Declassified NZ Defence Force Reports Reveal Chemtrail Linked To Outbreak Of Illnesses

Clare Swinney
Jan 3, 2011
Among a recently-released assortment of declassified reports of sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) from New Zealand, dating from 1952-2009, were letters written in 1999 and 2000 by a concerned citizen, who predicted that an outbreak of illnesses would occur after an “aircraft contrail,”  otherwise known as a ‘chemtrail’, was seen over a populated area.

Chemtrails, which are also commonly referred to as aerosols, differ from aircraft vapour trails in that they often linger in the sky for hours and can be seen in grid-like patterns, in parallel lines (see above) or forming ‘X’s  in the sky.

While seeing a chemtrail does not constitute proof that the illnesses were caused by it, it is worth examining the issue, given all the evidence which shows that chemtrails are making people sick, and in light of what is known about their composition.

Evidence collected for over a decade reveals that chemtrails are used for at least seven functions, including weather control and military applications, and are comprised of a wide variety of harmful ingredients.  They commonly include aluminium and barium, which are toxic to both humans and to the environment.   They may include radioactive thorium, desiccated red blood cells, dangerous pathogens, including Mycoplasma Fermentens Incognitus,  plus mold spores, ethylene dibromide, and self-replicating nanotubes that cause Morgellon’s disease, which according to researcher Clifford Carnicom’s findings, now contaminate virtually everyone.

Read the entire report

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