By Amanda Doherty
November 30, 2010

“The Government has steadfastly refused even to issue widespread warnings to the public about the dangers of a product that became a popular insulation in the 1940’s and continued to be installed in U.S. homes through the 1990’s. The tale of this confirmed killer includes political intrigue, White House intervention, industry meddling and failure of three Environmental Agency administrators to act on their promises” (Schneider, 2010).
Children are usually more prone to getting the asbestos-contaminated dust into their lungs. because they spend their time playing on the floor with ornaments toys, and other non play items that has come from the attic. The exposure is usually the highest around the holiday season, because of the decorations sitting and collecting the dust year round.
“70 percent of the worlds Vermiculite have come from the Grace Mine about six miles from Libby Montana. Geologists say almost all of it has been heavily contaminated with an exceptionally virulent type of cancer-causing asbestos” (Schneider, 2010).
There is a tremendous amount of information the government has kept from the citizens that is harmful to everyone. Most likely the information has not been leaked out by anyone linked to the government due to the fact they may be afraid to notify the public of the situation. As long as the public is unaware, the government can continue keep it a secret.
Many of the colleagues from the Environment Protection agency (EPA) have worked closely with victims of Vermiculite and their survivors. The EPA and other Governmental Scientists collected more evidence than they wanted showing that exposure to the asbestos in the insulation can trigger a 20 year or longer path to eventual disease and death for those who disturb and then breathe in the cancer-causing fibers” (Schneider, 2010).
If you may think zonolite or any other vermiculite insulation maybe in your home or business leave it alone. Scientist say as long it is completely undisturbed and is not releasing fibers in to the air it is not harmful. However the slightest disruption will send a cloud of invisible asbestos into the air and, some authorities say the inhalation of a single fiber from the mines in Libby Montana, can fester into cancer (Schneider, 2010).
This is just another killer among many others that the government does not want us to know about!
Schneider. A, (2010). Government Refuses to Act on Cancer Causing Insulation. Retrieved November 30, 2010 from
Zonolite Insulation and Asbestos living Diseases, (n.d). Retrieved November 30, 2010 from
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