International Holocaust Remembrance Day Marked By Netanyahu

The Post Chronicle
Published: Jan 27, 2010

Netanyahu marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day - The Jewish community must continue to fight anti-Semitism, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Monday.

Speaking in Jerusalem at Yad Vashem, Israel's official memorial to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust on the eve of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Netanyahu said, "There is an evil that can spread and threaten the security of Jews," The Jerusalem Post reported.

"We know that this just begins with Jews, and then continues on to the rest of the world," Netanyahu continued. "There are today new people who hate Jews, with new reasons for (wanting) the destruction of the Jewish state. This is our concern."

The prime minister referenced a Jewish Agency report released Sunday noting a rise in anti-Semitism and called for world powers to act quickly to stop the continuing spread of Holocaust denials.

"This is a test for humanity," the Post quoted Netanyahu as saying, "and we will see in the coming weeks how the international community

stops this evil before it spreads."

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