Topic started on 16-10-2011 @ 07:39 AM by rainychicaGot this from a portuguese-speaking friend's husband's facebook update 
"This is really interesting. Basically, the Portuguese military has come out and announced that if the people riot, they are on the side of the people, not the government. Also, when journalists asked the military if they planned to revolt, their only response was "Revolutions are not announced ahead of time."
The original Portuguese news article:

"This is really interesting. Basically, the Portuguese military has come out and announced that if the people riot, they are on the side of the people, not the government. Also, when journalists asked the military if they planned to revolt, their only response was "Revolutions are not announced ahead of time."
The original Portuguese news article:
The Google Translation in English of the same: avisam-governo-que-estao-com-a-populacao-contra-a-austeridade_129069.html
A relevant snippet from horrible English translation:
The military thus ensure that "serve the Portuguese people and not private institutions," and warns, "Let no one dare to think that the armed forces can be used in the repression of social upheaval that these measures may cause."
wow. how can you not love it (and the Portuguese)
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