January 5, 2011
Descriptions of the Pentagon’s very latest non-lethal weapon projects have been leaked online.
Publicintelligence.org recently published the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate’s ‘Non-Lethal Weapons Reference Book’, which includes devices in use and some that have been dreamed up for the future.
One of the fantasy weapon systems is a laser device fitted to a plane that can actually steer an enemy aircraft away from a restricted area – somehow.

Active Denial System: It causes intense burning sensations from beyond the range of small arms fire
It also details some projects that are being worked on right now, including the ‘Impulse Swimmer Gun’.
This fires ‘pulsed sound waves’ at scuba divers who have strayed into a restricted zone leaving them with ‘auditory impairment and/or nausea’.
Also on the drawing board is a weapon that blocks cars using high-powered microwaves.
Among the non-lethal weapons being used today that the leak details are Tasers, rubber bullets filled with pepper spray that disorientate rioters and ‘Acoustic Hailing Devices’ that leave targets with ‘auditory impairment’.

Plane crazy? The Pentagon wants to have the ability to steer enemy aircraft with laser beams

Making waves: This non-lethal weapon makes swimmers feel sick
There’s also the infamous Active Denial System or ADS prototype, which was cancelled in 2008 but deployed in Afghanistan two years later.
Classed as a ‘counter personnel’ weapon, this is used ‘to deny access into/out of an area to individuals’ by firing ‘an invisible electromagnetic millimetre-wave energy beam beyond small arms range’ from a jeep.
The effect it has on targets is a ‘heat sensation causing involuntary movement away from the beam’.
It’s rumoured that the Pentagon wants to build an airborne version of this weapon.
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