Model previously used to hunt insurgents in Afghanistan
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Armored military vehicles of the type used to hunt for insurgents in Afghanistan are set to patrol roads in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin as part of a training exercise on behalf of the U.S. Army Reserve.

“(Capt. William) Geddes said the U.S. Army Reserve wanted to alert the public to the training dates so residents are not alarmed when a pack of heavily armored military vehicles is driving around the county,” reports
The exercises are being run despite the fact that troops driving the M1117 Armored Security Vehicles have already received their basic training. “They’re vehicles that these military officers might use if they’re deployed, patrol vehicles,” Geddes said, adding that the drills were to ensure that officers didn’t get “rusty” in handling the M1117s.
The vehicles, which have been used overseas in Afghanistan, are described as being “strange,” “intimidating” and “heavily armored,” while being the same size as a large SUV.
Local authorities have apparently not even been briefed about the planned exercises, which will run until August 17.
“Sheboygan County Administrator Adam Payne said he had not heard about the training exercises. Two city officials declined to comment, because they also had heard nothing about the training,” states the report.
- A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Geddes urged citizens not to create safety hazards on the roads by stopping to gaze at the vehicles.
The increasing phenomena of military training drills taking place away from military bases and amidst the general public has led to fears that the American people are being acclimatized to accept a potential future declaration of martial law.
Back in June, residents in St Louis were shocked to see heavily armored U.S. Army vehicles patrolling neighborhoods as part of an exercise. However, the local media responded by featuring ‘vox pops’ interviews with people who supported the use of the military in order to “cut down on crime,” despite the fact that using the Army for domestic law enforcement is forbidden under the Posse Comitatus Act.
Advocating that America ape foreign countries where troops patrol the streets, one resident told Fox 2, “I think it’s the same way when you go to other countries…they don’t have police officers they have troops, and I think it kind of scares a lot of people…it might cut down on a whole lot of crime because they don’t know if they’re military or the police.”
“I think it’s fantastic because it might slow down some of the crime rate,” added another.
Predictions of mass civil unrest have fueled fears that the federal government and the U.S. Army are gearing up for domestic disorder. Both the U.S. Army and the Department of Homeland Security recently purchased large quantities of riot gear in anticipation of trouble at the upcoming DNC, RNC and the presidential inauguration. The DHS has also purchased 450 million rounds of .40 caliber hollow point bullets.
A recently leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” outlines how military assets are to be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.
On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of “deadly force” in confronting “dissidents” are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, “Warning shot will not be fired.”
As an example of how high tensions are running, the following You Tube video, which shows over a hundred tanks being transported through Burbank, California, is also causing consternation amongst those that fear some form of martial law could be just around the corner.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
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