Press TV
May 12, 2011

Attorney Jeff Anderson stated that the lawsuit, filed on behalf of a woman whose son was molested by Father Daniel McCormack, is an attempt to "hold those most responsible for the global problem and the problem in this community to account in a way they have never been."
Announcing the suit at a news conference in Chicago, Anderson said he had sufficient evidence to hold Pope Benedict XVI and his predecessor, Pope John Paul II, accountable for enabling McCormack's long pattern of child sex abuse.
The lawsuit alleges the Vatican engaged in a criminal conspiracy to cover up the abuse McCormack perpetrated on the innocent boy.
The suit additionally alleges that the Vatican is preventing the release of documents by the Archdiocese of Chicago.
McCormack pleaded guilty in 2007 to sexually abusing five children and was sentenced to five years in prison. He's been accused of abusing more than 20 children.
In 2008, the Archdiocese of Chicago agreed to pay $12.6 million to 16 victims of sexual abuse by priests, including McCormack.
To win his case, Anderson must prove an exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, which limits the circumstances under which sovereign nations may be sued in U.S. courts, federal or state.
Jeffrey Lena, counsel to the Holy See in the U.S., has argued that U.S. courts can claim jurisdiction only if the foreign government - in this case, the Vatican - is directly responsible for inflicting harm.
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