Fingerprint Scanning and Bio Metric Technology as Currency

Mark Matheny
April 9, 2016

For years many have speculated on the ideal of a cashless society in which every transaction is collected in data bases, and verification of your electronic bank account is done by a scan of your fingerprint.

Now in Japan, according a news article, the Government there will conduct an experiment where "foreign tourists will be able to verify their identities and buy things at stores using only their fingerprints."

The Japanese Government is hoping to have the system fully implemented by 2020 for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. According to the article :
The experiment will have inbound tourists register their fingerprints and other data, such as credit card information, at airports and elsewhere.Tourists would then be able to conduct tax exemption procedures and make purchases after verifying their identities by placing two fingers on special devices installed at stores.The Inns and Hotels Law requires foreign tourists to show their passports when they check into ryokan inns or hotels.The government plans to substitute fingerprint authentication for that requirement.A total of 300 souvenir shops, restaurants, hotels and other establishments will participate in the experiment. They are located in areas that are popular among foreign tourists such as Hakone, Kamakura, Yugawara in Kanagawa Prefecture, and Atami in Shizuoka Prefecture.The government plans to gradually expand the experiment by next spring, to cover areas including tourist sites in the Tohoku region and urban districts in Nagoya.
Officials of the government claim that security measures will be in place to safeguard the information of customers and prevent breaches of the Private information.

Of course, the real agenda behind these types of programs is to acclimate citizens around the world to the idea of a cashless society.
According to one report, non cash transactions are not only becoming more popular among the average citizen, but it is increasing among companies as well:
The digital revolution will extend well beyond consumer payments and retail banking, causing significant changes in transaction banking. As customers grow accustomed to faster and more convenient payments on the retail side, they will soon demand similar conveniences and service levels in transaction banking. In fact, recent research by McKinsey & Company and by Greenwich Associates already shows a growing preference for digital channels among companies. And having witnessed the impact of nonbanks in consumer banking, transaction bankers are becoming more aware of the nonbank threat in their own backyard, and of the potentially major downside of failing to invest in digital infrastructures and services.
According to Forbes, cash transactions are "no longer king" as digital transactions begin to soar globally:
Debit and credit transactions are taking the place of cash around the world — faster in developing countries than in North America and Europe, according to a recent report by Cap Gemini and RBS, the UK bank. Total non-cash transactions will reach 365.5 billion in 2013, growing at more than 20 percent in developing markets but only 5.6 percent in mature markets.In some cases, developing countries will be able to leapfrog mature markets by moving directly to newer, more flexible technologies in payments, similar to their rapid adoption of wireless without the burden of wire legacy systems.“Developing markets are establishing initiatives and upgrading infrastructure in order to boost non-cash volumes,” the report found. Mobile phones are making a huge impact and that will only increase as inexpensive smartphones proliferate.“M-payments are expected to grow by 60.8 percent annually through to 2015. E-payments will decelerate to 15.9 percent growth during the same period. There is a gradual convergence of e- and m-payments as the distinction between the two diminishes.”
The same report went on to say that checks have almost disappeared in many of the markets:
 Checks have almost disappeared in many markets, making up just 4.8 percent on non-cash transactions in Europe in 2012. The U.S. remains a checking account powerhouse, a somewhat dubious distinction, accounting for 65.1 percent of global check transactions.
We are also seeing the drive to have more companies take on fingerprint scanning for financial transactions.  Declining confidence among consumers regarding the use of mobile transactions has many companies looking into biometric technologies for financial transactions.  According to a report by The Deloitte Center for Financial Services :
 eroding consumer confidence in the security of mobile financial service applications has forced the industry to take a closer look at incorporating technologies such as biometrics to help alleviate fears and insecurities. The report seems right on cue following our post last week about the need for the financial services and banking industries to more closely assess the use of biometrics for customer and employee ID and to better secure mobile devices while engaging in transactions.
As electronic transactions increase, and cash transactions decrease, citizens here in the United States and around the world will lose the freedom that cash transactions provide - anonymity.

This is the true agenda of the Elites. With electronic transactions, data collection will record all purchases and all payments. This will also enable government entities to freeze transactions among individuals or companies at their discretion.

Remember these words:
 "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:16-17

Mancession: Men lost 2 times more jobs than women from the Great Recession and have gained half as many jobs since late 2007.

April 9, 2016

It should be clear that the Great Recession took a toll on most people.  This is reflected in household incomes and savings.  But one thing that is abundantly clear is that the Great Recession took a massive toll on male employment at a rate twice that of females.  We’ll get into the charts and figures later in the article but suffice it to say that the recession didn’t hurt people equally.  Some took on the brunt of the damage.  When splitting out job losses and gains by gender, it is clear that something else was going on.  One reason for this has to do with the big losses in construction and manufacturing that tend to be heavily dominated by men.  Thehousing bubble imploding didn’t help in this respect.  In many ways this has been a Mancession even in the midst of a recovery that started in early 2009.
Mancession – men haven’t recovered from Great Recession
One of the more interesting points of reference is looking at total jobs lost and gained since the Great Recession hit but splitting out men and women.  Let us look at the figures:
Men lost 5.7 million jobs and women lost 2.6 million jobs.  Since late 2007 men have gained 904,000 jobs and women have gained 1,858,000 jobs (twice the rate of men).  So for nearly a decade, women are netting jobs at twice the rate of men.
This might be shrugged off as a temporary change but there is something bigger going on.  Just look at the participation rate of men in the labor force:
The participation rate of men in the labor force has been falling dramatically since the 1970s.  Women’s participation rate was moving up into the 2000s but has also moved into a similar trajectory.

Post-free speech America

Liberty Digest
April 9, 2016

Man with gag
An attempt to “punish” (i.e., persecute and prosecute) a movie maker for a documentary he produced and distributed for free prior to the 2012 presidential election failed in the Federal Election Commission. But it failed only because the three Democrat appointees were offset by the three Republican appointees.
The movie in question was titled “Dreams of My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception.” I have not watched it, but the trailer  indicates it puts to bed the lie that President Barack Obama is the son of Barack Obama Sr., and makes the case that his real father is the communist author and agitator Frank Marshal Davis, and that at Obama’s core he is a Marxist.
As an aside, that is the Obama narrative that makes the most sense and is likely the reason Obama produced a fake birth certificate when the birther issue was at its zenith, as I have written before.
Film maker Joel Gilbert sent the movie to millions of voters in swing states. The distribution prompted the filing of an FEC complaint that he violated reporting rules even though he acted on his own with no ties to political groups or parties. The complaint prompted Gilbert to seek the standard media “exemption” from reporting.
The FEC gave exemptions to Michael Moore and Daily Kos for their leftist productions, but the Democrats on the FEC wanted to make an example of the conservative Gilbert. Democrats on the FEC have been targeting so-called conservative media for two years. They have discussed, among other actions, regulating Citizen United’s movie division, and pondered how to shut down Sean Hannity’s radio program and the Drudge Report, seeking to require them to register as political action committees.
And in California, the Democrat attorney general has targeted David Daleiden, the man behind the Center for Medical Progress. That’s the group that documented Planned Parenthood abortionists discussing what has now been revealed to be a nationwide baby parts trafficking network.
Following the attacks on the Benghazi consulate, which Obama and the witch from Chappaqua sought to blame on an anti-Muslim YouTube video in order to conceal their operation to run guns to al-Qaida terrorists in Syria, filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was arrested, thereby becoming a political prisoner.
Democrats were once consistent in their support of free speech, going to bat to preserve the rights of flag burners, porn publishers and George W. Bush haters. But they’ve finally found speech they don’t like. That’s any speech that sheds light on their standard bearers and pet causes, no matter how perverse.
The 1st Amendment ostensibly guarantees the rights of all Americans to speak freely and openly and to criticize their government without fear of repercussions. But not even the Founders held to that. President John Adams and the 5th U.S. Congress put into law the Sedition Act which criminalized making false statements critical of the Federal government, a direct violation of the 1st Amendment. The law led to the arrest of many of Adams’ most vocal opponents, including Benjamin Franklin’s grandson, Benjamin Franklin Bache, editor of the Philadelphia Democrat-Republican Aurora.
Only in America’s first few years of existence was there truly freedom of speech. Since then we’ve lived in a post free speech America, and exercising or attempting to exercise that right can get youdisappearedshotarrested or fined if your speech makes government too uncomfortable.