April 6, 2011

Congressman Ron Paul, icon to liberty lovers the world over, sent a stark message this week to ruling elite “internationalists” attempting to expand globalism via the Western military industrial complex – you will fail.
Speaking on the nationally syndicated Alex Jones Show, Paul expressed his concern that a deeply malign form of globalism is being promoted and expanded on the back of international crises, namely the political upheaval in the middle east and north Africa, coupled with ongoing financial meltdown.
“The new world order people see it as an opportunity to move one step forward.” Paul stated, alluding to an infamous description of the current US led international coalition of powers.
“Bush senior bragged about that, remember he didn’t want to go to Congress, he came and got a token approval in 1990/91 for the Persian Gulf war, but he got his orders from the UN, he didn’t need to go to Congress… That was the first time I heard a president use the words ‘new world order’, anyone who used that had to be a conspiracy nut, but Bush was saying this is what we need to do for the ‘new world order’.” Paul explained.
“They go to war under NATO and the UN, not by the Congress,” Paul added. “But ultimately the big one is to control the money, so they are making their plans to have a world wide fiat currency through the IMF/World Bank operations.”
As reported in the Financial Times and elsewhere recently, the IMF strongly advocates the eventual introduction of a global currency, called the “bancor”, based on its own synthetic paper currency special drawing rights (SDRs), claiming it would “stabilise” the international monetary system.
“The new world order is certainly looking at this monetary crisis, we want the Constitution, sound money, gold and silver, but at the same time the internationalists are planning for their international fiat currency.” Congressman Paul stated.
Read the entire article
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