Socialist HealthScare Imminent?

Mark Matheny

Here are some hi-lights on the Health care debate. Why there is a debate over this Unconstitutional issue in our Government is another issue.

The heat is on now for the Obama Administration to pass this Unconstitutional measure through, although at least 60% or more of the American people are vehemently opposed to it. In the 1st clip Joe Biden sits in the Middle East (The Abomination of Desolation sitting in the Holy Place?) as he feeds the garbage through the Media Slime Ball- Chris Mathews- "Shill Extraordinaire".

What they all will fail to tell you (except for Ron Paul) is that this is an unconstitutional takeover of our healthcare by the government! Call your Representatives now!!!!! (Who by the way, will not be covered by this Socialist Healthcare system!- Oh no, theirs is a much better form of coverage called " The Haves" Heathcare !) Guess who that leaves us as!   Right! "THE HAVE NOTS"!!!!

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