March 21, 2011
Is it possible that the radiation released from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is intended to sicken and harm the populations of Japan, Hawaii and the United States? There is evidence that suggests that the disaster fits neatly into the globalists’ well-documented plan to significantly reduce the world’s population.

The Fukushima Nuclear Crisis
After experiencing a devastating earthquake, resulting tsunami and leaking nuclear reactors, the Japanese government’s priority is not in saving lives and rebuilding Japan’s infrastructure, but rather saving a financial asset of Tokyo Electric Power Company (the nuclear facility) at the expense of the health and safety of the entire Northern Hemisphere. It has been over a week since Fukushima Reactor 3 exploded releasing deadly radiation. Reactor 4 is known to be leaking as well.
Nonetheless, the Japanese government still has not covered the reactors with concrete and sand to stop the radiation leak, as was eventually done at Chernobyl. The leaking reactors could have been covered and sealed in a matter of days if not hours using aircraft to drop tons of sand and concrete around the clock. Instead, Japan continues the risky venting of radioactive gas to relieve a new spike in pressure in its troubled nuclear reactors.
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