford he smoked dope but never inhaled.
According to Maraniss, Obama took his weed smoking very seriously….
Along with TA, Barry popularized the concept of “roof hits”: when they were chooming in the car all the windows had to be rolled up so no smoke blew out and went to waste; when the pot was gone, they tilted their heads back and sucked in the last bit of smoke from the ceiling.
After reading the list above, do you still have any doubt that society is breaking down?
If things continue along this path, what do you think is going to happen someday when our economy fails and millions upon millions of Americans are hungry and desperate?
These are still the good times. Even though our economy has declined somewhat, we are still experiencing rip-roaring prosperity.
So if this is how Americans will act when the leaves on the tree are green, what is going to happen when really hard times arrive?
That is something to think about.