November 2, 2014
Under the guise of advancing what the United Nations calls “gender equality” and “sustainable development,” anew report by the UN Women agency is again pushing global abortion on demand, more sterilization programs and population-control schemes, massive government interference in family life, and much more. Much of the document, published this month, is written in opaque and deceptive language designed to at least partially conceal the extremism and outright barbarism being proposed. Still, critics of the UN machinations were able to see right through the deception, lambasting the UN for pushing totalitarian and horrific policies while trying to dupe the public.
The report, published by the UN “Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women,” claims to be a “survey” of the supposedly “important links” between “gender equality” and “sustainable development.” As regular readers of this magazine know well, both of those relatively innocent-sounding terms are employed by the UN and many of its member regimes to conceal a deeply sinister agenda — plots so outlandish that they would almost certainly spark a global revolt if the true nature of the schemes were more widely understood by the public.
The notion of human “sustainability,” for instance, purports to deal with making sure that “Mother Earth” can continue to sustain humanity into the future. The idea is underpinned largely by imagined problems justified by refuted “science,” such as theories on“man-made global warming” (previously global cooling), “overpopulation,” and “overconsumption.” In reality, though, the term ismostly used as cover to advance everything from depopulation and abortion to centralized global government and planetary socialism. Similarly, the term “gender equality” is used by UN types to conceal a radical agenda involving the gradual destruction of the nuclear family, population control, abortion, and more.