Letter to the Editor

Article By Robert Owens

To the Editor:

Our nation’s Constitution grants only a few powers to the federal government. These powers are enumerated in Article 1, Section 8. If the Constitution were fully enforced today, the federal government
would be 20 percent of its size and 20 percent of its cost. There wouldn’t be deficit spending that invites inflation and federal incometaxes could be abolished. As it stands, every single penny collected in income tax goes to China, David Rockefeller and the like - just for interest. Not a penny goes to the military, roads or to repay then early bankrupt social security “trust” fund.

When many citizens actually realize the strict limitations placed on
the federal government, there is often an ensuing misunderstanding as
to the proper role of government. Should not the government have a
role in education, energy and the like? Yes, but not the federal
government. Items such as education are forbidden to the federal
government but are in the domain of the state governments. Our
founding fathers understood this concept – called federalism – and
made it a cornerstone of good government. It should be noted that
this concept is borrowed directly from scripture, Exodus 18:13-27.

When our Constitution was drafted, Ben Franklin commented that the
document was only as good as the citizens that would enforce and
protect it, that otherwise it would be little more than what George W.
Bush would later call it, “A G.D. piece of paper.” Today, citizens
must not only understand what our government is supposed to be,
citizens must recognize the enemies of limited government and their

In “The Art of War” Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu explains that if you
know yourself and know your enemy, you need not fear the result of a
hundred battles. Having identified what our government is supposed to
be – a republic – let me identify the enemies of our republic. The
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the outstanding but not only
organization that actively seeks the destruction of the United States.

In 2002, David Rockefeller, Chairman Emeritus of the CFR, authored his
autobiography “Memoirs” wherein, on page 405, Mr. Rockefeller writes:
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the
best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me
as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world
to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -
one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am
proud of it."

CFR members include George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Condoleeza Rice,
John Kerry, Newt Gingrich, Ted Turner, George Soros, Rupert Murdoch,
Pastor Rick Warren, Dan Rather, Katie Couric and approximately 4,000
other high ranking officials in government, media, industry, academia
and religion. The vast majority of this group seeks individual glory
and gain with only a few fully versed in what Mr. Rockefeller calles a
“conspiracy.” A high-ranking FBI agent named Cleon Skousen wrote a
thorough exposé of the CFR in a book called “The Naked Capitalist”
available on amazon.com. Glenn Beck has heavily promoted Mr. Skousen
lately, and Skousen’s book “5000 Year Leap” has been a best seller on

There are free resources to fulfill Sun Tzu’s charge to know thyself
and know thy enemy. To understand what our government is supposed to
be, watch a short 30-minute video by going to youtube.com and
searching “Overview of America.” To understand the enemies of our
liberty, go to TheNewAmerican.com and search for “CFR”.

When you are ready to actually do something to defend our nation
against enemies foreign and domestic (we have far more to fear from
enemies domestic) join us at our monthly “Freedom Forum” held each
Thursday at 7:00pm at the Delaware Old Bag of Nails. Our next meeting
is Thursday, February 4. Our main speaker will be Beth Lear formerly
of the Buckeye Institute and past legislative aide to a State
Representative. Beth will explain exactly how legislation is made and
how the machine of government works in Columbus. This is a great
opportunity for home schooled children and adults alike. For more
information, check out www.meetup.com/centralohiojbs.

Robert M. Owens

Delaware County Chapter Leader of the John Birch Society

Delaware, Ohio


Robert M. Owens

Owens Law Office LPA

46 North Sandusky Street

Delaware, Ohio 43015

(740) 368-0008

(740) 368-0007 - Fax


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