Scientists working on $330,000 test-tube-meat burger

Editor's Note: We may have to resort to the "Hananiah,Azariah, Mishael, and Daniel Diet" now that this  is the new King's Dainties..... (Daniel 1:1-15)- Mark Matheny

Tiffany Hsu
LA Times
February 20, 2012
Would you eat mystery meat grown in a lab if doing so was better for the environment? The debate may seem abstract, but scientists could turn a test-tube burger into reality by October.
The $330,000 project being conducted by Mark Post, chairman of physiology at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, involves a cow’s stem cells and funds from an anonymous private investor.
Post has already created several small strips of muscle tissue that, once he makes thousands more, will be mashed together to create a burger patty. The first sandwich could be ready this fall, he said during a presentation at the annual meeting of the American Assn. for the Advancement of Science in Vancouver, Canada.

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