Readers promise to track down those modifying Old Glory
Posted: October 12, 2009
10:00 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
A seller on eBay has been offering American flags with the stars removed from the blue field and President Barack Obama's face inserted, and outraged bloggers have promised to track the banners down.
"To whoever is currently manufacturing and selling those flags..... I will personally and legally hunt each of you down for the sole purpose of making citizens arrests and prosecuting each and every one of you to the fullest extend of the law under U.S. Code pertaining to the flag of the United States of America," wrote one participant in a forum at Atlas Shrugs, where blogger Pamela Gellar posted the images.
"Understand this.... you have every right in the world to support the person you voted for and I will stand right in front of you in the line of fire to defend that right. But the instant you put a single man on a higher pedestal than the law, whatever games you are playing are over and you lose..... maybe forever."For the full story click here: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=112762
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