Obama Ramps Up His War On America

Personal Liberty Digest
June 26, 2013

The Barack Obama regime opened a new front in his war on America yesterday when he unveiled his plans to skirt Congress and cut so-called carbon pollution from existing power plants.
Most in Congress recognize the reality that the majority of Americans have concluded that anthropomorphic global warming is so much hokum and that any effort to further burden Americans with laws and regulations to stop something that doesn’t exist is a non-starter. But the collectivists, progressives and outright anti-human environmental lunatics that make up Obama’s inner circle don’t take “no” for an answer. So Obama says he’s going to regulate coal out of business.
Never mind that the first section of the first article of the Constitution grants all legislative powers to Congress; never mind that temperatures have not risen in 20 years, despite an increase in so-called “carbon pollution”; never mind that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant but is, along with oxygen, one of the two most important gasses in our atmosphere and vital to life; never mind that more regulations on energy will drive up energy costs and the prices of appliances, cars and machinery, and will further cripple the moribund economy and will drive more of the middle class toward poverty; and never mind that so-called renewable energy is not about creating renewable energy but is about transferring wealth, Obama is dead set on  his agenda to destroy the American way of life.

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