Mark Matheny
October 21, 2011
It is apparent that Obama's Teleprompter is back in White House control, and just in time to deliver more New speak the the American people.
With the recent death of Libyan Leader Moanmar Gaddafi, The President took the opportunity to speak on the subject on the White House Lawn. For details in Gaddafi's death see this, and this,
In this article I will break down the actual speech of Barack Obama and attempt to separate the facts from the fantasy of Obama's Teleprompter, so let's get started.
Obama: "Today the government of Libya announced the death of Moanmar Gaddafi..."
So far He is telling the truth.
Obama: "This marks the end of a long and painful chapter for the people of Libya, who now have the opportunity to determine their own destiny in a new and democratic Libya. For four decades the Gaddafi Regime ruled the Libyan people with an iron fist...."
This is where the New speak begins. He starts by talking of the long and painful chapter of the Libyan people. Lets look at the misery and oppression that was being afflicted on the Libyan people by Gaddafi:
As you can see in this video, Gaddafi was not afraid to expose himself to his people. He was clearly respected by his people and cheered as he rode through the streets of Libya. Here are some of the "oppressive" things Gaddafi was putting on his people"
- Before the NATO invasion, Libya enjoyed the highest standard of living out of all the countries in Africa, even better than the living standards of Russia, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia.
- In Libya, homes are considered a human right...Newly weds receive $50,000 to purchase their own home.
- Electricity is provided to the people for free.
- Gaddafi once stated that he would vow a house to each Libyan even before his own parents!
- Before Gaddafi came to power, less than 1/5th of the Libyan people were Literate. Now education is free to the Libyan people and the current literacy rate is 83%.
- Healthcare is also free and of a high standard. If a Libyan cannot find the particular healthcare or education they need in Libya, then there is funding for them to go for it to a country overseas or outside of Libya.
- All loans are at 0% interest in Libya by law.
- If a Libyan buys a car, the government will pay 50% of the price.
- The price of gasoline is $0.14/
- Any Libyan desiring to be a farmer is given free use of land, a home, livestock, and equipment.
- On July 1st, 2011 nearly 2 million Libyans assembled in Green Square, Tripoli in defiance to the NATO bombing of Libya.. this represented about 95% of the population of Tripoli.... and about 1/3rd of the population of Libya.
- The Libyan Central Bank was state owned and not ran by the Rothschild Banks of Europe or the IMF.
- Gaddafi exercised what he called "Direct Democracy" written about in the "Green Book".
Obama: " Basic human rights were denied, innocent civilians were detained, beaten and killed..."
Here is video of some of the rights of Libyans being detained, beaten and killed:
Video 1- "detained"
Video 2 -" beaten"
Video 1- "detained"
Video 2 -" beaten"
Video 3- "killed"
Oh, I'm sorry. These are just a few of the thousands of instances of innocent civilians being detained, beaten and killed .... In America!
Let's not forget the fact that our President has not only had an American citizen assassinated without a trial in the killing of Anwar al-Alwaki, but worse than that, the White House has had a list of Americans targeted for assassination as far back as 2009!
Under the Obama administration, we still have secret renditions, torture, and indefinite detention!!
According to an article on, documents found recently in Tripoli show close ties to the CIA and Mi6 with torture squads in Libya. The article states in part:
British and American intelligence agencies maintained the closest ties with the Gaddafi regime and collaborated in the interrogation and torture of Islamist suspects that they had detained in other countries and “rendered” to Libya. Having relied on Gaddafi’s police state for their own purposes, Washington and London only turned on their former ally as a means of containing and countering revolutionary upheavals in the Middle East and North Africa and to obtain tighter control of Libyan oil by installing a client regime.The article also states that both the U.S. and Britain have refused to comment on the documents and further states:
Describing the extent of the documents, Time magazine wrote: “Among the documents found were rendition proposals, rendition schedules, a speech drafted for Gaddafi by MI6 about making the Middle East ‘a WMD-free zone’, lists of terrorist suspect interrogation questions requested by the CIA, wiretaps of foreign embassies, Libyan telephone numbers intercepted by and provided by the CIA to Libyan authorities, as well as transcripts of terrorism suspect interrogations.”It's really the height of hypocrisy when the King stands before his teleprompter speaking of the brutal regime of Gaddafi and the brutality he inflicted on the Libyan people while being a co-conspirator in torture!
This is not to say that Gaddafi was totally innocent. This is merely to point out the audacity of the current administration and the NATO partners in this illegal action backed by the criminal organisation of the United Nations!
Now back to Obama's speech.
Obama: " and Libya's wealth was squandered..."
In an interview on RT News, Pepe Escobar explained how most of Gaddafi's gold reserves were used to pay the forces loyal to Gaddafi in order to keep up a formidable resistance against the NATO forces:
"Gaddafi, since February, took truckloads of gold to the Southern desert, and this gold will be obviously distributed among the tribes and among the two Iraqs and among the further resistance."It's apparent that the Obama administration feels that the use of the wealth of Libya in it's pursuit of freedom in protecting itself from the aggressions of the Western powers and Al Qeada rebels under NATO orders, is a "squandering of the wealth". Probably because the intentions of our current administration was to confiscate the gold for themselves. Of course this probably would take place in a "legal" action of "freezing assets" and safe holding by some international bank like the IMF.
Obama: " The enormous potential of the Libyan people was held back,
This speech gets more pathetic by the minute!! Look at the potential of the American people that has been held back by the "squandering of wealth" here in the U.S. by this administration. Unemployment is currently at 9.1% going by the BLS, but the SGS Alternate unemployment rate shows actual unemployment at around 22%!
Trillions of dollars in bailouts have been squandered by the administration as well. According to a Business Insider article in 2009, the amount came to 23.7 trillion! That was two years ago. It is undoubtedly more than that since then.
The housing market is in shambles still, and the foreclosure count for this year is at 1,496,094.
Our national debt is at $14.8 trillion and growing by the second.
Food stamp recipients are at 45,976,667 people.
Obama: "And terror was used as a political weapon..."
Wow. It takes one to know one! Hmmm, let's see, The Lusitania sinking, The Gulf of Tonkin, the 9/11 attack, etc. Were these not incidents of terror used as a political weapon? The 9/11 attacks were used to justify a "War on Terror", and bring about the Patriot act for cryiing out loud! Remember the anthrax letters that went out to Daschle and Leahy? An article by Peter Dale Scott titled 'Continuity of Government' Planning: War, Terror and the Supplanting of the Constitution states:
We should not forget that the Patriot Act was only passed after lethal anthrax letters were mailed to two crucial Democratic Senators – Senators Daschle and Leahy – who had initially questioned the bill. After the anthrax letters, however, they withdrew their initial opposition.[17] Someone — we still do not know who – must have planned those anthrax letters well in advance. This is a fact most Americans do not want to think about.
The constant threat of terror was also used for the militarization of our law enforcement agencies. The threat of "domestic terror" is used to demonize the Tea Party movement, militias, patriot groups and opponents of the current Regime.
Don't forget the economic terror used by the White House to pass the $780 billion bailout in 2008:
Obama: "Today we can definitively say that the Gaddafi regime has come to an end, the last major regime strongholds have fallen. The new government is consolidating control over the country, and one of the world's longest serving dictators is no more..."
With the death of Gaddafi, and the overthrow of his regime it looks as though there will be a consolidation of control....but it may not be as simple as Obama lets on. According to Webster Tarpley, there may be a civil war brewing. The group called the "National Transitional Council" that has been appointed by NATO as the puppet rulers of Libya, are composed primarilly of three groups. One group he refers to as the "Gaddafi Renegades" and the second group as the "Gaddafi Re-treads". They were once loyal Ministers of Gaddafi but ultimately betrayed him. Then there is the dominate group of the Al Qeada fighters, and terrorists.
Then there is also the possibility of one of Gaddafi's successors taking his place, and so on.
Obama: One year ago, the notion of a free Libya seemed impossible, but then the Libyan people rose up and demanded their rights.."
The Libyan people seemed to have pretty decent rights from what I've seen. The real reason for the "revolution" and initial protests in Libya did not come from the Libyan people's discontent with their government, but the Western powers' discontent with Libya's growing independence and defiance of the UN, U.S., Britain, and the rejection of the IMF's control over Libya.
While there may certainly have been some discontent among citizens in Libya, it seems more plausible that the invasion, or excuse me, "kinetic action" was due to the fact that Gaddafi's intention to introduce the gold Dinar as trade in oil transactions in place of the plummeting U.S. dollar.
According to a Russian News article Предыдущая запись, Gaddafi called upon both the Arabian and African countries to stop the use of the dollar and Euro and to go to the Gold Dinar as their single currency. the article states:
Such initiative of Lybia was very negatively estimated by USA and European Union. According to the words of french president Nickola Sarkozi, "lybian people caused a threat for financial security of mankind". Numerous arguments drawn by them to the leader of the Libyan revolution gave no results: Ghaddafi still made steps that led to the creation of United Africa.This seems the most realistic reason behind the attack, as only weeks into the invasion, a central bank under the control of the IMF was established by the rebel forces! Incredible. Robert Wenzel wrote of this in the Economic Policy Journal:
I have never before heard of a central bank being created in just a matter of weeks out of a popular uprising. This suggests we have a bit more than a rag tag bunch of rebels running around and that there are some pretty sophisticated influences.Alex Newman wrote in the New American:
In a statement released last week, the rebels reported on the results of a meeting held on March 19. Among other things, the supposed rag-tag revolutionaries announced the "[d]esignation of the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and appointment of a Governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi."Obama: " And when Gaddafi's forces started going from city to city, town by town, to brutalize men women and children, the world refused to stand idly by. Faced with the potential of mass atrocities, and a call for help from the Libyan people, the United States, and our friends and allies stopped Gaddafi's forces in their tracks."
Of course the U.S. along with the United Nations and the other NATO allies were so concerned for the men, women, and children of Libya. But contrary to Obama's moving words, nothing could be more absurd. According to Digital, the bombing by NATO forces, and the atrocities being committed the NATO backed rebels are exactly the opposite of the NATO's supposed purpose of protecting civilians of Libya. The article states:
Nato has broken every rule in the book by bombing civilian targets, always in the name of protecting civilians. It has armed rebel fighters despite the arms embargo, and gone far beyond its remit of enforcing a no-fly zone. It stands blindly by as rebel troops commit atrocities against African blacks and Pro-Gaddafi loyalists, ignoring the pleas of U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to "exercise extreme caution in their actions, in order to minimize any further loss of civilian life."(Reuters)The speech then goes on to say in summary that a "democracy" will now be established in Libya, with the U.S. and NATO partners standing by Libya during the long and winding road ahead. Obama then goes on to thank the coalition forces and the Libyans etc. that helped in the elimination of Gaddafi and His regime.
NATO continues to deploy weapons whilst denying the true scale of civilian deaths.
Going further into the speech:
Obama: " The dark shadow of tyranny has been lifted, and with this enormous promise, the Libyan people have a great responsibility, to build an inclusive and tolerant and democratic Libya, that stands as the ultimate rebuke to Gaddafi's Dictatorship..."
And already, the desires of the Western powers to "democratize" Libya seem to be falling in place as reports of food, water, and electricity shortages plague Tripoli. In an article from VOC News dated August 28, 2011, it states:
Rebel fighters pushed increasingly leaderless regime gunmen to the outskirts of Tripoli on Saturday, as severe shortages of fuel, water and electricity paralyzed the battle-scarred capital and the stench of growing piles garbage filled the air. In a call to The Associated Press, the regime's spokesman said Gadhafi is still in Libya. The rebels, who now control most of Libya, said they are preparing for an assault on Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte, his last major bastion, if negotiations with tribal leaders there fail.Also according to the same article, fuel prices have skyrocketed:
Fuel prices have skyrocketed. In Tripoli, the cost of 20 liters (about 5 gallons) has jumped to about 120 dinars ($100) - 28 times the price before fighting broke.Yep, sounds like the administration's brand of democracy! The same democracy that was established in Iraq, with food, water, and electricity shortages, civil war and general misery - well done Obama!
Later in the Speech Obama talks about the revolutions taking place across the Arab world:
Obama:" For the region, today's events prove once more that the rule of an iron fist inevitably comes to an end, across the Arab world citizens have stood up to claim their rights. Youth are delivering a powerful rebuke to dictatorship. And those leaders who try to deny their human dignity will not succeed."
At this point of his speech I just want to rewrite it a little and give Obama a little taste of his own medicine.
"For the U.S., today's events (protests against The Fed, Wall Street, and the criminals in the White House with Obama's oppressive regime) prove that the rule of the iron fist inevitably comes to an end, across the United States citizens have stood up to claim their rights.Youth are delivering a powerful rebuke to dictatorship. And those White House Leaders who try to deny their human dignity will not succeed."
Anyway, at the end of the speech, Obama begins to thank all of the American troops who were involved in this action. He mentions the Pilots who flew the bombing runs, and the sailors offshore on the battleships, as well as those who lost their lives.
Obama:"...Our brave pilots have flown in Libya's skies, our sailors have provided support off Libya's shores. and our leadership at NATO has helped guide our coalition. Without putting a single U.S. service member on the ground we achieved our objectives..."
What he fails to mention is the hundreds of British coalition forces on the ground assisting the rebel forces. An article in the Daily Mail shows photos of the forces, and a caption below one of the photos stating such:
![]() |
Take cover: Rebel fighters protect themselves from a bombing raid. There are already hundreds of British troops helping these forces target Colonel Gaddafi loyalists |
Well, there you have it folks, in spite of Obama’s hollow promises of no boots on the ground in Libya, Pentagon spokesman Captain John Kirby finally confirmed that there are U.S. troops present in the still war-torn North African nation.Further into the article it shows that a spokesperson for the State Dept. had to cover for the fact that U.S. troops were indeed in Libya, but she claimed they were not involved in the actual fighting:
Allegedly there are only four troops present working under the auspices of the State Department to help in the reconstruction of the American Embassy to Libya.
The spokesperson for the Department of State, Victoria Nuland, claimed today that, “When the president made his commitment to ‘no boots on the ground’ … obviously that had to do with entering into the fray between the Qaddafi forces and the Libyan freedom fighters, and that’s not what these guys are engaged in,” according to Fox News.Yeah, right.
Obama then goes on with how great the power of the U.S. is, and how we're going to pull the troops out of Iraq, and how the NATO mission in Libya will soon come to an end and Blah, blah, blah.
It's just too bad they had to find his damned teleprompter.
We could have been spared the propaganda.....
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