Lone gunman identified as US Army vet while reports of multiple shooters ignored
The tragic shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, which is now being treated as an act of domestic terrorism by the federal government, is set to be blamed on a US Army veteran, fitting perfectly the narrative pushed by the Department of Homeland Security that veterans are a terror threat on a par with Islamic extremists.

“The gunman who shot six people to death and wounded three others during a rampage at a Sikh temple in a Milwaukee suburb was an Army veteran who may have been a white supremacist, according to a law enforcement source involved in the investigation,” reports CNN.
The man was also described as having a “9/11″ tattoo on one arm, indicating to temple member Kanwardeep Singh Kaleka “that there’s some level of hate crime there.”
Of course, Sikhs adhere to a completely different religion than Muslims but that hasn’t stopped them falling victim to a number of racially charged attacks since September 11, 2011.
Despite the fact that a number of different eyewitnesses reported multiple shooters, the narrative of the lone gunman, a disgruntled US Army veteran, has now been fixed. This conveniently dovetails with recent efforts by the feds to demonize returning veterans as potential terrorists, which itself is part of the wider move to smear conservatives as domestic extremists.
The FBI has also gone out of its way to characterize returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan as a major domestic terrorist threat. Additionally, Janet Napolitano said she stood by an April 2009 DHS intelligence assessment that listed returning vets as likely domestic terrorists.
Just a month later, the New York Times reported on how Boy Scout Explorers were being trained by the DHS to kill “disgruntled Iraq war veterans” in terrorist drills.
Just as with the James Holmes ‘Batman’ massacre, overwhelming evidence of a wider plot has been immediately brushed aside while authorities and the media work feverishly to massage the narrative behind the SIkh shooting.
Testimony from one eyewitness that four men carried out the attack has been dismissed, despite the fact that his story is corroborated by other victims who told family members that there were “multiple shooters” involved.
In addition, the Chairman of the temple stated that there were a “few suspicious men were seen on Temple premises,” again clearly suggesting the involvement of more than one person.
Such testimony will be suffocated in a blitz of media hype and hand-wringing over the threat posed by veterans, conservatives and gun owners as the federal government further greases the skids for eviscerating Posse Comitatus and re-focusing the weaponry of the war on terror domestically to target adversaries of big government tyranny.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
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