A letter sent to Alex Jones


August 11TH, 2009

Mark Matheny

Alex Jones reads a letter sent to him from "John" of Tampa Bay California,(You know-home of the 'Terminator' who is terminating their economy). On the 4Th of July while passing out 240 Obama Deception videos, John was approached by a policeman who requested a copy of the video. You can watch the video portion above for the story.

I want every law enforcement officer, and all first responders to first know this: We thank you for your service!! We love you, and your protection! I also want to remind you of the oath you took,-to uphold and to protect the Constitution of the United States of America.I want you to know that your country right at this moment has real enemies within who not only are working to subvert and control America, but also have plans to use you to help their diabolical plans! If you doubt my words then get a copy of Alex Jones "police State" films and watch one (or several of his films). http://www.infowars.com/.

It is also time for American citizens to show their support for our First Responders, and Military by letting them know about the true agenda of Barack Obama and his Politburo!!!

If we want to stop this Corporate-Fascist-Socialist-Marxist-Elitist-Sadistic takeover, then we have to get off of our couches and become involved!The time to fear is over! If you are reading this then you are probably on the Statist List anyway! There are many things you can do to help defeat the New World Order.

#1. Stop drinking the koolaid from the Establishment Media! The mainstream Mafia-oops- Media is controlled by the Globalists (Rupert Murdoch and others) to keep you asleep to the fact that they are enslaving you!

#2. Find a group that knows the agenda of the New World Order, and join them so you can become educated. I suggest going to http://www.jbs.org/ and becoming a member- I am a proud member.Also go to http://www.infowars.com/ daily for the latest news(and http://werhit-mathenyahu.blogspot.com/ :)

#3. Don't be afraid to speak out and tell your friends and family! They will think you are loony at first, but as they start to awaken from the sleep, they will realize what you are saying is true!Apostle Paul said that when he first started preaching about Jesus-Yahshua, he did so in fear and trembling, not knowing anything but the death and resurrection of the Messiah. Don't worry if you don't know as much as some who have been studying and fighting for a while- we are in this to stop the New World Order- not to show how much we know. Mr. McManus(John Birch Society) was at a meeting speaking once(in Columbus Ohio), and at the end of the meeting he said that it wasn't enough to know that there was a conspiracy-because then you will just be the smartest one in the FEMA camp!

#4. (This should really be #1). PRAY!!!!! Ask the Almighty to help us in this epic moment in history. Repent and turn your life over to Him. Love your family and your neighbors.

#5. EVERYONE- Democrat and Republican and Independent etc. We all will have to face the consequences of this Tyrannical Order! They want to MURDER 80% of the world's population!!!!! Do you think you are exempt!! Do you think your butt doesn't stink? You will be on the extermination list just as soon as you have served their purpose!!! WAKE UP and smell the incinerators!!!! We have to break away from the Hegelian Dialectic- the left - right paradigm!

#6. Let's make it easy. You are either a Globalist or a Constitutional Sovereigntist (if there is such a word?-there is now!).Let's not get caught up in Double Speak and Statist Speech which is only used to either control, confuse or, scare the hell out of you! You are smarter than that! Quit letting them (the controlled scumbag media- and the Government-Yea those who are supposed to be your servants)-tell you that they know what's best for you!!!!




Sorry for the language but we have no more choice but to win!!!!

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinion of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness....

Declaration of Independence.

Mark Matheny

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