CISPA: The Biggest Data Grab in History

August Forecast & Review
April 24, 2013

Tech­noc­racy is Economics

Some people wonder why I write about Tech­noc­racy when the main focus of Find­ings & Fore­casts is the economy. Let me be clear about this: Tech­noc­racy is an eco­nomic system (with polit­ical and social over­tones) that is being increas­ingly imple­mented in the United States and around the world. It demands our atten­tion and scrutiny, espe­cially since there has been no public policy or eco­nomic debate what­so­ever. It cannot be debated if there is no iden­ti­fi­ca­tion or larger recognition.
Tech­noc­racy as an eco­nomic theory was for­mal­ized in the 1930′s by a group known as Tech­noc­racy, Inc. Founded by M. King Hub­bard (the Peak Oil Theory guy in the 1950′s) and Howard Scott (a pseudo-engineer and pro­moter), Tech­noc­racy was care­fully defined in a widely pub­lished work, Tech­noc­racy Study Course. Designed to be admin­is­trated by sci­en­tists, engi­neers and tech­ni­cians, Tech­noc­racy insisted that politi­cians were not capable of making good deci­sions about tech­nology they knew nothing about.
When Technocracy called for Roosevelt to be dictatorFranklin Delano Roo­sevelt was elected in 1933 on his “New Deal” plat­form, the only other likely plat­form would have been Tech­noc­racy. It was lucky for us that FDR rejected the utopian goals of Tech­noc­racy for a greatly watered down ver­sion in his so-called New Deal.
Henry Porter, author of Roo­sevelt and Tech­noc­racy in 1932, declared “Just as the Ref­or­ma­tion estab­lished Reli­gious Freedom, just as the Dec­la­ra­tion of Inde­pen­dence brought about our Polit­ical Freedom, Tech­noc­racy promises Eco­nomic Freedom.” [Fore­ward, iii]  Among other things, Porter pro­posed to abolish the gold stan­dard, sus­pend the stock exchanges, and nation­alize public util­i­ties, after which he concluded,
“And then, a national awak­ening which, overnight, may well be expected to herald the news to every corner of the nation of the inau­gu­ra­tion of the ‘new deal’ by FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT – DICTATOR. Drastic as these changes from the present order of things may be, they will serve their pur­pose if only to pave the way for the Eco­nomic Rev­o­lu­tion – and TECHNOCRACY.” [caps in original]
In this writer’s con­sid­ered opinion, Porter’s envi­sioned “Eco­nomic Rev­o­lu­tion” fore­shad­owed the Tri­lat­eral Commission’s self-imposed man­date to create a “New Inter­na­tional Eco­nomic Order” in 1973.  Tri­lat­eral co-founder Brzezinski’s sem­inal work, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Tech­netronic Era, was little more than a para­phrased ver­sion of 1930′s Technocracy.
If Tech­noc­racy is indeed asserting itself on today’s eco­nomic affairs, then it should become the hottest and most debated topic of the day – but it is not! That’s why this writer con­tinues to present evi­dence that shows it is not only asserting itself, but it is rapidly coming to dom­i­nate the entire glob­al­ized eco­nomic system.

H.R. 624 – Cyber Intel­li­gence Sharing and Pro­tec­tion Act (CISPA)

CISPA passed in the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives by a vote of 227 – 192 on April 17, and has now moved on to the Senate. The leg­is­la­tion was co-authored by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) and “Dutch” Rup­pers­berger (D-MD), and osten­sibly came from almost iden­tical leg­is­la­tion that was rejected in April 2012. There were 37 co-sponsors.

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