Where's Putin?

Mark Matheny
March  14, 2015

Rumors are circulating on Twitter and the Internet in general, that Putin has been missing for the last week or so.

One report says on twitter :
All employees of the Russian Embassy in London from the various officers and attaches the last few days have left the UK
I have not been able to confirm this information on any mainstream news sites, but many alternative news sites have posted this news:

There are more as well. There is nothing about this in the Guardian US edition, Neither is there any news in the London Guardian.

The other rumor is that Putin is missing or possibly dead. Another Twitter is that the flag above the Kremlin is gone, which has been flying for 14 years:
without the flag today... Below is what the Kremlin is normally like. The flag has flown 14 years.
One America News has reported on their network that Putin is working, and is not missing. Video was shown with putin at his desk discussing issues with another Russian official.

Here is another report of white trucks driving into the Red Square, and some kind of construction going on at the Kremlin:

Huge Announcement Due This Weekend As Unmarked White Trucks Flood Into Moscow’s Red Square Which Is Now Under Mysterious Construction As Putin Death Rumors Go Viral Across World:

Frantic Rumors are circulating all over the internet of the possible death of Russian president Vladimir Putin.  In a story now confirmed by the website Western Journalism, Russian media has been told to stay in town as a huge announcement will be coming this weekend that no one should miss. According to new reports of Vladimir Putin death rumors filling the internet and now mainstream media, we have just gotten access to pictures taken in Moscow a short time ago that seem to show something huge is going on as big white trucks are driven into the cityone by one, and construction is now taking place at Red Square as seen in the twitter images above and below.FULL REPORT 
Whether these rumors have any basis or not will soon be revealed I'm sure.

I will attempt to keep you posted on any further developments.....

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