AP News
February 7, 2015
Image Credits: U.S. National Archives

For years, some current and former American officials have been urging President Barack Obama to release secret files they say document links between the government of Saudi Arabia and the Sept. 11 attacks.
Other officials, including the executive director of the Sept. 11 commission, have said the classified documents do not prove that the Saudi government knew about or financed the 2001 terrorist attacks, and that making the material public would serve no purpose.
Now, unsubstantiated court testimony by Zacharias Moussaoui, a former al-Qaida member serving life in federal prison, has renewed the push by those who want a closer look into whether there was official Saudi involvement with al-Qaida and the Sept. 11 hijackers. They say it should start with the release of 28 pages relating to Saudi Arabia from a joint congressional inquiry into the attacks.
“We owe the families a full accounting,” said Rep. Stephen Lynch of Massachusetts, a Democrat who has read the classified pages written in 2002.

Active Army below 500,000 soldiers for the first time in 10 years

Washington Times
February 7, 2015

The U.S. Army has fewer than 500,000 active-duty soldiers for the first time in 10 years....

Read the article Here...

Get Ready for the Orwellian Department of the Internet

Activist Post
February 7, 2015
Freda Art

"Internet freedom" activists are downvoting the satirical video below into oblivion. It seems they've bought the line that the FCC will actually protect a free and open Internet. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Despite all the evidence that the government has been doing anything but protecting liberty, these activists still have faith that the former cable lobbyist who heads the FCC is looking out for them instead of his industry.

In fact, these righteous crusaders have successfully bullied everyone else into thinking the hands-off approach to the Internet is the crazy fringe even though that's what worked to build the Internet. Even the Electronic Frontier Foundation supports the government's plan to regulate the Internet.

Soon Obama will tell us "If you like your ISP, you can keep your ISP." But this time he won't be lying. Reality will be "If you don't like your ISP, you must keep your ISP, and we'll force them to be better."

Public utilities are really just monopolistic private cartels who enjoy special government protections. Also, making ISPs "common carriers" gives the government direct access to those data lines and the identity of every user.

As soon as new cybersecurity legislation is passed to codify cyber spying and mass censorship into law, it will be too late for so-called Internet freedom activists to repent their trust in government.

Trusting the FCC to regulate the Internet is like trusting the NSA to never spy on Americans.


"Catastrophic Shutdown Of America's Supply Chain Looms" As West Coast Port Worker Talks Break Down

Zero Hedge
February 5, 2015

For those who have been following the recent ISM reports, one of the recurring concerns of respondents in both the manufacturing and service sector has been the congestion at West Coast Ports - which handled 43.5% of containerized cargo in the U.S and where transiting cargo accounted for 12.5% of US GDP - as a result of reduced work output by the local unions who have been more focused in recent weeks on ongoing wage hike negotiations.
And according to the latest update from the 29 west coast ports that serve as the entry point of the bulk of Asia/Pac trade into and out of the US, things are about to get far worse for America's manufacturing base, because as RILA reported earlier, talks between the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) representing port management, and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) officially broke down on Wednesday, and without an agreement, experts have suggested that nearly 30 west coast ports could be shut down within a week.
As RILA reports, "a work slowdown during contract negotiations over the past seven months has already created logistic nightmares for American exporters, manufacturers and retailers dependent on an efficient supply chain. A complete shutdown would be catastrophic, with hundreds of thousands of jobs at risk if America’s supply chain grinds to a halt."
"A west coast port shutdown would be an economic disaster," said Kelly Kolb, vice president of government affairs for the Retail Industry Leaders Association. “A shutdown would not only impact the hundreds of thousands of jobs working directly in America’s transportation supply chain, but the reality is the entire economy would be impacted as exports sit on docks and imports sit in the harbor waiting for manufacturers to build products and retailers to stock shelves. 

“The slowdown is already making life difficult, but a shutdown could derail the economy completely,” said Kolb. “For retailers specifically, a shutdown will have dire consequences for those dependent on spring inventory demand.”

The last prolonged port shutdown of the West Coast ports was the 10-day lockout in 2002 which was estimated to cost the U.S. economy close to $1 billion a day.

“A port shutdown of even a short duration could derail economic growth and cause long-lasting damage and job losses across the country,” said Kolb. “There needs to be a greater sense of urgency at the White House, before it’s too late.”
One can see why the US retail association is concerned. So will there be a strike? Here is Bloomberg's take:
Union-led work slowdowns could halt the 29 U.S. West Coast ports in five to 10 days, the head of the shippers’ association said, urging the union to accept a new offer that includes 3 percent raises. James McKenna, the president of the Pacific Maritime Association, said backups and delays at many of the ports are harming farmers, manufacturers and consumers as the flow of goods approaches a “coast-wide meltdown.” He called on the International Longshore and Warehouse Union to accept management’s second formal contract proposal since negotiations began last May.

“We’re not considering a lockout,” McKenna said on a conference call with reporters, his first public comments since the talks began. “What I’m really saying is that this system will bring it to a stop. Once that happens, we really don’t have a choice.”
Which is like the ECB saying "we don't really want Greece out, but we will halt their liquidity. Once that happens, Greece doesn't really have a choice."
Here are the port workers' demands:
The association of shipping lines, terminal operators and stevedores made public details of its contract offer, including 3 percent annual raises over five years, retaining employer-paid health care, and raising pensions by 11 percent. The average dockworker now makes $147,000 a year in salary, plus $35,000 a year in employer-paid health care and an annual pension of $80,000, according to an association press release.
And while there hasn't been a formal lock out yet, the reality is that the workers have made their displeasure felt loud and clear:
McKenna blamed the union for work slowdowns that have contributed to congestion at the largest West Coast ports, including Los Angeles, Long Beach, Oakland, Seattle and Tacoma.Twenty-two ships were queued up Wednesday at the harbor shared by the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports, up from as few as four in mid-December, according to the Marine Exchange of Southern California, in one measure of the backups confronting shippers.

Since early November, the longshore union has been dispatching fewer crane operators in Los Angeles and Long Beach and slowing cargo movement in Oakland, Seattle and Tacoma, according to a Feb. 3 maritime association presentation. McKenna said productivity at many ports is down by as much as half, suggesting that cargo movement “will collapse under its own weight.”
Some of the impacts of the already experienced slowdown has included keeping U.S.-raised Christmas trees from reaching consumers in Asia, depriving McDonald’s customers in Japan of french fries, and stranded shipments of Mardi Gras beads bound for New Orleans.

Katy Perry’s Illuminati Performance at Super Bowl XLIX Linked to Bruno Mars Message Last Year! “Prepare for the Coming…” You Will Be Floored! Everything’s Decoded and More…

Before It's News
February 3, 2015

Year after year the Super Bowl has been used as an Illuminati satanic ritual platform. Last year Bruno Mars played his role well with his satanic message of “Prepare-Prepare.” This year satanist diva herself, Katy Perry, also fulfilled the desires of the infamous group. Her message seemed to portray “make way for the Antichrist.” Could it be that Katy Perry’s message of his arrival was the ultimate conclusion of Bruno Mars message last year? Which seems to say, “Prepare [Bruno Mars Super Bowl 48] and make way for the Antichrist [Kathy Perry Super Bowl 49]?” 

While all of this is speculation, I do believe the question is worth addressing and investigating. Here is the breaking report… 

To put the icing on the cake here are a few Super Bowl 49 Illuminati commercials that downright attack God…  (Videos below by The Vigilant Christian)

“All-Powerless” God 2015 Illuminati Super Bowl Game Day Commercial … 

Super Bowl Mexico Avocado Illuminati Commercial… 

Last Years Super Bowl Performance: 

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ISIS Burns Jordanian Pilot Alive in Sacrifice to MOLOCH and Mary, The Queen of Heaven

Mark Matheny
February 3, 2015

A video published online by Islamic State militants claims to show Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burned alive.

Matheny's Note:  I wanted to point out that the Catholic Church "burned alive" heretics during the Inquisition who would not submit to Rome's authority.... ISIS, the terrorist group, is just an arm of Rome and is used by them to continue the Counter reformation against Protestant Christianity. The term "bon fire" comes from "Bone fire" - a term coined during the inquisitions when heretics would be burned at the stake and nothing would be left except the bones...

I also want to point out that the name of the group "ISIS"  could be attributed to the ancient Egyptian goddess "ISIS"...

Isis (/ˈsɪs/Ancient GreekἾσις; original Egyptian pronunciation more likely "Aset" or "Iset"[1]) is a goddess from the polytheisticpantheon of Egypt. She was first worshiped in Ancient Egyptian religion, and later her worship spread throughout the Roman empire and the greater Greco-Roman world. -Wikipedia
  ....As mourner, she was a principal deity in rites connected with the dead; as magical healer, she cured the sick and brought the deceased to life; and as mother, she was a role model for all women.-Encyclopedia Brittanica

So what would ISIS have in common with the Catholic Church?

Look at the comparison:
ISIS Egyptian Goddess

Mother Mary, Queen of Heaven

Queen of Heaven is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary by Christians mainly of the Roman Catholic Church, and also, to some extent, in Anglicanism[citation needed] and Eastern Orthodoxy, to whom the title is a consequence of the First Council of Ephesus in the fifth century, in which the Virgin Mary was proclaimed "theotokos", a title rendered in Latin as Mater Dei, in English "Mother of God". -Wikipedia
Noted scholars also agree that the connection of ISIS, the Egyptian Goddess and Mary, The Queen of Heaven are inseparable;
 "At first, the idea of equating Isis, an ancient Egyptian deity, with Mary, the the holy Virgin of Christianity and the mother of Jesus, may seem strange and to many Christians even blasphemous. However, many Pagans and Witches, particularly those who were raised as Catholics, now regard Mary as one of the numerous forms of the Goddess ... Isis is often known as Isis Myrionymos which roughly translates as 'Isis of the Thousand (or Myriad) names'. Her attributes encompass those of all other Goddesses and it is now common for encyclopedias such as the Encyclopedia Brittannica and the on-line Encyclopedia Mythica to describe Isis as being 'identified with the Virgin Mary' ... From the Pagan point of view, Mary is one of the numerous names of the Goddess, as is Isis, and they are both manifestations of Her many forms. Both are in essence the same Goddess and embody the aspect of the divine Mother. In a way, to the Christians who destroyed Her temples and killed her devotees, Isis lives on as Mary." ["The Virgin Mary - Isis of the Third Millennium?", Aurilus Creative Paganism]
The Scripture condemns the worship of "The Queen of Heaven"..;

 “So do not pray for this people nor offer any plea or petition for them; do not plead with me, for I will not listen to you. 17 Do you not see what they are doing in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? 18 The children gather wood, the fathers light the fire, and the women knead the dough and make cakes to offer to the Queen of Heaven. They pour out drink offerings to other gods to arouse my anger. 19 But am I the one they are provoking?declares the Lord. Are they not rather harming themselves, to their own shame? -Jeremiah 7:16-19
ISIS, the terrorist group, is simply a part of the "Ten Kings" that will give their power to the Beast (Rome) for a time, and they will wear out the saints for a time... cutting off the heads of believers, and burning them alive... as the Roman Catholic Church Did in Ancient Times. The Counter reformation hasn't ended.

“The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast." -Revelation 17:12

It's a slap in the face to believers that this group would be called ISIS, giving adoration to the Mother Queen of Heaven, or Asherah in the Old Testament, while persecution the Believers!

"May the Holy One come Speedily in our days"!!

Islamic State shows burning of hostage, Jordan vows 'earth-shaking' response

msn News
February 3, 2015
© AP Photo/Raad Adayleh Anwar al-Tarawneh, the wife of Jordanian pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, holds a poster of him as she weeps during a protest Monday in Amman, Jordan.

AMMAN (Reuters) - Islamic State militants released a video on Tuesday appearing to show a captured Jordanian pilot being burnt alive in a cage, a killing that shocked the world and prompted Jordan to vow an "earth-shaking" response.
A Jordanian official said the authorities would swiftly execute several militants in retaliation, including an Iraqi woman whom Amman had sought to swap for the pilot taken captive after his plane crashed in Syria in December.
Reuters could not immediately confirm the content of the video, which showed a man resembling airman Mouath al-Kasaesbeh standing in a small black cage before being set ablaze.
The furious reaction of the Jordanian authorities made clear they treated it as genuine.
Jordan, which has been mounting air raids in Syria as part of the U.S.-led alliance against Islamic State insurgents, would deliver a "strong, earth-shaking and decisive" response, a government spokesman said.
"The revenge will be as big as the calamity that has hit Jordan," army spokesman Colonel Mamdouh al Ameri said in a televised statement confirming the death of the pilot, who was seized by Islamic State in December.
The fate of Kasaesbeh, a member of a large tribe that forms the backbone of support for the country's Hashemite monarchy, has gripped Jordan for weeks and some Jordanians have criticised King Abdullah for embroiling them in the U.S.-led war that they say will provoke a blacklash by militants.
The king cut short a visit to the United States to return home following word of Kasaesbeh's death. In a televised statement, he said the pilot's killing was an act of "cowardly terror" by a deviant group that had no relation to Islam.

The Legacy of Debt: Interest Costs Poised to Surpass Defense and Nondefense Discretionary Spending

Wall Street Journal
February 3, 2015

The U.S. has come a long way since the days of trillion-dollar deficits, just a few years ago. The White House projects 2016 will have the smallest budget deficit in eight years. Yet the budgetary impact of the debt that’s been accumulated–$18 trillion in total, $13 trillion of that owed to the public–will reassert itself.
Currently, the government’s interest costs are around $200 billion a year, a sum that’s low due to the era of low interest rates. Forecasters at the White House andCongressional Budget Office believe interest rates will gradually rise, and when that happens, the interest costs of the U.S. government are set to soar, from just over $200 billion to nearly $800 billion a year by decade’s end.
By 2021, the government will be spending more on interest than on all national defense. according to White House forecasts. And one year later, interest costs will exceed nondefense discretionary spending–essentially every other domestic and international government program funded annually through congressional appropriations. (The largest part of the budget is, and will remain, the mandatory spending programs of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Mandatory spending is over $2 trillion and is set to double to $4 trillion by 2025.)
The total dollars spent on defense and nondefense discretionary spending will continue to rise, albeit slowly, in the coming decade. But as a share of the economy, both categories of spending are poised to shrink for the next decade, squeezed down as interest rates rise. Mandatory spending will rise from 12.4% of GDP to about 14.5% of GDP over this period.
By 2025, the White House projects interest costs will be 2.8% of GDP. The CBO is somewhat less optimistic and expects it will be 3%. Most economists and budget experts would agree that interest payments at 3% of GDP are manageable for an economy. The true cost may be the squeeze to other places the government could be spending a decade from now.