Gun Control

August Forecast & Review
January 30, 2013

The global elite has worked pri­marily through the left-wing polit­ical appa­ratus to remove guns from society. Con­sti­tu­tion­al­ists from the both the left (yes, there are some) and right tend to pro­vide the resis­tance to such efforts because the Second Amend­ment is a key part of the U.S. Constitution.
The gun con­trol lobby appears always ready to launch for­ward when­ever a gun-related crisis hits, such as was the case with the Sandy Hook school shooting. Their strategy is under­stand­able because without an emo­tional event, the Amer­ican public quickly repu­di­ates any attempt to degrade the Second Amendment.
In this post-Sandy Hook attack on gun own­er­ship, the person leading the leg­isla­tive attack against gun own­er­ship is ultra-liberal Sen­ator Dianne Fein­stein (D-CA). Notably, Fein­stein is also a member of the elite Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion! Another Tri­lat­eral member, Sen. John D. “Jay” Rock­e­feller (D-WV), is a co-sponsor on the bill.
Since the Sandy Hook shooting on December 14, 2012 and the intro­duc­tion of Feinstein’s leg­is­la­tion on Jan­uary 24, 2013, a mas­sive media cam­paign was launched against firearms, and par­tic­u­larly against  “assault rifles.” In fact, almost 100 per­cent of the “public discussion” – carefully orches­trated by major media – has focused directly on military-style rifles such as the M-4 and AR-15. Demands have ranged from an out­right ban on such rifles, to lim­iting the mag­a­zine capacity to 5 or 10 rounds.
The manic irra­tionality over assault rifles has led to a mass decep­tion that such a rifle was used to kill  20 inno­cent chil­dren at the Sandy Hook school. In fact, the shooter had stolen such a rifle from his mother, but left it in the trunk of the car that he drove to the school. It was not taken out of the trunk until police offi­cers did so after the inci­dent. It had not been recently fired. It was not used in the shootings.
The fol­lowing clip shows that all the major news ser­vices ini­tially reported that the shooter used only hand­guns and that the Bush­master rifle was dis­cov­ered – unused – in the trunk of his car.

Read the entire article

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