Total Implementation of Global Enslavement Within Two Years?

Mark Matheny
October 24, 2009
The Mayan Calendar ends on December 21, 2012. From this many gather that this is either the end of Humanity, or the start of cataclysmic events that culminate in Global Destruction. Whether these events will happen because of the Mayan calendar is not certain, but it certainly appears that the Elitists, who have been working toward a New World Order for decades, have now set in order the final stages of a Global nightmare Hell on earth to be fully implemented within two years from this time! 
Lindsey Williams, a minister who has insider knowledge from one of the Elite (an oil company CEO, who attends G 8, G20, Bilderberg meetings, etc), has been on the Alex Jones Show revealing the full agenda of the Power Elite. I reported on this on Oct. 19Th, (see my archives:Lindsey Williams) and layed out what Lindsey reported on. Here's a Brief recap:
1. Two year timeline
2. America will not be recognizable
3. McCain was to be Elite choice of President for 2008
4. After 2 yrs Americans will be so poor they will not be able to rebel.
5. Hyperinflation will kick in dramatically within the next 2 yrs.
6. Gold and Silver will be only reliable currency.
7. Federal Reserve Notes (Paper Fiat Money) will be 100% worthless by 2012.
8. War planned after 2 years in relation to Iran that will spread world-wide.
9. 2.5 trillion dollars given to Elite last 2 months of Bush administration to implement New World Order.
10. Pastors and churches (The Devil's Messiah- called by the Globalists) will help to implement the plan in America.
11. Elite group that run the world wanted McCain as president- upset with some of the things Obama is doing.
12.Last things to be implemented- Gun control- destruction of Media.
Lindsey Williams mentioned that much of these plans were discussed at the G 8, G 20, and Bilderberg meetings. This plan has been planned of course for hundreds of years, and involved several Groups such as The Round Table Groups in Europe, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The World Bank, The International Monetary Fund, The Federal Reserve, as well as Foundations, (Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, Ford Foundation,) and Secret Societies such as Skull and Bones, Bohemian Club, Illuminati, Freemasons, Jesuits, and the list goes on. The point of this is to prove that there is a systematic conspiring group that want to usher in world government. 
The economic crisis we are currently in was engineered purposely to crush the Independence of the United States. It is meant to crush the Patriotism in each American in the United States because the Globalists know the each American whose heart is focused on the Constitution's principles of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, will not give up that right, and will defend those rights to the end. Maurice Strong, General Secretary of the UN in the 1990's during the UNCED meetings in Rio de Genaro, stated that the richer countries of the world would first have to experience economics collapses in order to be pushed into world government. He understood that sovereign Free-market Nations that are prosperous would be unwilling to submit to Global Governance.
 The book, Corporatism:The Secret Government of the New World Order by Jeffrey Grupp, shows that money is the ultimate tool and weapon of the corporation. I say that this then can also be determined as the weapon of the Globalists as they are the corporation of world government. On page 97-98 he says of this:
" Money, in various forms (gold coins,cash, computer bookkeeping entries, etc.), is a primary weapon and an ultimate tool of the corporatists. It is what they use to shape culture, to move resources in specific ways, and to control people and their consciousness. It is most effective when it is relatively or severely scarce - or at least when it appears to be that way in the eyes of the RP [regular person]. If there is scarcity, people can be made to do anything for it, and that is powerful for the corporatists, who hold the capital (surplus money) of a nation. Money is also an all-powerful effective tool and weapon when people are fooled into believing that money is the most important thing in life, and that petty possessions are what create a person's happiness and status in culture.....
The critical issue involved in corporatist monopolization is to make the citizenry, and the entire world, dependant on the monopolized resources that the corporatists control, and then to  fabricate shortages or surpluses in order to control the people in desirable ways......"
According to Lindsey Williams' insider, the American people will become so poor within the next two years, that they will be unable to rebel against the tyranny that is coming. The result of the declining dollar will of course be inflation or hyper inflation, which will put the crushing blow upon the middle class the most. Nothing could make the globalists happier, however, because that's where a majority of the Patriotic movements reside. The globalists know that they have to crush the spirit of those who will resist the most. The poor, who are being supported by BIG BROTHER will most likely follow in line in order to maintain what little they have. The rich and super rich will more than likely either be in with these Globalists, and therefore safe, or will fall in line hoping to maintain their status. The middle class can be described in a Bible verse :
"Remove vanity and lies far from me, and give me neither poverty nor riches, (the middle class) but feed me with food prescribed for my portion; or I may be full and deny You, and say Wh0 is Yahweh(God)? Or I may be poor, and steal, and profane the Name of my God" Proverbs 30:8-9.
The point of this is to show that God has to be looked upon with disdain by the masses of us in the United States, and the bible must be destroyed because the Globalists know that the majority of the resistance they receive, comes from Bible believing patriotic citizens here in the U.S. Lindsey spoke of "the Devil's Messiah" and how pastors and churches are being infiltrated and used to break down the religious and moral fiber here in the U.S. just as they have done in Europe.
One of the things mentioned by Lindsey's informer was the fact that war will start after two years, and will involve Iran and Israel, and the middle East. In the scripture there is a similar scenario that will shed light on this subject, in my opinion.
In Revelation, there is a description of a Beast that rises up out of the sea (chapter 13:1-9)which I believe is the revived Roman Empire in the form of NATO, the UN, Western European Union etc.In Revelation 13:1-2 it is a conglomeration of three previous Empires that ruled before it; Babylon-(described as a lion;Daniel 7:4); Medo Persia-(described as a Bear;Daniel 7:5)and Greece-(described as a leopard;Daniel 7:6). 
This "Beast" will have ten horns(Revelation 13:1). Revelation 17:12-13 described these ten horns as 10 kings, "which have not yet received a kingdom; but receive authority as kings one hour (a period of time) with the Beast. These have ONE PURPOSE and they give their power and AUTHORITY to the Beast."
Who are these ten kings? Psalm 83, in my opinion, describes them, and the true agenda they have in finally establishing a New World Order.
" Do not be silent, O Yahweh! Do not hold Your peace, and do not be still oh God!
For behold, Your enemies cause a tumult, and Your haters lift up their head.
Against Your people they devise crafty plans, and CONSPIRE against those whom You mercifully protect, saying: Come, let us destroy them as a nation! Let the name of Israel be remembered no more!
Truly they consult together WITH A SINGLE MIND: they form an ALLIANCE against You: (Notice the next lines carefully)
The tents of (1) Edom and the (2) Ishmaelites, (3) Moab and the (4) Hagarites, (5) Gebal, (6) Ammon, (7) Amalek, and (8)Philistia with the inhabitants of (9) Tyre, (10) Assyria also has joined them, to lend their power to the descendents of Lot."
One thing that will be noticed right off is the fact that these are all middle eastern, Muslim nations. They will give their power to the UN -New World Order and fulfill the task of wiping out Israel in order to destroy all vestiges of the God of Israel from the earth. Who else will be involved? Does the UN have that kind of power and authority?
Well there is a second Beast mentioned in Revelation 13: 11-18, which I believe describes the United States. Observe;
"And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb,......"
I believe this describes our nation rising from a wilderness and coming into being, and what would be described as a two party system of Democrat-republican rule: both based on Christianity "a lamb" but they speak as a dragon. You can infer from that what you will.
"..and spoke as a dragon."  Since we know that both parties are ran by the power elite, this then is how they speak as a dragon. They carry out the agenda desired by the Elite in world control.
"And he exercised all the authority of the first Beast before him..." The United States architecture and laws are fundamentally Roman Law, and there fore in this way, America exercises the Authority of the first Beast (Europe), not to mention the fact that European banking families control the financial and therefore political interests and policies of the U.S.
An article in Foreign Affairs Magazine shows how America and Europe are linked as well:
A PLAN FOR EUROPE:HOW TO EXPAND NATO By Zbigniew Brzezinski  Jan/Feb 1995 
Where We Came From and Where It Leaves Us by Alain Pellerin
Despite the disappearance of the Soviet military threat, a continued US commitment to the security and stability of Europe remains important to the United States. As we have seen, the original United States commitment was not only about countering a Soviet threat. Had that been the case, NATO would, in fact, have lost its raison d'être. Economic links to Europe were and are still critically important to its commercial interests. source
Barack Obama has also sat as Chairman at the UN summit!
Obama to seal US-UN relationship

By Harvey Morris at the United Nations
Published: September 8 2009 19:59 | Last updated: September 8 2009 19:59
Barack Obama will cement the new co-operative relationship between the US and the United Nations this month when he becomes the first American president to chair its 15-member Security Council.
"...And he does great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.." The United States was the first Nation to drop the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, making "fire come from heaven on the earth in the sight of men" fulfilling Revelation13:13 as the second Beast (nation) who gives its power to the first beast (the revived Roman Empire-European Union)!
The intention of the Globalists in the near future is to take total control of the United States covertly through a treaty that will effectively destroy the sovereignty of our country in order to finally bring about a World Government.
"And he (U.S.) had power to give life (through treaties) to the image of the beast (UN), that the likeness of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship (obey or follow) the image of the Beast should be killed."
Once the final steps are implemented, all power will fall to the Global power of the UN, and will be enforced by the great power of the U.S. into a tyrannical Babylonish sytem that will then bring about genicide to 80% of the world's population! Control will be enforced through Agenda 21 with controled cities, and a massive Police Grid that will span the entire populated area of the U.S. which will fill only 25% of the entire landmass.
The North American Union, African Union, European Union, and the Asian Union will comprise the New World Order at that time. The world will then have a World Federal Reserve Bank and an International Criminal Court (both of which already exist.)
Dark days are ahead for the world, a time of horror and death that has never been experienced in the history of man. The bloody regimes of Lenin, Stalin, Polpot, Hitler, and others will not compare to the blood and terror that will befall humanity due to the establishment of this coming World Tyranny! If we do not mobilize as Free human beings to protect and defend our Constitution with our hearts and souls turning to the Almighty, we will certainly deserve what comes!!
Wake Up America!!!!!!
Mark Matheny.

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