The Hour of Our Time: The Legacy of William Cooper (2006)

Mark Matheny
February 27, 2012

In this documentary William Cooper discusses MJ 12, a government program involving UFOs. I am not endorsing a belief in extra- terrestrial beings visiting the earth. My belief is that the aircrafts seen by Cooper are part of a secret government experimental program under the cover of the UFO phenomenon. The Government has hidden secret aircraft testings behind the hysteria of UFOs in order to keep the public ignorant.

I believe later in his life William Cooper began to see this as well. He began to expose many of the so-called "UFO experts" as CIA agents dispering false information in order to cover up black operations being conducted by the U.S. government. He later believed that the documents speaking of "extra-terrestrial" were purposely leaked to him by agents in order to continue the misinformation to the public. His information and teachings are interesting and I believe we can all learn something more about the sinister workings of the Global Cabal in setting up a New World Order through his work. William Cooper was killed by shooting shortly after the 9/11 false flag attack. He predicted something in the nature of a false flag attack only a couple of months before 9/11.

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