Mark Matheny
On 6/04/10 President Obama confidently spoke in a press conference after the release of the BLS employment report saying " the ecomomy is getting better every day". However, from the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, to the increasing Wallstreet and Government corruption, endless bailouts, and the ever-printing Federal Reserve Note in our present time, it seems Uncle Sam's "Recovery" is starting to look more like a "relapse" back into what will be worse than the initial recession we've recently experienced (and still are experiencing). Take for example that:
In 1913, our Gross Domestic Product was at $39.1 Billion, while our Gross Public (Fed) Debt as a percentage of GDP was at 7.49%.[1] (Our National Debt being at $ 2,916,204,913.66 - or just under 3 Billion.) [2] This was the year that the Federal reserve was established in order to "stablize the banking system":
"It sprang from the panic of 1907,with its alarming epidemic of bank failures: the country was fed up once and for all with the anarchy of unstable private banking" [3]
But that's just what the establishment Bankers of the day had us believing in order to create what is known as the Federal Reserve today. The real reason (in a nut shell) is so the banking Cartels can essentially print money, lending it to the Treasury at interest, all while making risky investments with the Wall Street Gangs, and having the American citizen fit the bill for any failures that might (will) take place along the road.
(This is extremely simplified, but gives you the idea.)
When the FDIC guarentees that every insurance deposit will be paid regardless of the financial condition of the bank, this gives the Banksters a "license" to make risky investments and to lend out credit at amounts several times that of real assets on hand. These expenses are then passed on to us in higher service fees, and if the bank becomes insolvent (due to fraud usually), then Uncle Sam gives the banksters a bailout! ('Bail' being the focus - as in a criminal that gets 'bailed' out after being caught in a crime). And of course "We The People" are the national pocketbook from which Uncle Sam (the government) pilfrages to pay the banksters for their "economic troubles" which is blamed on out of control capitalism.
But wait! Wasn't the Federal Reserve established the keep us safe from the "anarchy of unstable private banking"? That's what the government, Wall Street, and the Fed themselves would have us to so blindly believe, however
Even the most naive student must sense a grave contradiction between this cherished view and the [Federal Reverve] System's actual performance. Since its inception, it has presided over the crashes of 1921 and 1929; the Great Depression of '29 to '39; recessions in '53, '57, '69, '75, and '81; a stock market "Black Monday" in '87; and a 1000% inflation which has destroyed 90% of the dollar's purchasing power." [4]
Now in 2010, our Gross Domestic Product is at $14623.9 Trillion, while our Gross Public (Fed) Debt as a percentage of GDP is at *94.27% ! [5] (Our National Debt being at $ 13,057,170,899,201 - or just over 13 trillion.) [6]
And yet with these alarming stats, Washington keeps spending, thinking that somehow it will fix everything. I think Uncle Sam's sober years of fiscal responsibility have relapsed into a wild binge of intoxicating debt-only this time I'm afraid there will not be any remedy for what ails him.
1. http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/federal_debt_chart.html
2. http://seekingalpha.com/instablog/239719-james-quinn/18242-national-debt-by-year
3. Paul A. Samuelson, Economics,8th Ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill,1970),p.272.
4."The Creature From Jekyl Island"By G. Edward Griffin, Pg 20.
* budgeted estimate in US fy11 budget.
"Obama's 2011 budget will include phantom cap-and-trade revenue" WashingtonExaminer:
6. http://www.blogger.com/goog_28194295
Mark Matheny is Administrator and editor of SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!!!. He is a Veteran and has worked as an Operation Manager in Private security covering both private and government contracts. He is proficient in several forms of martial arts, including Aikido, Karate and Kungfu. He currently works in management for a major super retail company. He is married with 6 children and 1 nephew, and enjoys reading the Bible and studying biblical prophecy.
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