April 11, 2015
Washington DC (CFAM) — A government report shows two international abortion advocacy groups received $128 million from USAID, a federal agency that distributes foreign aid.

One of them – International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) – works at the UN Its goal is to require countries to regard abortion as a right and include it in global poverty and health programs. The other, Population Council, works to make abortions widely available in developing countries where it is especially dangerous.
Both groups have origins in the eugenics movement.
U.S. law prohibits foreign aid paying for abortions. But under an executive order by President Obama, tax dollars can go to international groups that provide and promote abortion. While the money cannot be spent to do abortions, paying for items like overhead, advocacy and materials frees other money to be spent on abortions.
IPPF is an umbrella group for 152 affiliates worldwide. Last year it published a manual on pressuring countries to integrate “sexual and reproductive health and rights” – euphemisms for abortion and sexuality issues – into the UN’s new development goals. These goals will guide international and national priorities – and billions of dollars – for the next 15 years.
The manual tells advocates to lobby governments that do not support “certain sexual and reproductive health and rights issues” to “stay silent rather than speak out against them.” It endorses the notion that sexual rights “embrace the right to a safe and full sex life” — though admits there is no internationally agreed definition for the term.
Population Council, with a history in the population control movement, conducts research to make abortion widespread and available without access to medical professionals, particularly targeting poor women in developing countries.
When no pharmaceutical company in the U.S. would touch the French abortion pill RU-486, Population Council took ownership and applied for FDA approval. Abortion in a pill is seen as a way to avoid doctors and skirt laws regulating the procedure. Subsequently, over a dozen women – that were reported – died after taking the drug.
““Like a majority of the American people, I stand for life – born or unborn – and it is an affront to us when we see our hard-earned tax dollars going to groups that end innocent lives,” said Rep. Vicky Hartzler.
Over 70 congressmen requested the investigation by the General Accountability Office to determine how much federal money is given to six abortion advocacy groups: Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), Population Council, International Planned Parenthood Federation of America (IPPF), Guttmacher Institute, Advocates for Youth, and Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States
Some of the groups have tried to downplay their abortion provision and advocacy by characterizing it as only a part of what they do.
Two of the federal grant recipients – Planned Parenthood Federation of America (an IPPF affiliate) and Guttmacher Institute – donate to Ipas, an organization that does just one thing: provide abortion and promote access to it in developing countries. Ipas was founded to distribute abortion devices after Congress passed a ban on federal funding for overseas abortions.
“Simply put, under no circumstances should the federal government use taxpayer dollars to be an accessory to abortion,” said Rep. Diane Black.
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