‘Al-CIA-Duh Bomber’ Was a CIA Informant
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
COMMENT: Yes, it’s the same old pattern of a phony narrative to hype fear & subservience, but ultimately scripted at CIA/Pentagon/FBI headquarters and carried out by informant/double agents handled from the beginning.

Associated Press: Al Qaeda Bomb Plot: Would-Be Bomber Was CIA Informant
NECN/NBC News – Federal official: CIA’s source was bomber himself in Yemen
FLASHBACK: Terror Expert: London Bombings Mastermind Aswat is MI6 Asset
FLASHBACK: Two British SAS officers caught dressed up as Arabs to foment terror in Basra, Iraq
Just one day after reports that the CIA had foiled a plot involving a “sophisticated underwear bomb” targeted against U.S. airliners, the entire story has once again collapsed into a farce.
NECN/NBC News – Federal official: CIA’s source was bomber himself in Yemen
FLASHBACK: Terror Expert: London Bombings Mastermind Aswat is MI6 Asset
FLASHBACK: Two British SAS officers caught dressed up as Arabs to foment terror in Basra, Iraq
Just one day after reports that the CIA had foiled a plot involving a “sophisticated underwear bomb” targeted against U.S. airliners, the entire story has once again collapsed into a farce.
Just as the FBI has been caught directing every major domestic terror plot, it turns out that the supposed “bomber” was actually a CIA informant.
“U.S. and Yemeni officials say the supposed would-be bomber at the heart of an al-Qaida airliner plot was actually an informant working for the CIA,” reports the Associated Press.
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