Government Lies about Standoff with Cliven Bundy – It isn’t about the Tortoise, its About Fracking

Freedom Outpost
April 11, 2014

If the situation in Nevada is to escalate into bloodshed or even the next American Revolution, it is important to understand that these 200 armed federal agents are not in Nevada to save the tortoise.
The American people are not stupid. Our government cares nothing about the Desert Tortoise. There is no money in saving the turtles. However, like every foreign war in our history, if there is to be bloodshed there must be a cause of righteousness to justify it. Cliven Bundy doesn't have weapons of mass destruction, and he has not, to our knowledge, taken part in any terrorist activities.

But the land he is using does have something in common with Iraq and Afghanistan.
It is rich in resources.

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