Old-Thinker News
July 15, 2011
World Population Day was celebrated Monday July 11, as it has been every year since 1989. Propaganda spewed from the United Nations and other “green” organizations tell us that our carbon footprint needs to be reduced, we are having too many children, and our energy consumption needs to be cut in half.

Something must be done immediately to curb human population growth, we are told. We should all feel guilty for having more than one child. In reality a conscious and deliberate campaign to depopulate the world has been ongoing for at least a hundred years – and its working; So much so that Deutsche Bank issued a report in May of this year warning that the human population globally will no longer be replacing itself by the 2020′s. As the report states,
“In our view, the human race will no longer be replacing itself by the early 2020s. Population growth will continue for a few more decades because of momentum from the age structure and people living longer but, reproductively speaking, our species will no longer be growing. This will be one of the most important turning points in history.”In 2009 The Economist magazine also acknowledged the dramatic decline in global fertility.
Read the entire article/video
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