Steve Watson
June 14, 2011
A new scientific poll reveals that almost half of all New Yorkers would support a new investigation into the collapse of World Trade Center building 7, which fell at free fall speed into its own footprint on the afternoon of September 11, 2001, after suffering only relatively minor fire damage.
The poll, conducted at the end of last month by by the independent Siena Research Institute, found that 48 percent were in favor of the Manhattan District Attorney or New York City Council opening a new investigation into the collapse of WTC 7.
The survey was commissioned by “Remember Building 7”, a transparency group led by 9/11 family members, NYC Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN) and Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth).
The survey highlights the fact that almost ten years on there is still significant concern over the official explanation of events on 9/11.
The poll extended to 643 New Yorkers, including respondents in all of New York City’s five boroughs.
It also reveals that only 49% who were aware of Building 7′s collapse believe fires brought it down. 24% believe it was a controlled demolition, and 23% are unsure.
Moreover, the survey finds that 36% of all respondents are inclined to believe critics who argue against the government’s explanation that the collapse was caused by fires, while 40% are inclined to believe the government’s account, and 23% are unsure.
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