Jurriaan Maessen
February 19, 2012
February 19, 2012
In its 2009 Guideluines for Engaging Faith-based Organizations (FBO’s) As Agents of Change, the UNFPA put out specific tricks to reach congregations unwilling to go along with the UN’s population control programs:
“UNFPA has found that leaders of faith ‐ and interfaith ‐ based organizations are open to discussing reproductive health, if issues are addressed with care and sensitivity.”

These “agents of change” should also be recruited to protect and promote the overall agenda “through countering misinformation campaigns and building social support within the governments for the ICPD (International Conference on Population and Development).”
The ultimate goal of these engagement efforts is clearly described:
“Create a conducive socio‐cultural environment (impacting on behaviour, attitudes and practices) to ultimately promote and mobilize key communities towards achieving the goals of the ICPD PoA (International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action) and the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals).”
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