Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones
August 6, 2011
Associated Press sources are reporting a statistically impossible tragedy for U.S. forces in Afghanistan– that of the 38 NATO forces killed in a helicopter crash Friday night, “more than 20″ were members of SEAL Team 6, the covert unit that took credit for killing Osama bin Laden in May.
Mainstream sources are seizing upon claims that the
Taliban took credit for downing the helicopter, but that means nothing. Media instantly ran reports that
al Qaeda was responsible for the bombing & shootings in Norway; moreover, anyone on a message board can make such claims.
Instead, Alex Jones predicted shortly after the raid on bin Laden’s compound that SEALs would soon be reported dead in a helicopter crash or staged incident following multiple reports from military sources who’ve proved accurate in the past, including on-air callers, that SEALs did indeed die during the raid. Official stories admitted
after-the-fact that a helicopter went down during the mission, but claimed there were no deaths of U.S. forces.
Below is Alex’s report on the breaking news of SEAL Team 6′s official demise:
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