"It is not enough to know that there is a shadow government pulling the strings of the visible government- we must also act to expose it, and defeat it!"-Mark Matheny
Psyops in the Third Grade
Natural Solutions Foundation
Disinformation and Social Policy
When I was in third grade if you did not like someone, you selected a story from among the stock of “terrible things you can say about people” and said it, in hushed tones, into the receptive ear of the child next to you. Then you said it again and again and again to every child of whose ear you could wrap the lips of your mount around . The story, of course, went, as we would say in today’s world, viral. It was retold, in ever growing, more lurid and shockingly graphic, to eager ears. The first hearers did not appear to be bothered by the fact that the story, repeated (after all, there were only a limited number of kids in the circuit) became more and more divergent from any possible reality. In fact, the early doubters typically dropped their doubts as the story become, in the words of classical propagandists, The Big Lie.
The kid about whom all of this was circulated could say, show, scream, insist and demonstrate nothing, nothing at all, to correct the errors of the lie(s) until the blood lust of the 9 year old kids had run its course.
Apparently, for many, there is no such thing as the blood lust running its course. The agents of disinformation (and the crazies, as well as the crazies who are also agents of disinformation) know this and count on it.
The outstanding article below, which focuses on 9/11 truth and the difficulty in getting truth out when lies are so much more interesting, comfortable and familiar, deals with a disinformation reality: if, IF, you can get people to invest emotionally in a lie, it becomes more of a truth to them than the factual reality and they perpetuate it because it has become a part of them, attacking anyone who challenges the lie. In fact, the more effectively the lie is challenged, the more vicious and vigorous the defense of it becomes.
There is no PSYOPS operative or controller who does not understand this phenomenon very well. That is why the more effective a change agent is, the more outrageous and insistent the personal attacks, smears and innuendo becomes. CIA. Works for Big Pharma. Secret Agent. Sucks Babies Brains. Reports to the Aliens. Drinks Blood. Attends Black Sabbaths. Turns into a Werewolf. Gets Government Grants. Electroshock. Mk Ultra. Works for the Dark Side. You fill in the blanks.
The truth is, the real truth, that is, that the more baseless the accusation, providing that it is titillating, the more sticky the glue. It is the exact opposite of the problem of the Truth Out community: there, the more slick the lie, the more it dissolves the glue of the facts, at least in the well washed minds of the faithful.
And the real truth is also that you can never, never, never prove a negative. You can prove a positive, but never disprove an assertion in the minds of the gullible who have come, as if to a bull fight, for the blood.
When the angry, smeary, nasty assertions are made, facts are irrelevant to those who prefer the lie. The Natural Solutions Foundation is, without a doubt, the largest and most effective health freedom organization. Therefore we are the most often lied-about and the most often smeared. So be it. Our work is innovative, effective and impactful and those who value reality value us for that. Thank you.
For those of you troubled by the Big Lies, here is our standing suggestion: please make direct contact with the source of the smears, lies, innuendos, allegations and assertions. Ask that source to provide you with the data upon which the gory story is based, not more allegations, mind you, but the actual data. If there is none (and there is none) you will get a rant and a tap dance and may even get blustered at yourself (”You have the political sophistication of a flea!” said one such person to a questioner who followed our suggestion to ask for data). By all means, send us the reply you get. We know there is no truth in the Big Lie. We trust you know that, too, because we are the Voice of Global Health Freedom(TM) because of you.
Thank you.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Why Propaganda Trumps Truth
By Paul Craig Roberts
September 15, 2009
“Information Clearing House” — -An article in the journal, Sociological Inquiry, casts light on the effectiveness of propaganda. Researchers examined why big lies succeed where little lies fail. Governments can get away with mass deceptions, but politicians cannot get away with sexual affairs.
The researchers explain why so many Americans still believe that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11, years after it has become obvious that Iraq had nothing to do with the event. Americans developed elaborate rationalizations based on Bush administration propaganda that alleged Iraqi involvement and became deeply attached to their beliefs. Their emotional involvement became wrapped up in their personal identity and sense of morality. They looked for information that supported their beliefs and avoided information that challenged them, regardless of the facts of the matter.
In Mein Kampf, Hitler explained the believability of the Big Lie as compared to the small lie: “In the simplicity of their minds, people more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have such impudence. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and continue to think that there may be some other explanation.”
What the sociologists and Hitler are telling us is that by the time facts become clear, people are emotionally wedded to the beliefs planted by the propaganda and find it a wrenching experience to free themselves. It is more comfortable, instead, to denounce the truth-tellers than the liars whom the truth-tellers expose.
The psychology of belief retention even when those beliefs are wrong is a pillar of social cohesion and stability. It explains why, once change is effected, even revolutionary governments become conservative. The downside of belief retention is its prevention of the recognition of facts. Belief retention in the Soviet Union made the system unable to adjust to economic reality, and the Soviet Union collapsed. Today in the United States millions find it easier to chant “USA, USA, USA” than to accept facts that indicate the need for change.
The staying power of the Big Lie is the barrier through which the 9/11 Truth Movement is finding it difficult to break. The assertion that the 9/11 Truth Movement consists of conspiracy theorists and crackpots is obviously untrue. The leaders of the movement are highly qualified professionals, such as demolition experts, physicists, structural architects, engineers, pilots, and former high officials in the government. Unlike their critics parroting the government’s line, they know what they are talking about.
Here is a link to a presentation by the architect, Richard Gage, to a Canadian university audience: http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=13242 The video of the presentation is two hours long and seems to have been edited to shorten it down to two hours. Gage is low-key, but not a dazzling personality or a very articulate presenter. Perhaps that is because he is speaking to a university audience and takes for granted their familiarity with terms and concepts.
Those who believe the official 9/11 story and dismiss skeptics as kooks can test the validity of the sociologists’ findings and Hitler’s observation by watching the video and experiencing their reaction to evidence that challenges their beliefs. Are you able to watch the presentation without scoffing at someone who knows far more about it than you do? What is your response when you find that you cannot defend your beliefs against the evidence presented? Scoff some more? Become enraged?
Another problem that the 9/11 Truth Movement faces is that few people have the education to follow the technical and scientific aspects. The side that they believe tells them one thing; the side that they don’t believe tells them another. Most Americans have no basis to judge the relative merits of the arguments.
For example, consider the case of the Lockerbie bomber. One piece of “evidence” that was used to convict Magrahi was a piece of circuit board from a device that allegedly contained the Semtex that exploded the airliner. None of the people, who have very firm beliefs in Magrahi’s and Libya’s guilt and in the offense of the Scottish authorities in releasing Magrahi on allegedly humanitarian grounds, know that circuit boards of those days have very low combustion temperatures and go up in flames easily. Semtex produces very high temperatures. There would be nothing whatsoever left of a device that contained Semtex. It is obvious to an expert that the piece of circuit board was planted after the event.
I have asked on several occasions and have never had an answer, which does not mean that there isn’t one, how millions of pieces of unburnt, uncharred paper can be floating over lower Manhattan from the destruction of the WTC towers when the official explanation of the destruction is fires so hot and evenly distributed that they caused the massive steel structures to weaken and fail simultaneously so that the buildings fell in free fall time just as they would if they had been brought down by controlled demolition.What is the explanation of fires so hot that steel fails but paper does not combust?
People don’t even notice the contradictions. Recently, an international team of scientists, who studied for 18 months dust samples produced by the twin towers’ destruction collected from three separate sources, reported their finding of nano-thermite in the dust. The US government had scientists dependent on the US government to debunk the finding on the grounds that the authenticity of custody of the samples could not be verified. In other words, someone had tampered with the samples and added the nano-thermite. This is all it took to discredit the finding, despite the obvious fact that access to thermite is strictly controlled and NO ONE except the US military and possibly Israel has access to nano-thermite.
The physicist, Steven Jones, has produced overwhelming evidence that explosives were used to bring down the buildings. His evidence is not engaged, examined, tested, and refuted. It is simply ignored.
Dr. Jones’ experience reminds me of that of my Oxford professor, the distinguished physical chemist and philosopher, Michael Polanyi. Polanyi was one of the 20th centuries great scientists. At one time every section chairman of the Royal Society was a Polanyi student. Many of his students won Nobel Prizes for their scientific work, such as Eugene Wigner at Princeton and Melvin Calvin at UC, Berkeley, and his son, John Polanyi, at the University of Toronto.
As a young man in the early years of the 20th century, Michael Polanyi discovered the explanation for chemical absorbtion. Scientific authority found the new theory too much of a challenge to existing beliefs and dismissed it. Even when Polanyi was one of the UK’s ranking scientists, he was unable to teach his theory. One half-century later his discovery was re-discovered by scientists at UC, Berkeley. The discovery was hailed, but then older scientists said that it was “Polanyi’s old error.” It turned out not to be an error. Polanyi was asked to address scientists on this half-century failure of science to recognize the truth. How had science, which is based on examining the evidence, gone so wrong. Polanyi’s answer was that science is a belief system just like everything else, and that his theory was outside the belief system.
That is what we observe all around us, not just about the perfidy of Muslims and 9/11.As an economics scholar I had a very difficult time making my points about the Soviet economy, about Karl Marx’s theories, and about the supply-side impact of fiscal policy. Today I experience readers who become enraged just because I report on someone else’s work that is outside their belief system. Some readers think I should suppress work that is inconsistent with their beliefs and drive the author of the work into the ground. These readers never have any comprehension of the subject. They are simply emotionally offended.
What I find puzzling is the people I know who do not believe a word the government says about anything except 9/11. For reasons that escape me, they believe that the government that lies to them about everything else tells them the truth about 9/11. How can this be, I ask them. Did the government slip up once and tell the truth? My question does not cause them to rethink their belief in the government’s 9/11 story. Instead, they get angry with me for doubting their intelligence or their integrity or some such hallowed trait.
The problem faced by truth is the emotional needs of people. With 9/11 many Americans feel that they must believe their government so that they don’t feel like they are being unsupportive or unpatriotic, and they are very fearful of being called “terrorist sympathizers.” Others on the left-wing have emotional needs to believe that peoples oppressed by the US have delivered “blowbacks.” Some leftists think that America deserves these blow backs and thus believe the government’s propaganda that Muslims attacked the US.
Naive people think that if the US government’s explanation of 9/11 was wrong, physicists and engineers would all speak up. Some have (see above). However, for most physicists and engineers this would be an act of suicide. Physicists owe their careers to government grants, and their departments are critically dependent on government funding. A physicist who speaks up essentially ends his university career. If he is a tenured professor, to appease Washington the university would buy out his tenure as BYU did in the case of the outspoken Steven Jones.
An engineering firm that spoke out would never again be awarded a government contract. In addition, its patriotic, flag-waving customers would regard the firm as a terrorist apologist and cease to do business with it.
In New York today there is an enormous push by 9/11 families for a real and independent investigation of the 9/11 events. Tens of thousands of New Yorkers have provided the necessary signatures on petitions that require the state to put the proposal for an independent commission up to vote. However, the state, so far, is not obeying the law.
Why are the tens of thousands of New Yorkers who are demanding a real investigation dismissed as conspiracy theorists? The 9/11 skeptics know far more about the events of that day than do the uninformed people who call them names. Most of the people I know who are content with the government’s official explanation have never examined the evidence. Yet, these no-nothings shout down those who have studied the matter closely.
There are, of course, some kooks. I have often wondered if these kooks are intentionally ridiculous in order to discredit knowledgeable skeptics.
Another problem that the 9/11 Truth Movement faces is that their natural allies, those who oppose the Bush/Obama wars and the internet sites that the antiwar movement maintains, are fearful of being branded traitorous and anti-American. It is hard enough to oppose a war against those the US government has successfully demonized. Antiwar sites believe that if they permit 9/11 to be questioned, it would brand them as “terrorist sympathizers” and discredit their opposition to the war. An exception is Information Clearing House.
Antiwar sites do not realize that, by accepting the 9/11 explanation, they have undermined their own opposition to the war. Once you accept that Muslim terrorists did it, it is difficult to oppose punishing them for the event. In recent months, important antiwar sites, such as antiwar.com, have had difficulty with their fund raising, with their fund raising campaigns going on far longer than previously. They do not understand that if you grant the government its premise for war, it is impossible to oppose the war.
As far as I can tell, most Americans have far greater confidence in the government than they do in the truth. During the Great Depression the liberals with their New Deal succeeded in teaching Americans to trust the government as their protector. This took with the left and the right. Neither end of the political spectrum is capable of fundamental questioning of the government. This explains the ease with which our government routinely deceives the people.
Democracy is based on the assumption that people are rational beings who factually examine arguments and are not easily manipulated. Studies are not finding this to be the case. In my own experience in scholarship, public policy, and journalism, I have learned that everyone from professors to high school dropouts has difficulty with facts and analyses that do not fit with what they already believe. The notion that “we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead” is an extremely romantic and idealistic notion. I have seldom experienced open minds even in academic discourse or in the highest levels of government. Among the public at large, the ability to follow the truth wherever it may lead is almost non-existent.
The US government’s response to 9/11, regardless of who is responsible, has altered our country forever. Our civil liberties will never again be as safe as they were. America’s financial capability and living standards are forever lower. Our country’s prestige and world leadership are forever damaged. The first decade of the 21st century has been squandered in pointless wars, and it appears the second decade will also be squandered in the same pointless and bankrupting pursuit.
The most disturbing fact of all remains: The 9/11 event responsible for these adverse happenings has not been investigated.
This entry was posted on Sunday, September 27th, 2009 at 5:44 pm and is filed under The Law & CODEX . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
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Mercola.com Posted by: Dr. Mercola December 05 2009 22,565 views Jordan McFarland, a 14-year-old boy from Virginia, is weak and s...
SSTNews Mark Matheny Every Year the World Economic Forum releases what is called a "Global Risks Report" What is interesting is ...
SSTNews Mark Matheny Every Year the World Economic Forum releases what is called a "Global Risks Report" What is interesting is...
I am in outrage of the 9/11 event, there are no words to even describe my emotions for this topic. How ironic is it that on the same day of the attacks the air force was practicing for a tragedy in the air?
With the evidence leading up to 9/11 did the government actually have the cover up information to blame Iraq for the “so called terrorist attacks?” With the history of Iraq they were the ones blamed to interfere with their country and to put a stop to their foreign relations. The government wants the civilians to believe their puerile observations; even though the facts are not presented properly in order to blame another country for its wrong doings.
Evidence shows by the architects, the twin buildings were constructed and invented in a specific way, if a plane was to ever hit, the building would be structurally sound and would not fall. How can the government play this off with actual evidence showing how the buildings were made? Also on that note what about the evidence linking to the buildings being “renovated” the day before the attacks with bombs? If people from the ground are reporting and showing proof on hearing and some seeing the bombs, how is the government going to explain that? There not obviously because they are covering it up.
The investigation that New York’s citizens wants is most likely not going to happen right away, but what about their rights and the states constitution, isn’t this against the law? Something needs to be done to push this further; if they have the proper signatures then in my eyes they should get the investigation (Roberts, 2009).
Watch the movie “No end in Sight” and make a correlation with the events now in America and you can see that “America’s war” with the government is beginning to be the same with what happened to the Iraqis civilians.
The question remains as to why there is no investigation like other events that have happened in America? My thought is the longer the government can ignore an investigation, they have time to disrupt the evidence, and make a plan for another cover up story. Or the government can do their own investigation with their own people to cover up information. It has already been eight years and nothing has truly been done by the Government. So when is this time going to happen?
Some people seem to be afraid to stand up to the government because they do not want to be accused of being “terrorist sympathizers” this is just an excuse so the government does not have to explain anything (Roberts, 2009). If I was of higher authority I would step up for the rights that we supposedly have, and demand to conduct a scrutiny. So who is that person going to be, who is going to be brave enough to do what is right?
President Obama is supposedly here to make “change” for America. Why isn’t he doing as he says, he could conduct an investigation. But he is obviously not who he says he is, he would rather have America plunder to the ground while he dishes out more preposterous nonsense. Along with covering up information about himself! How much longer are people going to be ignorant of the fact that they were told it was a terrorist attack? All because people here in America do not want to believe there government could do this to their people. Well believe it, our world as we use to know it, is now being introduced as a Hitler, Nazi ruled world that Germany once had. We as civilians can stand up for what we believe in or we can sit in our houses pondering about our government and let them do as they please. I say get arrested over what you believe in, troops who were sent to Iraq were thinking they were fighting for their country when really they were killing innocent people and fighting for nothing. Watch these documentaries and read a little in to these books and you will see what I mean. You can see what the government wants us to believe in compared to actual footage from civilians and from the higher authority. Check out the internet site http://debunking911.com (continue).....
Check out these other books and movies
Baker, A. J., Eagleburger, S. L., Hamilton, H. L., Jordan, E. V., Meese, E. L., O’Connor, D. S., Panetta, L.E., Perry, J. W., Robb, S. C., Alan, K. S. (2006). The Iraq Study Group Report: The way forward- A new approach. New York, NY: Vintage.
Bolicki, J. (Producer). (2008). National Geographic: The Road to war: Iraq [Motion Pictures]. USA: Night.
Brisard, JC. & Dasquie, G., (2002). Forbidden Truth: US. Taliban Secret oil Diplomacy and the failed Hunt for Bin Laden New York, NY: Thunder’s Mouth
Ferguson, C. (Producer/Director). (2007). No end in sight [Motion Pictures]. Los Angeles CA: Magnolia.
Foulkrod, P. (Producer/Director). (2006). The Ground Truth [Motion Pictures]. California: Plum
Mackey, S. (2002). The Reckoning: Iraq and the Legacy of Saddam Hussein New York, NY: W.W Norton and Company.
Marsden, P. (2002). The Taliban war and Religion in Afghanistan New York, NY: Zed Books
Munier, G. (2004). Iraq: an illustrated history and guide. North Hampton Massachusetts: Interlink
Oren, B. M. (1955). Power, Faith, and Fantasy. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company.
The last one shows the ties between Iraq and America with the problems that were first being established between the two countries.
References from the article
Roberts, C.P, (September 15, 2009). Why Propaganda Trumps Truth Retrieved October 19, 2009 from: http://werhit-mathenyahu.blogspot.com/2009_10_11_archive.html
I agree, However, the Globalists have an agenda for world domination, and they needed a reason to invade Afganistan, as well as to finish the job in Iraq that was started in 1991. Coverups are as old as history, however, from the time that Adam and Eve sinned and then "hid themselves" so they would not be found naked. These powerful Elitists are so arrogant that they think they can continue sinning and will not be found out. But just as The Creator found out the transgression of Adam and Eve, so too will he call out these Globalists in the end days, whereupon they will attempt to hide themselves in the dens of the rocks, and cry out "save us From His wrath!' Until that day comes, however, we are obligated to stand against the lies of the media machine and expose these LIARS for the murderers they are!
The Holy One of Israel is on the side of Righteousness!!!
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