CIA Insider Tells 911 truth.

Mark Matheny
September 11, 2013

On this Anniversary of the Tragic event of 9/11, we need to remember that a coverup in our own government has taken place and that the 9/11 Commision report is full of error and deception concerning the event.

Here is a CIA whistleblower who is willing to tell what really happened on that eventful day in 2001....

You Tube
The evidence has grown. It would be nearly impossible for "stock" Boeing 767s, to be flown by guys that could barely fly Cessna, so precisely over hundreds of miles from 30,000 feet.
Previous Flight Data Recorder data confirms, The Boeing 767 starts to come apart before 570MPH near sea level. Skilled, Multi-1000 hour 767 Pilots, have trouble replicating these flights, let alone the Pentagon, in state-of-the-art 757-767 flight simulators.
Latest: Check Out the "CIA Insider", and author, herself, Susan Lindauer. Also a writer for Veteran's Today, interviewed on RT News "Breaking the Set" with Abbey Martin, recently:

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