Senator: Supreme Court would allow ‘an all powerful government’ by upholding Obamacare

Daily CallerWednesday, March 28, 2012
Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl of Arizona told The Daily Caller that the Supreme Court would be allowing an “all powerful government” over the people if it upholds the individual mandate in the health care law. Kyl said the court must “draw a line” in terms of whether or not the federal government can force individuals to purchase a good or service.

“I don’t think anybody can confidently predict how the court is likely to rule and so comments at this point are a little bit premature I would say,” Sen. Kyl told TheDC on Capitol Hill Monday.
“I think there is a very strong argument for it [the individual mandate] being unconstitutional and I think if the court doesn’t draw that line to say that we’re not sure exactly where the line is but this clearly would be over the line in terms of beyond the necessary and proper role of Congress than I don’t see where they ever would draw a line.”

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