Muslim Brotherhood Linked to Malik Obama and Obama Admin.

The New American
September 24, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood Linked to Malik Obama and Obama Admin.
President Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama (shown), may be added to Egypt’s terror watch list as a result of his alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Malik also serves as the executive secretary of the Dawa Organization, a group created by the government of Sudan, considered by the United States State Department to be a terrorist state. According to WND, Malik also served as the best man at Barack Obama’s wedding to Michelle in 1992.
Malik is currently being investigated by the Egyptian government for possible terrorist connections because of his role in the Islamic Dawa Organization (IDO), as well as IDO’s umbrella organization, the Muslim Brotherhood. The IDO’s mission is to spread Wahhabist Islam across Africa.
According to a news report from an Egyptian media source, provided by former PLO member Walid Shoebat, a complaint has been filed with the Egyptian Attorney General against Malik Obama:
Dr. Ahmed Nabil Ganzory, in his capacity as lawyer and agent for Dr. Sadik Rauf Obeid, and resident in the United States of America, filed a complaint with Egyptian Attorney General Hisham Barakat, against Malik Obama, accusing him of supporting terrorism in Egypt and for his involvement in managing the Islamic Dawa Organization (IDO). The complaint also asks to include Chancellor Tahani Al-Jebali to substantiate claims against Obama....
Complaint No. 1761 for the year 2013 reported to the Attorney General asked the Egyptian High Court to consider the suspicious activity of a group called the Islamic Dawa Organization, which is owned and managed by Malik Obama. This group is now being investigated by international bodies and the attached evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt that a close link exists between Malik Obama and some of the most notorious characters already wanted for their involvement in terrorism, as is consistent with the pictures and reports attached.
The complaint requests that Malik Obama, a resident of the United States, be summoned for questioning regarding his terrorist ties, and seeks permission to declare Malik a defendant outside Egypt diplomatically, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Malik has also been identified as an attendee at an IDO conference in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, which was also attended by Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir, a man wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.
Bashir’s regime gave Christians until March 1, 2012 to leave North Sudan, but many were stranded, leaving them as open targets for Muslims. Foreign missionaries have been deported under Bashir and churches have been bulldozed.
The complaint also references Tahani al-Gebali, former chancellor and current advisor to the Constitutional Court of Egypt, who levied accusations that Malik was linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. Gebali said that Malik was “one of the architects” of the investments made by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Gebali had also threatened to expose the Obama administration’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Gebali contends that the Obama administration supported the Morsi government even after Morsi welcomed the Muslim Brotherhood into the government.

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